The deputy director Qian was not only enthusiastic, but also had no pretense at all. He very politely invited Chen Chu and his party to visit the foundry again.


Just turned around.

Chen Chu and Liu Yuchen laughed dryly, only Jiang Yuan was quite excited.

Along the way, Deputy Director Qian took the initiative to introduce various areas.

The female clerk on the side was dumbfounded.

I don't understand why Qian Fu's attitude is so enthusiastic on weekdays.

That's all.

Deputy Director Qian also started to talk shit.

For example, when I came to the factory and said that the foundry had introduced the latest international machinery, which represented the world's first-class casting level, the women did not dare to make a sound.

That, Vice President Qian, we can't open our eyes and talk nonsense!

Even if the machine that has been advanced for eight years is not eliminated now, it is at most the second and third domestic level, and the international first-class......

The women's book is really a bit hard to listen to.

Sure enough, in the next second, Jiang Yuan said indifferently, "The performance of these machines should not be considered world-class! Now the mainstream is German Aix and Japanese Semper..."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Chen Chu pretended to cough and glared at Jiang Yuan without showing any trace.

This kid is talking nonsense!

No eyesight at all.

When Chen Chu glared at him, Jiang Yuan closed her mouth instantly.

Everyone laughed and turned the page decisively.

Deputy Director Qian was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't help but glance at Jiang Yuan one more time.

Is this the little girl who may enter the Kunhai Foundry in the future?

After all, these machines are generally only known to those in the industry.

Deputy Director Qian had an idea in his heart.

He led the crowd around again, and Deputy Director Qian didn't dare to open his mouth at this moment, for fear that Jiang Yuan would reveal his old secrets again.

Chen Chu was also very cooperative. Deputy Director Qian did not say anything, but he also took the initiative to speak up.

This factory building is well built, the atmosphere is beautiful, and the safety measures are very perfect. I saw that the Kunhai Foundry is a people-oriented enterprise or something, and the deputy director of the Qiang listened happily, oh, this little Chen Ke really can talk, listen Just comfortable.

No wonder Li Zhenhua likes Xiao Chen so much, so he knows the technical content of what he says is a talent.

All along the way, Chen Chu controlled the field.

The female clerk looked at it blankly.

Originally, Deputy Qian led Chen Chu and others to visit, but it turned out that Chen Chu was chatting and laughing there throughout the whole process, and every time he went, Chen Chu always praised a few words, making Chen Chu seem to be the leader. With money, Vice is visiting the general.

Instead, he came to the activity room at this time.

"Our Kunhai Foundry's table tennis is quite famous. There are many veteran players in it, and every year we hold table tennis competitions..."

It was rare for Deputy Qian to open his mouth, but he brought everyone in to take a look, only to find that there were not many people in the activity room.

yeah! ?

What about people?

Isn't this the old man activity center on weekdays? Overcrowded.

How many people are there today?

"How nobody ah?"

Deputy Director Qian asked an old employee to ask.

The old employee raised his hand and pointed to the playground downstairs. When everyone looked at it, they found a large group of old men wearing waistcoats and white shirts, exercising hard, playing the horizontal bar, running, and carrying dumbbells in one hand to practice swinging there. action.

One by one as if they had been beaten with blood.

This situation made Vice President Qian stunned.

They're all a bunch of old guys who are about to retire, so there's no need to struggle so hard, right?

The female clerk was dumbfounded, knowing what happened.

It was probably the little girl who came two days ago. I heard that she beat up all the old employees of the foundry.


The best player in the factory, ten wins... seventy-two losses...

I heard that he had been fighting for an afternoon, and finally he was sent to the infirmary with a cramp in his hand.

Now I'm holding dumbbells to practice swinging!

The mentality is almost the same as the group of old employees sitting under the shade of the tree.

The collective was beaten autistic, a little doubt about life.

It looked sullen for the past two days.

It is said that many people have already issued a challenge letter to Sun Jiaojiao, and they will continue to fight next weekend.

Right now, she is training hard, preparing to face Sun Jiaojiao.

Deputy Director Qian didn't know the reason, but he didn't ask in detail. Instead, he laughed, "Look, this is the old employee of our foundry. The revolutionary spirit will never die, and he's always ready!"

After the visit, Deputy Director Qian decisively invited Chen Chu and his party to stay in the factory for dinner.

Chen Chu also readily agreed.

Team leader Li Zhenhua has already said hello, and will accompany Deputy Director Qian for a drink later, so that we can talk about things at the wine table.

With Chen Chu here today, Jiang Yuan seemed to be polite when eating.

After eating two bowls of rice, he stopped the tableware and chopsticks, and then sat beside him with a well-behaved face, listening silently.

The female clerk originally wanted to serve Jiang Yuan a meal, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, Jiang Yuan hurriedly shook her head, "I'm full, I'm full, thank you sister."


You ate five bowls of rice yesterday, but you are full with two bowls of rice today?

Of course, Jiang Yuan was not full, but she was afraid that she would lose her image if she was not careful.

After all, Wang Lebang was often criticized by Lao Chen for eating too much.

"Eat slowly, rush to reincarnate!?"

"Eating like this hurts the stomach, so you have to chew slowly."

Anyway, if you are hungry, you will be hungry. Jiang Yuan has already decided that she will go back to have a late-night snack with Sun Jiaojiao in the evening.

Chen Chu's attention was also not on Jiang Yuan. He was holding a glass of wine and talking and laughing with Deputy Director Qian.

After a few glasses of wine, the relationship became a lot closer in an instant, and even without this title, he changed from Deputy Director Qian to Big Brother Qian all of a sudden.

For Chen Chu, the wine table is really a good place to discuss things.

When the time was almost up, Chen Chu began to explain his intentions.

"Brother Qian, I came here mainly because there is one thing I want you to accommodate."

Chen Chu called Jiang Yuan to him as soon as he waved his hand, and said with a smile, "See if you can let my student stay with you for a while to do some extracurricular practice."

Jiang Yuan was immediately surprised!


She thought that Lao Chen came up to arrest her!

did not expect……

Old Chen, how can you be so good!

"Stop, just insert the oxygen tube, I don't need it"

After all, Li Zhenhua had already said hello, and Deputy Director Qian had already thought about it.

It's not a hit and miss.

Immediately agreed.

The time is tentatively set for a week, and the female clerk will accompany the whole process.

The female clerk is also happy in her heart, which is also a good thing. Rounding up is equivalent to taking a week off.

Chen Chu was also busy talking to the female clerk about trouble.

The female clerk quickly waved her hand and said you're welcome.

all the best.

Liu Yuchen was not surprised at all, after all, Lao Chen also took the initiative to help her win the right to use the laboratory at the beginning, which is also Lao Chen's style.

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