At this moment, Zheng Dafang and others just drove a truck to the market.

Because after all, it was the first batch of chickens raised by Yunyun Farm. They were not large in scale and not many in number, only more than 200 chickens.

Moreover, Cao Yunjing also left a group of relatively good chickens, ready to hatch and breed.

Of course, this matter must have sought Xie Yunyun's opinion.

Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun naturally wanted to take a look at these first batches, but they had to go to class this morning, and it was not easy to ask for leave, so they would come over at noon.

Right now, the shipment is left to Zheng Dafang and other employees.

After solving problems such as booths and coordinating with the city management, everyone found a spot on the roadside of the market, parked the car, and set up a tent, and then began to shout.

The employees of Yunyun Farm are naturally full of energy.

The reason is also very simple. They feel that Yunyun Farm is definitely going to make a big deal.

Under Cao Yunjing's scientific management, the first batch of chickens to be released is quite remarkable.

Last night, everyone killed one to try it out, and also caught a big one.

At first glance, the chicken was very bloated, just like the broiler chickens in the farm. It was raised fat and fat, but when you really grabbed it in your hand, you would find that it was not fat at all but too strong!

This chicken is very thick and strong, about twice the size of the average turkey.

Look again when you're done pulling the hair out.


Looking at the shape of this chicken, it feels as if this chicken came out of the gym!

Everyone hurriedly stewed and ate it. This taste was even more amazing.

This meat is quite delicious, especially tender, and the taste is almost no different from that of turkey.

And this feed is also exquisite, specially formulated.

Xie Yunyun still came up with some results. After a trip to the native chicken farm in Xin'an Township, he followed Cao Yunjing to study new feeds, and then studied various ratios.

And Cao Yunjing will feed back this information again. After such a period of tossing, he finally got the new feed.

And that's why this month's flow of water is so big. It costs a lot of money just to study the feed.

According to Cao Yunjing's feedback, the money was spent on a knife's edge.

After all, Yunyun Farm also has its own shares, so Cao Yunjing must have to help.

Under the strong alliance, the effect of the first batch of chickens was not bad.

But not too satisfied.

Of course there is still a lot of room for improvement.

But these are things to be studied in the future.

After school was over at noon, Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun hurriedly headed to the market. Both of them wanted to see how the first batch of chickens sold out.

However, when they got to the place, the two saw that there was no one near the booth set up by Zheng Dafang and others.

The two couldn't help but look at each other and hurried over to take a look.

Zheng Dafang saw the two coming, and his face was full of smiles.

The reason why there are not even people is because the chickens are all sold out and they are sold out.

A group of employees were exhausted after a busy morning, but everyone had a smile on their face.

This is probably the first time I have experienced such a grand event.

When the chicken was first delivered, there were indeed not many people, so people passing by came to ask.

The price of chicken was negotiated, and Xie Yunyun had already set a development direction.

Small profits but quick turnover!

After eliminating the cost, the price of chicken was directly reduced to 6 yuan per pound.

You must know that chickens in this market start at least 8 yuan a pound.

As soon as the price came out, it was amazing, and instantly attracted a large number of people to come and watch.

After all, the price is really cheap enough, and each chicken is very strong, much larger than the average broiler.

That is, I am afraid that some people suspect what genetically modified, what kind of medicine is fed, etc.

Zheng Dafang and others decisively brought a copy of Yunyun Farm's business license and the like, and hung it on the edge of the tent.

If you think there is a problem, know the address clearly, and come and look for it at any time.

And if you really think there is a problem, yes, I will slaughter and stew it on the spot.

Then he killed a chicken in front of a bunch of people, plucked the feathers, and showed it to everyone.

Look, look.

This chicken came out of the gym!

Look how thick the meat is!

Cut the belly of the chicken open again.

Look, look.

You can't even see how much fat this chicken has, and it has a lot of meat!

Boil the chicken again.

Come and have a taste.

How is this chicken?

It tastes good, right? Is this soup fresh enough?

You go to other places to buy, this chicken is definitely not as good as mine!

I am a serious business, and the business and manufacturing are all hanging here. If something goes wrong, come and find us.

This coming and going can be regarded as dispelling the concerns of consumers, and there are only so many chickens, and the slow hands are gone!

In an instant, there was a sea of ​​people, and Zheng Dafang led the other employees to be very busy.

Busy catching chickens, busy weighing taels, and others collecting bills there...

In just one morning's effort, the first batch of slaughtered slaughter was all sold out.

Do the math now!

Because the average net weight of each chicken in Yunyun Farm is four kilograms or more, after all, it sold more than 5,000 this morning.

Don't look at the small amount of money, after deducting all the costs, you can still earn more than 3,000.

If Xie Yunyun had to lower the price to 6 yuan, he would have made more money.

Hearing that Cao Yunjing and Xie Yunyun were naturally quite happy.

Most importantly, the cost can be further reduced.

That is to work hard on the feed, but this has to be done slowly.

As for this good news, Zhou Feng was the first to be notified by the two of them.

When Zhou Feng heard it, he couldn't help laughing and crying, "You guys are breaking the rules of the market by playing like this, and you can easily be targeted."

As soon as Cao Yunjing heard it, he quickly said, "That's right, Brother Feng, what we negotiated before was about seven yuan, five to eight yuan. Xie Yunyun insisted on being stubborn with us, saying that we could only sell it for six yuan, so I wouldn't listen to any persuasion."

Xie Yunyun couldn't help but glared at Cao Yunjing.

Why is this even a small report?

"Xie Yunyun has big ambitions!" Zhou Feng said with a smile, "In the future, people want to help the poor and make chicken affordable for everyone in China. This kind of behavior is naturally understandable."

Xie Yunyun's face suddenly became high, and he was extremely proud, "It's still Zhou Feng who understands me, you people just don't have any consciousness, and you're all looking at money!"

Cao Yunjing pouted, feeling that Brother Feng was really eccentric.

"However, this time, it's not a big problem. After all, it's a small scale, so it won't have much impact. If you want to grow bigger, you must first learn to play in the market rules... e, forget it, I'll tell you this. It's too early, you can try to expand the scale now, and let you keep a batch before, have you kept it?"

Cao Yunjing hurriedly said, "Leave it."

"Well, go find Yan Mao, you don't understand the market rules yet, you'd better find someone to lead the way."


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