Just when an unknown Liangzai surnamed Chen expanded his contacts, Yuan Zheng also responded to Chen Hong's simple survey.

The investigation of Chen Hong this time is mainly about family background and Chen Hong's school experience.

Chen Hong's family is relatively clean. His parents are businessmen and have no criminal record.

On the contrary, Chen Hong has a bad track record in the school.

This kid started fighting in the school since he was in junior high school. It can be said that he was a very naughty and mischievous type. After coming to the first middle school, he also recorded two major demerits, and also participated in the fighting incident.

"Chief, you asked me about the special move before, wasn't it just for this child?" A wry smile came from the other end of the phone, "I think there is something wrong with this child! He has been fighting since junior high school. A brave and ruthless character, is this an inappropriate thorn?"

"If he really enters this special recruitment plan, it will represent our reputation. You are not afraid that he will ruin your reputation?"

Yuan Zheng smiled indifferently, "Your nature is much worse than this guy. When I dug you over from the police academy, you have recorded major demerits 18 times, and you are the first to dare to fight with an instructor. "

The other end of the phone coughed, "Don't expose my scars! That's all in the past, aren't I doing well now? Besides, I'm now a leader anyway, head coach, save me some face!"

"What do you think of my ability to see people?"

The other end of the phone hurriedly said, "That's certainly not to be said, you have to look at the person and be sure."

"I have also recognized this child. His talent is really rare. If you cultivate it well, you may achieve even higher achievements than you!" Yuan Zheng smiled and said, "In my eyes, there is no difference between good and bad. What kind of person has what kind of use.”

"It's just that this child is still going to school, but it's a little troublesome."

"Isn't it enough to discuss with his family? As long as the child can pass the test, the age limit can be adjusted. Besides, as long as the special recruitment plan passes, the welfare benefits are much better than ours. If I were younger, I'm definitely going for this special plan too!"

"Do you think that special trick is so easy to get in? The training is very cruel, and most people can't stick to it." Yuan Zheng frowned, "I don't have a word now, it doesn't make much sense to say these, I have to go first. Discuss with his parents in his home."

"Then do you want me to send a few people over there?"

"No, I'll go by myself."

That afternoon, Yuan Zheng came to visit Chen Hong's house.

Chen Hong's father went to work naturally, and it was Chen Hong's mother Li Shufang who opened the door.

Seeing Yuan Zheng wearing a police uniform, his expression changed.

This picture is not to mention too familiar, because before this, the police have come to Chen Hong in person several times. Naturally, after Chen Hong injured someone, he ran away and was found by the police.

Isn't this kid honest now?

Why did it cause trouble again?

"Hello, comrade police, is there... is there something wrong?"

"Are you Chen Hong's mother?"

"Yes, yes." Li Shufang naturally smiled bitterly. "Comrade police, is there something wrong with my children?"


Yuan Zheng was stunned and smiled slightly, "I didn't cause anything. I came here to discuss with you about Chen Hong."

Li Shufang quickly invited Yuan Zheng into the house, and after pouring hot water, she quickly called Chen Hong's father, Chen Yuan.

At first, Chen Yuan thought that it was Chen Hong who caused trouble again, but when he heard that he didn't cause trouble, he was relieved that there was something to discuss. When asked what it was, Li Shufang said that he needed both of us.

Chen Yuan hurried back home immediately, and was stunned for a moment after seeing Yuan Zheng.

Li Shufang naturally didn't know much about the rank of the police, but Chen Yuan couldn't help being stunned when he saw the logo on Yuan Zheng's shoulder.


After the parents were all together, Yuan Zheng confirmed the identities of the two.

After confirming that it was correct, he began to explain his intentions.

He took a fancy to the child Chen Hong and wanted Chen Hong to participate in a special recruitment plan.

It's just that Yuan Zheng can't disclose the content of the special recruitment plan to the two at present, and the training of this special recruitment plan is very difficult, the elimination rate is extremely high, and there are not many people who can stay until the end.

"The specific content is due to confidentiality issues, so I can't tell the two of you in detail, but what I can say is that this special recruitment plan is a total of three rounds of training, and those who can persist until the end of the first round are talents, even if they are eliminated. It will also enter the public security system in various places. The second round is the genius, and the locals are rushing to ask for it.

"If I can stick to the last round, I can guarantee that the child Chen Hong will be able to directly enter the Huaxia People's Public Security University for further studies, and the welfare and benefits will be favorable after graduation."

When Yuan Zheng slowly explained the situation, the husband and wife were naturally dumbfounded.

After a long while, seeing how the husband and wife were hesitating to talk, Yuan Zheng smiled, "If you have any questions, just talk about it?"

Chen Yuan hesitated for a while, then asked, "Why did you choose my child?"

"Although I don't have much contact with this child, I immediately feel that this child has great potential, and it is absolutely limitless to polish the future well."


In fact, what Chen Yuan wanted to ask was why do you think so highly of my children?

On the contrary, Li Shufang asked nervously, "That, comrade, my children used to fight a lot, and they remembered it in school, so can they get in?"

Yuan Zheng smiled, "It doesn't matter, it's understandable for being young and energetic."

"However, there is a premise for this special recruitment plan. Because the number of places is limited, I must pass my test first." Yuan Zheng said, "I hope you two can tell your child what I have explained, if the child agrees. You can contact me, and I will arrange a test as soon as possible."

After Yuan Zheng explained the situation, he got up and left.

The husband and wife looked at each other in dismay, and they didn't seem to recover for a while.

After the self-study that night was over, Chen Hong returned home and saw Chen Yuan and Li Shufang sitting in the living room with complicated expressions.

Chen Hong felt that the atmosphere was not quite right.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"Come here, I have something to tell you."

Chen Hong snorted and hurriedly came to sit down in front of the two of them, and then the husband and wife informed Chen Hong of the situation.

Chen Hong was a little confused when he heard it, but the word "Guide" at the end made his eyes light up.

"Go, go, I'm going!"

"You've made up your mind!" Chen Yuan said with a serious face, "This matter will determine your future!"

"Hmmmm, I figured it out!"

Chen Hong was overjoyed in his heart.

Guarantee! Join the training camp! No need to go to class!

And if I walk, I must complete a life goal.

Take a nap in Lao Chen's class!

If Lao Chen asked me to write a review, I would definitely have to put my hands on my hips and confidently say, "I'll walk!"

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