When they got to the market, the two called Yan Mao.

As a result, Yan Mao couldn't call for a long time and didn't answer.

"Maybe it's busy, let's find a place to sit for a while! Wait for him to call back."

Xie Yunyun nodded, and the two looked around and quickly found a milk tea shop and sat down.

However, neither of them were interested in chatting. After all, the environment was so noisy that they couldn't chat at all, so they just played with their mobile phones.

Cao Yunjing was playing seriously, but Xie Yunyun was quickly attracted by the people coming and going around him.

Because he has lived in the city for a long time, and his material life is also very rich, coming to the market in Xin'an Township has a particularly strong impact on Xie Yunyun.

In this kind of rural market, you can see all kinds of people working hard to make a living.

For the first time, Xie Yunyun saw many old people carrying baskets to sell vegetables, and also saw many women carrying children shouting and selling there.

And most of the people here are not well-dressed, and there are even poor people who are ragged and don't seem to live well.

Especially when Xie Yunyun saw the eager eyes of many children when they passed by the milk tea shop, he felt that his mood became quite complicated for a while.

It was the mother and son who touched Xie Yunyun the most.

The mother was carrying a basket on her back and dressed very plainly. She was holding a three- or four-year-old boy in her hands. When passing the milk tea shop, the boy pointed to the fried chicken on the sign and cried.

The mother really had no choice, and took out a wad of money from the bag.

Xie Yunyun was right next to him. The stack of money was full of 10 cents, 50 cents, and the largest denomination was only 5 yuan. He patched it up and took out 15 yuan to buy a piece of fried chicken for the child and left.

I don't know what the sympathy is overflowing or what. Xie Yunyun felt very sad when he saw this scene.

Especially seeing a lot of such people in this market, Xie Yunyun's eyes were a little red for a while.

On the other hand, Cao Yunjing, who was opposite, was stunned.

"Hey? Xie Yunyun, what's wrong with you?"

"No, it's fine."

Xie Yunyun waved his hand and just took out a piece of paper and wiped the corner of his eyes.

Cao Yunjing suddenly looked puzzled, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

Xie Yunyun whispered, "I see a lot of people looking so pitiful, and I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart."

When Cao Yunjing heard this, he couldn't help but cry.

Sympathy is just overflowing, and it doesn't take it seriously.

But having said that, it is an exaggeration to feel the changes of the seventh class in order to truly be in the seventh class.

If this was changed before, Xie Yunyun would never have such a mentality, and he might even look at these people with disgust.

But after staying with Lao Chen for so long, many things have been subtly changed.

Upon seeing this, Cao Yunjing quickly said that this kind of sympathy does not make much sense, because you can help one, but you can't help a group, and you can't help everyone. will have a good time.

Anyway, what Old Chen Tiantian said, he used it.

Xie Yunyun snorted, and didn't say much, he pondered there.

Cao Yunjing didn't ask any more questions. Not long after, Yan Mao finally called, saying that he was really sorry that he was too busy just now and didn't answer the call.

After a while, the seven groups finally met.

But when Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun saw Yan Mao coming, they almost brought their family along.

This Yan Mao was holding Lin Zidong in his left hand, Lin Qingyuan in his right hand, and Lin Yuyan behind him.

Seeing this posture, Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun were both stunned.

Yan Mao first introduced each other, and then quickly explained to Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun.

Don't get me wrong, I'm just friends taking care of each other!

Then I talked about Lin Yuyan's family situation and psychological situation. I'm here to take care of people.

When Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun heard Lin Yuyan's situation, they were not happy for a while.

Really miserable people.

However, in view of Lin Yuyan's complicated situation, there was nothing strange on their faces, and they greeted each other warmly.

Then Yan Mao let Lin Yuyan and the others sit and rest for a while, and then led Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun to wander around the market.

Not to mention, Yan Mao is really experienced.

With just a glance, Yan Mao could tell whether the chicken was good or not, whether it was a local chicken or a feed chicken.

Cao Yunjing felt great.

He may not be able to distinguish some of them. If there are too many people around, I am afraid I have to go over and ask whether the chicken is local or feed.

After all, this Yan Mao really had the experience to eat, coupled with his powerful knife skills and personally ruined countless chickens, his eyes were sharp.

It can be said that when he glanced over, the chicken was basically in an anatomical state and could see clearly.

"chicken? ? ? 》

It took a lot of time to walk around. After all, I came here to do research, and naturally I had to record it, so I had to ask more questions.

"Oh, by the way, Lin Yuyan's village has a local chicken farm for poverty alleviation!" Yan Mao suddenly said, "These farmers are free-range because everyone's breeding methods are different, and there are very few large-scale ones. If you want to open a farm, the situation will definitely be different. I think you can go to that farm and have a look. I am buying chicken directly there. The chicken they raise at home still tastes good. Not tired."

Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun accepted Yan Mao's proposal, so they simply followed Yan Mao, Lin Yuyan and others back to the village.

This time I was riding a three-wheeled motorcycle on the way to the village, but the scenery and people along the way made Xie Yunyun's mood more complicated.

This Xie Yunyun's expression was not quite right, Yan Mao was puzzled, but Cao Yunjing beside him said that he didn't need to care, it was just that the eldest lady was overflowing with sympathy.

Not long after he arrived in the village, Yan Mao let Lin Yuyan and the others go home first, and led them to the native chicken farm by himself.

The owner of the native chicken farm is not very familiar with Yan Mao. After all, Yan Mao will come to buy chickens every two or three days. Naturally, he is very familiar.

This Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun listened to the boss's introduction.

The boss is also taught by the technical staff of poverty alleviation, but he did not hide it.

It was time for dinner in a blink of an eye, and Yan Maocai led Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun back to Lin Yuyan's house to cook, and bought one so they could taste it.

A friend comes from afar, kill a chicken first.

When they arrived at the door of Lin Yuyan's house, they saw Lin Qingyuan sitting there again reading a book.

Yan Mao narrowed his eyes a little, and quickly greeted Lin Qingyuan.

"Qingyuan, I'm going to cook! If there is anything you don't understand, just ask these two big brothers and sisters! They are both very good at reading!"

"Well, I see."

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