Soon, the gathered people began to discuss.

Even the project has not yet been finalized, so the plan is to be determined for now.

After discussing for a long time, combined with various suggestions from everyone, the project was finally settled.

Fully intelligent automatic robotic arm.

This solution is mainly based on the actual application scenarios of vocational high school students. How many people have visited the workshops of various factories, and the use of robotic arms is also very large, so once a more intelligent robotic arm can be produced in this direction, not only It can increase work efficiency and even invest in medical care.

Like medical robotic arms.

Of course, it is only a general direction at present, and it needs to be adjusted according to the actual application scenario.

"To be honest, we don't have much research on this aspect yet, so we first determine this plan, use the most basic model and then deepen it..." Liu Yuchen said while taking notes, "If we want to make full intelligence, we will face There are many problems, the first is the computing power requirement, which requires the robotic arm to have the ability to learn in depth, and this problem is left to me and Wang Xu to solve.”

In addition, there are many aspects involved, including but not limited to somatosensory, intelligent recognition, mechanical load, etc.

Anyway, everyone is responsible for their own areas according to their professional direction.

Of course, these are mainly to determine the research direction. At present, no one has touched the application of robotic arms, and the first and foremost is the need for model reference.

Vocational high schools have robotic arms, but they are not considered intelligent and require manual operation, but they can be used as a model for reference.

After confirming this, the members of the scientific research team all went to the vocational high school. After getting approval, they first came to the practical classroom and saw the robotic arm.

Before everyone could react, Luo Hao and Liu Yuchen had come to the robotic arm and looked around.

A group of people were a little confused.

Because the two men had a wrench and a screwdriver in their hands at some point, and their eyes lit up when they saw the robotic arm, as if there was an urge to disassemble it.

But after all, it is a school's teaching facility, and the structure is relatively complicated, so... Luo Hao will let people stare at the door, take it down and study it first. new.

In a trance, Luo Hao and Liu Yuchen dismantled the one-meter-long robotic arm into parts.

The disassembly efficiency of the two made everyone stunned.

This kind of robotic arm is a semi-intelligent robotic arm, and some functions require manual operation, but even this structure is very delicate, with many small parts, and the composition is quite complex.

After this was taken down, everyone gathered together, and then they pondered together.

After researching for a long time, I have written down almost everything that should be written down.

Everyone was afraid that they wouldn't be able to install them back, but they obviously underestimated the abilities of Luo Hao and Liu Yuchen, and they installed them back as they were. Luo Hao even studied with Liu Yuchen for a while and re-tuned the robotic arm. Fan.

As soon as you use it, good guy, it is smoother than the previous robotic arm operation.

As a result, when they were leaving, everyone found that a screw had fallen out of Luo Hao's bag. Luo Hao subconsciously bent down to pick it up, but a lot of parts in the pocket suddenly fell out and spilled on the ground.

Everyone glanced at the ground in unison.


"These parts are not needed." Luo Hao coughed, "Really? Sister Chen."

Liu Yuchen looked calm and nodded slightly, "It should be some duplicates left over after many repairs, or maybe even left over from repairs."

While speaking, Liu Yuchen stuffed something into his pocket.

She also has quite a few in her bag.

Anyway, after we have the basic model, everyone starts to perform their own duties. The first thing to do is to create a relatively basic model frame of the robot arm through the cooperation of everyone, and then continue to increase or simplify this frame. The model of the arm is finished.

The result picture is ready, but everyone does not know where to make this frame.

Originally, I planned to go to the factory to customize it, but Liu Yuchen saw that it was unnecessary.

Didn't Jiang Yuan specialize in casting during this time?

After all, Chen Chu lectures Jiang Yuan every day at Xingfu Xiaozao, and Liu Yuchen has long understood Jiang Yuan's direction.

Going to the factory to customize, it is better to let Jiang Yuan join in, maybe it can help Lao Chen reduce the burden.

Liu Yuchen found Jiang Yuan, explained his research project to Jiang Yuan, and gave Jiang Yuan a look at the design drawings.

Jiang Yuan agreed without thinking, not to mention that she is now in a state of casting frenzy because of Lao Chen's guidance. Her relationship with Liu Yuchen was already excellent, and Liu Yuchen asked her for help. Can't tell.

I was very happy to do this job, and went to Xin'an Township to start tossing the model by myself.

Liu Yuchen also followed suit, because it requires a lot of precision instruments. To be honest, Liu Yuchen didn't know much about Jiang Yuan's abilities, so he took a look at it with his own eyes.

As a result, I found that Jiang Yuan really understood.

Lost wax method.

The specific process does not need to be elaborated, and Jiang Yuan did show extraordinary talent in the entire casting process.

For the control of temperature, the processing method of stripping, etc., it is particularly professional.

In the final stage, Jiang Yuan also showed Liu Yuchen's unprecedented seriousness.

There are extremely stringent requirements for accuracy, and it is completely manufactured according to the data on the design drawings. Although it is not all built at one time, Liu Yuchen is very surprised by the finished product.

Can you be surprised?

After all, since Jiang Yuan's abnormal state, Chen Chu has been lecturing every day and teaching hand-to-hand.

Fortunately, Jiang Yuan's own learning ability is not bad, and coupled with the strong enthusiasm for forging new friends, she is very serious when studying, plus she has a lot of practical experience, so her understanding is quite fast, otherwise Chen Chu Have to chase after the dessert every day.

If there is no such result after this, Chen Chu will not be angry enough to hang it on the wall.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Yuan was also pulled into the research team by Liu Yuchen, who was responsible for casting models and precision parts.

But Jiang Yuan soon realized that this was actually a pit.

Because in the setting of the large frame, there are requirements for the material structure of the main frame of the manipulator, and the requirements are more precise. Jiang Yuan's current skills are obviously unable to meet such requirements.

Jiang Yuan wanted to quit, but Liu Yuchen refused.

"No! Aren't you doing things halfway? I hate people who give up halfway."

"But your requirements are getting higher and higher..." Jiang Yuan was a little aggrieved and shouted, "I can't do it!"

"If you can't do it, learn it! Old Chen must have given you a lot of materials! You just need to find a way to improve your ability!" Liu Yuchen hurriedly said seriously, "If this project is really completed, maybe you can too. It's a walk! Do you know what a walk means?"

Jiang Yuan's eyes lit up, "You don't need to go to class, let alone listen to Old Chen's nagging!"



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