"My grades are very poor. It's hard for me to get into college, not to mention the public exam!"

This kid... so honest.

Yuan Zheng came back to his senses and said with a smile, "What if there is this opportunity?"

Chen Hong said without thinking, "Then I'll talk about it when I have a chance."


Yuan Zheng was dumbfounded.

This kid's brain circuit... is not quite the same.

He smiled and signaled that Chen Hong could leave.

Chen Hong nodded, thinking about it too much, turned his head and left with the seventh class.

Looking at the figure of Chen Hong leaving, I feel that this child is inexplicably interesting.

Yuan Zheng shook his head and smiled, and then went back to the office building to continue reading the newspaper, but he had some thoughts in his heart, after hesitating for a while, he took out his mobile phone and dialed the conversation. After a while, a voice rang from the other end of the phone " Headmaster?"

"When did the special recruitment plan last year end?"

"Which special recruitment plan?"

"Just the No. 7 document issued last year."

Instead, the other end of the phone was stunned, "It should be the end of this year, what's wrong?"

"What about the age requirement?"

"Under the age of 18 to 25."

"I remember it said that if there are special circumstances, the age requirement can be relaxed, right?"

"I don't remember very well!"

"Look carefully."

There was a keyboard sound on the other end of the phone, and after a while, he replied, "There is indeed such a rule. If you perform well, your age can be adjusted to within 16 to 30 years old. The deadline is the end of this year, before December 25. Get on the list."

"How many have we reported here?"

"Not much, there are about 20 people in total, basically all of them are from the police academy."

"Okay, I see."

Yuan Zheng hung up the phone right now, it was still early, there were still several months, and this matter was not in a hurry.

However, he could investigate the child's situation first.

Of course, Chen Hong didn't know that he had been targeted by Yuan Zheng. After he came out of the bureau that day, he was pulled over by Tian Xiao to continue the practice. Of course, Liao Kunyang and Lu Heming were also with him.

Death can pull two pads back.

Chen Chu didn't know these things, but today he wanted to invite Lin Xiuzhu and the teachers from the art teaching and research group to have a meal together, so he had to make some arrangements.

I thought that I was going to find a good restaurant, but when I thought of Zhao Yizhou hearing this, he was quite speechless.

Wouldn't it be enough to come to the happy kitchen?

Our decor is no worse than those high-end restaurants and restaurants!

And you can cook your own meals to save money, isn't it good?

Chen Chu shook his head and decisively refused.

Mainly because the picture he painted on the wall was too conspicuous.

Ordinary people just think it looks good, but naturally they can't see how abnormal it is.

But this group of them are all art teachers, plus an art boss like Lin Xiuzhu, they must be able to see something abnormal. Chen Chu can't explain it at that time, so after thinking about it, I still found a restaurant. , set a private room.

When the time came, people arrived one after another.

Chen Chu naturally acted as the atmosphere group again, saying good things for both sides to activate the atmosphere at the same time.

Lin Xiuzhu was naturally willing to give Chen Chu face, but he stopped drinking because of his health, and drank a few cups of tea instead of wine.

The other art teachers were people who knew how to deal with each other, so they all toasted without seeing Lin Xiuzhu give in.

The gongs were staggered, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

Chen Chu is indeed a social flower in No. 1 middle school.

"The Heartless Human Machine"

Lin Xiuzhu drank this wine until the evening, so he was naturally sober.

Just seeing Chen Chu filling the entire office with young teachers in a daze, and when Chen Chu seemed to be more awake than him, was secretly surprised.

I have long heard that Chen Chu has a reputation as a small and medium-sized winemaker, and this is indeed a well-deserved reputation.

Thankfully, when Chen Chu came, he didn't shout for a drink, otherwise he might be able to drink himself on the wall.

Chen Chu hurriedly called Zhao Yizhou and sent Lin Xiuzhu home first.

Lin Xiuzhu waved his hand, and let's send these drinks back in a daze first. Anyway, it's not far from home, so it's okay to walk back.

Chen Chu quickly asked Zhao Yizhou to help, and stuffed them into the van one by one.

Filled up in no time.

Zhao Yizhou was still a little confused when he saw this scene, and subconsciously said to Chen Chu, "Thank you for not killing in college."

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and laughed dumbly.

When I was in a dormitory in college, I often went out to drink beer and make skewers. Zhao Yizhou was the most noisy. I would do it whenever I wanted. You can do whatever you want!

He even wanted to get Chen Chu drunk every time.

However, although Chen Chu drank, he was very restrained, so Zhao Yizhou couldn't find a chance.

Only now did Zhao Yizhou realize how stupid his behavior was back then.

Thanks to Chen Chu for letting him.

Most of these young teachers are from other provinces, and they all live in the staff dormitories, and a small number of them rent their own houses.

Of course, Chen Chu was also a little helpless.

He didn't persuade him to drink, and he never persuaded him to drink. Others would drink if they wanted, and he would never force him to drink if he didn't want to, unless it was the kind that deliberately came to prank people.

At the beginning, this group of art teachers didn't bring themselves to play at all. A bunch of people drank each other there. When Chen Chu toasted, everyone didn't care about their face, they didn't dare to touch the glasses, and they all picked up the tea.

The older ones are called Xiao Chen, and the younger ones are called Brother Chen.

Who doesn't know that Chen Chu drank all a group of leaders in the last team building. Those leaders were all carried back to the hotel one by one by the young teachers in full view, and asked Chen Chu to let them go. It's interesting to have a drink or two.

Chen Chu also agreed, but who wanted to get this group of people to drink by themselves, and after they got up, they came to toast Chen Chu one by one.

Chen Chu asked to drink less, meaning it was interesting.

Yes, in a hurry.

Mr. Chen, you don't save face if you don't drink, right?

In this regard, Chen Chu is very helpless.

It was you who didn't let me drink, and now let me drink it again, and you won't give face if you don't drink it.

Moreover, the bar is drunk and even booing, there is no way.

Chen Chu was all brought down by accident.

Change of direction warning.

In the future, the big guys will eat together, and when they are drinking, they will have some ideas in their hearts. Don't drink too much and come to me, and control yourself.

Zhao Yizhou drove everyone to school, and Chen Chu sat in the co-pilot.

The two were chatting all the way.

Zhao Yizhou suddenly said, "That's right, Lu Mei and I will get the certificate next month."

Chen Chu was taken aback, "So soon? What about the wedding?"

"next year."

Chen Chu was a little confused.

Zhao Yizhou suddenly said, "How about you?"

"Me?" Chen Chu shrugged, "It's still early, don't worry."

"If you don't mind, wait another twenty years!" Zhao Yizhou grinned, "I can make you my son-in-law."

"You get used to it in advance, you can call me Dad first to hear it."

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