Qi returned to Qi, but Zhuang Rou wasn't going to lift the table.

I treat each other so frankly, in exchange for ridicule and alienation!


When Lao Chen gave me make-up lessons, I shouldn't have let you two hide.

It's time for Lao Chen to educate your couple!

Well, Zhuang Rou didn't bother to talk, she angrily cooked another two bowls of rice, turned her head and left, and went back to her room by herself.

Seeing that Zhuang Rou was really angry, the couple couldn't help but look at each other.

How do you feel like a child?

never mind.

The couple didn't care either.

As for the things Zhuang Rou said, they didn't take it seriously.

Thinking about it feels outrageous!

Of course, Zhuang Rou has indeed changed a lot now, and she has indeed begun to study, especially in chemistry.

But how long!

How long have you been studying to say that you have come up with research results at the Kunhai Research Institute? Also give you the whole Fudan or Jiaotong University walk?

Isn't this bullshit?

Besides, the husband and wife did not have much hope for Zhuang Rou herself.

It's almost enough to go to a serious university.

If you can inherit the family business, you can inherit the family business. If you can't inherit it, then do whatever you like.

Do whatever she wants.

And Zhuang Rou was quite depressed after returning to the room, but after thinking about it, she was too lazy to take care of her parents, so she called Chen Chu.

When Chen Chu heard this, he was very happy.

Another walk-in has landed.

Of course, it's not surprising. After all, he was basically involved in the whole process of this matter, and he had long expected such an outcome.

It's just a little shorter than expected.

Chen Chu felt that it would be at least half a year younger, and he would have expected real results so quickly.

After congratulations, Nankai University and Fudan University are really hard to choose.

It is not easy to compare the strengths and weaknesses. After all, every school has strengths and weaknesses. At least in general, the two schools are similar, and they are both in Shanghai.

Chen Chu carefully analyzed Zhuang Rou and asked Zhuang Rou to discuss with her parents.

Just mentioning this, Zhuang Rou gets angry.

"Old Chen, my parents don't believe me at all, they even laughed at me!" Zhuang Rou said angrily, "Come here and do ideological work for them!"

When Chen Chu heard it, it was just right.

He hadn't seen Zhuang Rou's parents when he helped Zhuang Rou make up lessons before. At that time, he felt that the couple was a bit incompetent as parents.

No matter how busy you are, you have to take care of your children, right?

Really need a good education.

Chen Chu readily agreed and said that I would come to visit tomorrow.

"Can't you do it today?"

"I can't do it today. I still have something to deal with. I can only come over tomorrow. Tell your parents!"


Chen Chu hung up the phone and turned his head to bring food back from Xingfu Xiaozao.

Chen Hong has now accepted the character setting given by Chen Chu, and is now performing...spiritual confrontation.

The spiritual confrontation between Zhuge Steel Egg and 007.

Chen Chu also had to deliver food to Chen Hong, and when he arrived in the classroom, he vaguely heard Chen Hong muttering to himself.

For a while it was Zhuge Gangdan's self-talk, and for a while it was 007's self-talk.

It looks like he is still full of investment, not to mention other things, just this acting skills can really directly go to TV dramas.

Well, of course, it's his own settings.

For dramatic conflict, he added multiple personalities.

I hope that this guy's talent can be awakened as soon as possible after such a tossing day.

Mainly, Chen Chu was still worried that before Chen Hong was admitted to the mental hospital, he would be driven crazy by the students in Class 7.

A few days ago, I played Qin Shihuang. I was a widow when I opened my mouth and shut my mouth, so I almost didn't directly say that I was Qin Shihuang and made money.

No one paid any attention to him, but this guy didn't know where he had the courage to run to Xu Tianhao, and then he spent the whole day peacefully.

It's weird that it goes on like this without any problems.

Seeing that it was not too early, Chen Chu had to send Chen Hong back.

Instead, they said hello to Chen Hong's parents. When they heard that Chen Hong and Chen Chu were together, the couple felt relieved and didn't call to urge them.

However, after a day of tossing with Chen Hong, and performing the long and short rivalry no less than 20 or 30 times, Chen Chu also saw some very different places.

Chen Hong's camouflage talent really has a certain imitation effect.

That is, as long as the role of Chen Hong is set, all of Chen Hong's behaviors will conform to the state of this character, that is, even actions and even skills can be included.

It's not that Chen Hong can really do it, or it will definitely not, but at least it looks like that, it really looks like that.

At first, Chen Chu was curious about how Chen Hong was going to open the door of the office.

There is no key!

How are you going to get in?

Chen Hong was disdainful.

How could a broken door stop me 007?

All I need is a wire to open the door.

e...Let's just say that 007 won't slip through the door to pick the lock, so it's out of grade...

Forget it, let Chen Hong's 007 be more in line with national conditions...

Then Chen Chu asked Chen Hong to demonstrate. Chen Hong actually took out an iron wire from the bag and tried to open the lock just like in the TV. I don't know the details of Chen Hong, but I really thought this guy would drive.

Of course the door could not be opened.

Of course, it can be opened, but this requires very strong technology.

This situation triggered an idea of ​​Chen Chu?

Then suppose that when Chen Hong is immersed in the role, will he get twice the result with half the effort?

After all, he has this character setting, and he can even supplement it himself.

Of course, Chen Chu can't really teach these messes, just to verify his own ideas.

After returning to the classroom, Chen Chu turned his pen in front of Chen Hong.

It wasn't too fancy, just let Chen Hong try it after a few laps.

Chen Hong is disdainful, this kind of thing is naturally pediatric to me.

I'm a super agent!

Then there was a scene that really surprised Chen Chu.

This guy really succeeded in turning the pen by himself, and after turning the pen, he slapped the pen on the table with a slap, and said provocatively, "How?"

Hey! This talent is interesting!

The comprehensiveness of the talent of camouflage is obviously richer, and it has a certain self-hypnotic effect, and a gesture similar to imitation skills appears faintly.

There is clearly a technical threshold for something, but it can be seen at a glance.

Is it the one who made himself lame?

Then Chen Chu continued to increase the difficulty and directly completed the big job.

After a set of fancy rotating brushes, he used his fingers to pick the pen in the air three times, and finally placed the pen in the palm of his hand, slapped it on the table again, and then looked at Chen Hong with a provocative face, "How? ?"

Chen Hong was full of disdain and sneered when he took the pen.



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