Although it is said that these two people did not spread dog food on the surface, but when their eyes met, they were full of affection.

good guy!

When others sprinkle dog food, they put it in their mouths, and when these two people sprinkle dog food, they reach their stomachs in one step.

But Chen Chu is not sour.

Neither is he.

Naturally, we chatted a lot during the meal, which was quite enjoyable.

After eating and drinking, I went out for a few laps. It was almost time. Naturally, Chen Chu secretly said to Li Qingfeng, "I must send Deng Yuhan home later!"

Li Qingfeng smiled and said naturally.

Regardless of the time, Li Qingfeng went to the underground parking lot and drove off. Chen Chu and Deng Yuhan were waiting on the side of the road. Deng Yuhan was also a warm-hearted woman, and she became more familiar with Chen Chu after dinner. , and said, "Mr. Chen, I have a few good friends. You said that you took the initiative to introduce Qingfeng to me..."

As soon as Chen Chu heard this tone, he knew that he was going to introduce himself to someone, and immediately shook his head and waved his hand, "No, no, I'm not in a hurry to find it now! I want to be single for a few more years."

Saying so, in fact, what Chen Chu was thinking about was what were your friends doing at home?

Is there anything I can do for my students...

Whoops, forget it.

If you are looking for contacts, you can look for them normally, and don't do these actions, otherwise both parties will be embarrassed.

What's more, it's a little too disrespectful to draw people in this way.

Deng Yuhan smiled and said nothing more.

At this moment, Li Qingfeng had already driven the car to the two of them. Deng Yuhan subconsciously waved goodbye to Chen Chu, then turned his head and went to Li Qingfeng's co-pilot.

Li Qingfeng also said goodbye to Chen Chu subconsciously.

"Teacher, then I will..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Chu had already opened the car door and sat in the back.

All of a sudden, Deng Yuhan and Li Qingfeng can't be fixed.


"Send me off on the way!" Chen Chu said cheekily, "You two just think I don't exist! Say what you want to say!"

The two of them couldn't help laughing and laughing. They originally wanted to send Chen Chu, but they were afraid that Chen Chu would be embarrassed, so they didn't ask. As a result, they thought that Chen Chu would come over by himself.

Yes, let's take it!

"The teacher, I'll take you back first!"

"No no no, ladies first, ladies first!"

If you send me back, how can I find contacts?

I was thinking of having a word with her father by the way when I send Deng Yuhan home later!

Chen Chu insisted repeatedly, Li Qingfeng naturally sent Deng Yuhan home first.

After a while, I came to Deng Yuhan's community. Deng Yuhan planned to get off at the gate of the community. At this time, Chen Chu in the back seat hurriedly said, "It's okay! I'll take you in directly!"

"No, no!" Deng Yuhan hurriedly waved his hands, crying and laughing, "It's just a few steps away, no need to be so troublesome!"

"It should be, after all, it has to be gentlemanly, right?"

Chen Chu reached out and patted Li Qingfeng's shoulder, and said, "Qingfeng, drive in, drive in."

"Oh, alright."

Li Qingfeng subconsciously drove the car into the community and kept sending people downstairs.

Deng Yuhan thanked him repeatedly. He just got out of the car and was about to say goodbye to the two of them. Who would have thought that Chen Chu would also get out of the car on the back foot.

Um! ?

Deng Yuhan looked at Chen Chu with a puzzled face, "Chen, Teacher Chen, what's wrong?"

"There's no toilet around here! I'll go to the toilet!"

Deng Yuhan couldn't help laughing and laughing. He entered the community on purpose because he wanted to go to the toilet for a long time!

"There is no public toilet in our community. If you don't mind, you can go to the house, Qingfeng, why don't you also go to the house and take a seat?"

"Ah... ah?"

Li Qingfeng suddenly looked nervous, subconsciously about to refuse, Chen Chu immediately pretended to be anxious and said, "Don't! Hurry up! People have three urgency!"

Li Qingfeng stopped the car in a daze, and was dragged by Chen Chu to Deng Yuhan's house.

Li Qingfeng must have been quite nervous. After all, he had just established a relationship with Deng Yuhan, and suddenly ran into someone's house, and it was very likely that he would see Deng Yuhan's parents. It was strange that he was not nervous.

Of course, Chen Chu pretended to be in a hurry, so he walked faster. Naturally, he felt Li Qingfeng's nervousness, and hurriedly said, "What are you nervous about? We will see you sooner or later, so it's an exercise!"

It's not my future parents-in-law, and it's not me who is embarrassed.

Hey~ Sitting and talking doesn't hurt my back!

Li Qingfeng suddenly smiled bitterly, and Deng Yuhan was also a little nervous. After all, she hadn't told her parents about her relationship with Li Qingfeng, and was suddenly disrupted by Chen Chu.

I don't know how to deal with it later.

In a trance, he arrived at the door of the house. After Deng Yuhan opened the door, he subconsciously looked at what was going on in the house.

The situation is very bad, the parents are watching the news in the living room now.

When I heard the door open, my parents also looked over.

When Deng Rongmao and his wife saw Deng Yuhan bringing the guests, they were a little stunned, then got up and came to greet them.

Chen Chu finally saw Deng Rongmao, who he was thinking about.

It is basically the same as the photos seen on the Internet, and there is absolutely no mistake.

The goal has been achieved halfway, and the next step is to adapt accordingly.

But at this moment, Chen Chu was pretending to be in a hurry. After saying hello, he deliberately went to the toilet. When Chen Chu came out of the toilet, he saw that the atmosphere in the living room was a little unusual.

It can be seen that Li Qingfeng is really nervous, and he looks a little uneasy when sitting.

Deng Yuhan's mother poured tea for Li Qingfeng and Chen Chu, and invited Chen Chu to sit down with a warm expression.

After Deng Rongmao simply said hello a few times, while watching the news, he chatted with the two without a word, so that the two would not be restrained.

Shouldn't we hurry up and find a topic?

Chen Chu had to attract Deng Rongmao's attention as soon as possible. That's when he was watching the news. Current affairs and politics are the one that Chen Chu is best at. He immediately said, "Uncle, there have been a lot of big events recently!"

"Yeah!" Deng Rongmao thought about it too much, and said casually, "After all, the international situation in the past two years has been complicated!"

"Who says it's not? I just read the news two days ago. The old US has withdrawn its troops. I don't think it's easy!"

"Oh?" Deng Rongmao turned his head and glanced at Chen Chu, "What do you say?"

"It is still necessary to analyze the international situation and the domestic situation. First, the inflation in the old United States has begun to become serious. So far, 91, it is said to be 91, but the price of food has risen by about 40. How can the people at the bottom not Opinion……"

Chen Chu was talking freely there, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

Li Qingfeng, who was sitting beside him, was stunned.

Deng Yuhan on the other side was also stunned.

Even Deng Yuhan's mother was stunned.

In less than 10 minutes, Chen Chu and Deng Rongmao had the expressions of seeing each other late, talking and laughing.

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