After the deputy director Qian hung up the phone, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. He hurried out of the office and went to the manufacturing area.

He had to let other people know about this.

Today, he has turned his face with the factory manager. It is estimated that the financial director will definitely come to make trouble soon.

Does the clay bodhisattva still have three points of fire?

Deputy Director Qian has been working in this factory for so many years. He has paid a lot to Kunhai Foundry, both publicly and privately. Determined the future fate of Kunhai Foundry, he must win this opportunity, and must not let other people come to make trouble.

After a short while at the manufacturing area, Deputy Factory Manager Qian hurriedly called all those stewards.

Liu Yuchen and the others looked at the deputy director Qian, who was not quite right. The deputy director Qian just smiled and said that there was nothing to do. He turned his head and called a few stewards aside to explain the situation.

When these stewards heard this, they immediately felt extremely unhappy.

"What the hell is going on with the surname Ke? At this time, you still have to make trouble?"

"I have explained the situation to him. If this matter is done well, our factory will definitely have a better life, but he insists on stopping me from work!" Deputy Factory Manager Qian said angrily, "What kind of person am I? Everyone knows it, I never thought about arguing with him at all!"

"I know, you have nothing to say about your character. When something happens to your family, you, the leader, are always concerned about it, but the one surnamed Ke is really disgusting, and the one surnamed He from the financial department, two people. It's a raccoon dog on a hill!"

"I didn't like him for a long time, and he rejected all the suggestions he made so many times, and he didn't want to change anything!" Someone scolded and said, "It won't take a few years for him to go bankrupt, and the other If you don’t even mention the time, you can’t even pay the salary, and I have the old and the young, and I’m counting on the salary to live!”

"Who isn't?"

"As I said, old money, if you turn your face, you will turn your face. Now is an opportunity. If this machine is made, the surnamed Ke will have to get out of the way immediately. You come to be the director of the factory!"

"Yes, yes, if you become the director of the factory, it will take a few years for our factory to become prosperous. You are quite capable and far-sighted, and you are many times stronger than that surnamed Ke!"

Deputy Director Qian was also angry at this moment, and when everyone said this, his blood suddenly surged up.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Right now, the opportunity is in front of him. If he misses this time, he may not even have the chance to turn over. After all, he has already turned his face with the surnamed Ke, and he doesn't know how to fix himself in the future.

Get started first!

"Anyway, I just said something like this. If I became the factory manager, I would never treat everyone badly! After all, who has feelings for the factory, right? Who wants to leave?"

"But the surname He will definitely come to make trouble later! We have to figure out how to deal with this matter."

"I don't even have to think about how to deal with it. The surname He is not likeable at all in the factory. It's just a matter of diligently paying a salary. On weekdays, the benefits of our employees are not as good as before. It is said that the factory The economic benefits inside are not good, and I now wonder if our money was swallowed by this guy!"

"If he dares to come and see if I beat him later!"

"Don't, don't, don't accidentally make a criminal case! There's no need to beat people!" Deputy Factory Manager Qian hurriedly said, "Anyway, it's just a matter of changing circumstances. I think most of the people in our factory must be with us. of."

Anyway, after the explanation was over, Deputy Director Qian asked everyone to keep busy with whatever they were supposed to do. Don't delay the production of the first-generation machine. After all, Kunhai Foundry's hope is now pinned on the first-generation machine.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Just when everyone was busy, the surname He really brought people here.

The man is thin, wearing glasses, wearing a suit and tie, but he looks gentle, and he walks with his hands behind his back and looks like a leader patrolling.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

As soon as the surnamed He stopped, he raised his hand and shouted arrogantly, "Didn't you stop work? Why are you still working?"

When they saw the surname He coming, the ones in charge came directly over.

"Who stopped us?"

"Of course it's the factory manager!" The surnamed He said impatiently, "Hurry up and stop working! If you should be busy with your own business, just go about your own business."

"No! This is the business we took over the contract, how can there be a reason to stop work?"

"Are you the factory manager?" The surnamed He said angrily, "You talk about shit, even the factory manager doesn't agree on this matter. Who asked you to take over the business?"

"As long as the factory manager doesn't agree to this business, you can't do this business. If you have any comments, you can go directly to the factory manager and tell me it's useless. I'm just a messenger!" The surnamed He took another look at the machine being manufactured and said. He said, "Hurry up and stop! If I come back later and see that you haven't stopped working, I will stop the wages for you this month! You are breaking the rules now, and I have the right to withhold your wages. !"

"And according to the rules and regulations, you have to be fined! Don't look for trouble!"

After throwing this sentence, the surnamed He had his hands behind his back and planned to leave. One of the stewards had a big temper. Seeing the surnamed He's pretentious appearance, he almost couldn't hold back and went up to beat someone. Fortunately, he was dragged by the person next to him. , The constant wink made the other party stop.

After all, if it really rises to a criminal case, it will be difficult to handle, and maybe you will lose your job!

As soon as the surnamed He left, everyone began to discuss what to do when the surnamed He came back?

After careful discussion, an idea came to mind.

Then let the surname He not come back directly!

Of course, it's definitely not using any kind of violence, which are all illegal.

Anyway, everyone quickly came up with an idea after discussing it, and they all smirked.

At this moment, the surnamed He is struttingly going to the financial office, and there are employees on the roadside who are spraying water on the green belt.

As soon as the employee saw the surname He came, he sneered secretly.

I waited until the surnamed He passed by, and suddenly pointed the water pipe at the surnamed He.

"You...what are you doing!?"

The surnamed He was soaked all over, scolding while wiping his face.

"Are you sick?"

The staff quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Director, I accidentally slipped my hand!"

"I think you did it on purpose?"

"It's really not, it's really slippery!" The employee smiled bitterly. "Director, go and change your clothes! Otherwise, you will catch a cold later!"

The surnamed He was wet, and it was uncomfortable. He glared at the other party angrily, turned his head and left, and hurriedly changed his clothes.

The employees sneered secretly, and scolded them secretly while sprinkling water.

"Let you fucking deduct my benefits and subsidies!"

"It Wasn't On Purpose"

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