The vocational high school competition organized by Luo Hao directly involved the entire vocational high school.

In the past, it was said that there was no quiz at the root of job pressure.

The most important thing is that if you come here to learn technology, you will be targeted.

What a roll! ?

Just screw it up.

But since Luo Hao came to vocational high school, the situation has changed.

This Luo Hao came to vocational high school to do three things!

Study, study, or fucking study!

How rotten the front is, and how many rolls are needed now.

And it rolls pretty hard.

Not to mention anything else, just take the previous professional assessment as an example.

The third class of mechanical and electrical is like a bloody chicken. Every day I read and see the school lights out, and when I go back to the dormitory, I turn on the lights and read at night.

In order to pass Luo Hao's assessment, everyone has a set of toolboxes. Even after the lights are turned off, they practice their skills in the dormitory desperately. They even draw pictures with cardboard, and then practice soldering skills with two chopsticks. Put something on the chopsticks to train your hands to be steady.

No way to roll it!

Luo Hao and Yang Xinran are in the third class of mechanical and electrical, and if they fail the professional assessment, the consequences will be much more serious than other classes.

The strong desire to survive made the third class of electromechanical burst out endless enthusiasm.

Even when going to the toilet at night, there are still people hiding and studying in the toilet, relying on the sound-activated lights of the toilet.

The third class of the other mechanical and electrical classes looked like they were dying, staying up until more than three o'clock in the morning before going to bed, how dare they not fight!

As a result, as soon as the evening self-study was over, almost the entire vocational high school students either continued to read and study in the classroom, or went to the cafeteria, and when they were eating, they kept their books in their hands, watching and eating.

When others see it, yes, you can't do it if you don't roll it.

At that time, you will read all the books, and you will not read them yourself, but if Luo Hao sees them, you will not be finished! ?

The aunts who gave the canteen to the vocational high school were all stunned.

what's wrong? what's wrong?

Why are you all reading the book?

Some canteen aunts have worked in vocational high schools for more than ten years, and this is the first time they have seen such a scene.

At a glance, the people queuing up for dinner were reading books.

Those queuing up to make soup are reading books.

Even after eating from the plate, I still read a book.

I couldn't even see a few people chatting there, all of them were studying there with their books in their hands.

When many canteen staff saw this scene, they only felt in a trance.

For a moment, they felt as if they were not in a vocational high school, but came to a certain key high school.

Not only the staff in the cafeteria were dumbfounded, but even the logistics department, which was in charge of cleaning, was dumbfounded.

This weekend, in the garden, by the small lake, and on the grass are all students from vocational high schools, and they are all watching with books. The most outrageous thing is that there are a bunch of people gathered together to play teaching videos on the tablet. , a bunch of people desperately taking notes.

The entire high school is rolled up.

When it comes to the tournament, it's a different story.

Because the competition is different from professional assessment, it is more about vocational skills, not theory.

Therefore, all the practical classrooms of vocational high school are overcrowded on weekends.

On weekdays, each class takes turns to take classes, but this time it is good. Three classes are directly squeezed into one classroom, and about ten people can be assigned to one machine.

If there is no teacher, find the one with the best practical skills to teach quickly.

After all, there are many people here who have done practical exercises, but not the theory, so they failed the assessment. Now that there is a purely practical competition such as the Martial Arts Tournament, it is natural to quickly remedy it.

Of course, the reason why the enthusiasm is so exaggerated, there is another key factor is that Luo Hao really started.

A boy in the second class of auto repairs, his professional assessment scores were the last in the whole major, both in theory and practical, and he disappeared on the same day.

As a result, that night, everyone heard very shrill screams from the 326 dormitory.

The sound was not ordinary miserable.

It wasn't until three days later that the students from the second class of auto repair appeared.

I heard that when people returned to the dormitory, their clothes were all torn and tattered, and there were all kinds of marks on their bodies. Even the wrists of both hands were blood red. It was obviously a feeling of being hung up. The whole person was pale and dying. of.

There was also Luo Hao who came back at that time. I heard that Luo Hao was smiling and happy when he sent people back.

That afternoon, the person was sent directly to the hospital for treatment.

I even heard that the missing boy had a mental problem.

After hearing this, all the students in the vocational high school were so frightened that their scalps were numb. They knew that Luo Hao was not a good stalker. How could he think that he would actually do it, and he would even laugh at people who did this! ?

Many people imagined that picture, and only felt that the hair was standing on end.

But the most terrifying thing is that the whole thing is very calm, even the school is silent, as if nothing has happened.

It can be seen that this matter was definitely suppressed by Luo Hao.

Of course, not many people really know the inside story of the whole thing. Luo Hao did laugh when he sent the person back, but it was just an accidental laugh.

Luo Hao just made a trick to kill the chicken and warn the monkeys.

The student from the second class of auto repair was also specially recruited by him to cooperate, but this guy's acting skills are really bad. When he learns to scream, he learns to kill a pig, which is ugly.

As for the injuries on his body, they were all fake, Luo Hao specially hired a makeup artist to paint them.

After all, in order for vocational high school people not to dare to be sloppy, they must be made aware of the consequences of swaying.

Anyway, the performance of this set was really good, but Luo Hao was still a little unsatisfied with the results.

But after thinking about it carefully, some people may not be able to learn the theory, but the practical class is really good.


When Luo Hao first came, he really didn't study very well in theory, but he learned well in practice.

This is also one of the reasons why Luo Hao organized the martial arts competition.

Of course, this competition even has the biggest prize, which is the ring competition.

And the first champion is Luo Hao.

Students of any major in vocational high school are welcome to come and challenge. As long as your points can reach more than 100 points, you can directly challenge Luo Hao. Once you win, you will directly become the champion of the current major and enjoy a lot of privileges.

Including but not limited to all-you-can-eat restaurants on Fuxing Road, free!

All kinds of entertainment facilities on Fuxing Road are free to play!

Of course, in addition to the leader, there are other types of people who can enjoy this treatment.

That is the elite group organized by Luo Hao himself.

Luo Hao encourages and supports any student in vocational high school to invent and create. As long as I find it interesting, I can enter the elite group and enjoy these privileges!

Anyway, after all kinds of measures were put in place, the entire vocational high school was rolled up.

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