Seeing that everyone in the community was enjoying the joy of food, Wang Yuanxin was studying a new cuisine while eating.


Although it was said that some people from the community helped him to try the dishes during this period of time, he did make rapid progress, but Wang Yuanxin had some headaches.

After Zhou Feng came over to take a look not long ago, he had already noticed something strange.

One of the words made Wang Yuanxin feel like a god for a while.

"Food is a treat, not a burden."

At the beginning, Wang Yuanxin didn't realize that something was wrong, but after being reminded by Zhou Feng, he suddenly realized.

He specially cooked for the people in the community. He originally wanted to exercise his cooking skills, but now the situation has obviously gone wrong.

Now people in the entire community have developed a habit, and they will consciously come down almost at mealtime, and there is almost no restraint when eating, and it can even be said that they eat as much as they want.

The weight of people in the community is now visible to the naked eye.

It used to be said that being able to eat is a blessing, but these days, if you do not control your diet and lack a certain amount of exercise, it will only lead to a series of health crises.

At that time, everything he did would be a burden to the people in the community, but it would harm them.

Anything must be mastered in a degree, and it is appropriate to pay attention to it.

Too much will cause problems sooner or later.

So when cooking during this time, Wang Yuanxin has consciously controlled the number of meals.

But this obviously doesn't make much sense, and people who should eat as much as they eat are still as much as they eat.

Wang Yuanxin didn't want to do bad things with good intentions.

Stop now?

It's too late.

Zhou Feng also felt that he couldn't stop easily, he had already made a habit of it, and now if you stopped, you would probably make a fuss.

It will be weird if you don't annoy you every day, and it is possible to force your family to move.

The trouble should end it!

"Since you started it all, you should end it all."

Before leaving, Zhou Feng still woke up.

"Li Yiyang."

Wang Yuanxin was stunned for a moment. Although he was puzzled, he unswervingly implemented it. He decisively called Li Yiyang, who was far away in the northern capital.

Li Yiyang was also quite puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"e... Brother Feng asked me to call you."

"What's the matter?"

"I don't know, I'm also wondering right now."


Li Yiyang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but since this matter was arranged by Zhou Feng, there must be his reason.

"What happened to you over there?"

Wang Yuanxin hurriedly explained his situation.

Li Yiyang was a little confused.

These seven classes really have everyone, but there is no serious specialty student.

After understanding the situation, Li Yiyang immediately understood Zhou Feng's intention.

"I understand what Brother Feng means." Li Yiyang said, "It should be for you to study the direction of diet therapy."

Wang Yuanxin slapped his head, and suddenly didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Brother Feng, why don't you explain it to me directly? What kind of riddles are you playing all day long! It's like a riddle man! Just tell me that diet therapy is not over?"

"So that you can use your brains more..."


Diet therapy is within the scope of Li Yiyang's research.

Help each other!

Li Yiyang didn't think too much about this and helped.

Even if you don't watch your classmates, you have to give Brother Feng a face.

When the two started to study the diet recipes, the scientific research team and the vocational high school team were studying the Red Star II machine without sleep or food.

Because of the lack of relevant theoretical knowledge, almost everyone started self-study.

At the very least, the principle must be understood first, otherwise the follow-up research will not be able to continue at all.

And Liu Yuchen couldn't stay out of it either.

The biggest headache is that because of the increase in projects, her workload has increased sharply.

It is not only necessary to continue the mainboard design of the robotic arm, but also to complete the mainboard design of the large-scale machinery.

The difficulty was directly increased several times, so that Liu Yuchen had been sleepless all night these days.

The head is full of various circuits and motherboards.

This research project is indeed completely beyond the scope of everyone's ability.

However, no one is willing to give up.

Mostly, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

If you are a sensible adult, you probably won't easily challenge things beyond your ability.

And the initiator of everything, Jiang Dachui, wanted to cry but had no tears.

I felt like I dug a huge hole for myself.

Her initial idea was actually quite simple, just wondering if she could improve it.

As a result, I haven't realized that changing a single detail at random will affect the whole body for the product of this industrial integration.

Now that she has started, how can she run!

In the past few days, Jiang Yuan almost cried while reading the book.

I feel that the books I read in a week are almost catching up with my previous year.

Not only have to read books, but also have to take notes.

Otherwise, Jiang Yuan is afraid that she will forget.

So much so that Jiang Yuan's mother was overjoyed when she saw Jiang Yuan was studying hard in the study last night.

In order to reward my daughter, I specially prepared a lot of fruit, and after cutting it, I will bring it to Jiang Yuan.

As a result, I didn't expect that as soon as I arrived at the door of the study, I heard a choking sound coming from the study.


"Woooooo...low pressure casting...woooooo...and high pressure casting..."


Jiang Yuan's mother was stunned, she quietly stuck her head out to take a look, and saw Jiang Yuan sitting in front of the computer, wiping her tears, looking at the computer, and taking notes...


I can't cry just reading a book...

Jiang Yuan's mother felt that the child must be regretting that she didn't study well before, thinking about whether to go back and forth, and no longer disturbed.

How happy and happy to be in my heart.

The child has finally grown up.

The sins that you have made, you have to pay back when you cry.

Now Jiang Yuan can't run if she wants to, let alone where can she go?

Finally persisted.

The busiest among them is actually Luo Hao.

Everyone else has their own research direction, so they share a lot of tasks.

But Luo Hao clearly became the chief designer and engineer of the study.

The result of everyone's push.

Whether it is a fully intelligent robotic arm or the current Red Star II, Luo Hao is responsible for the overall planning and adjustment.

After all, Luo Hao is an all-rounder.

It's just that the Red Star Type II really gave Luo Hao a headache.

It was clear that he had not learned enough.

While looking at the restored design drawings, I had to rummage for relevant information.

Yang Xinran was in charge of the c1 position assigned by Luo Hao, which was specially taken out and handed over to Yang Xinran to be in charge.

Yang Xinran also has a big head, and is also pondering while checking the information.

Luo Hao firmly believes that hard work will always pay off, and now the test is everyone's willpower.

Persistence is victory.

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