In Lu Yang's view, Deng Wei's incomprehensible behavior has long been accustomed to.

There is really no normal person in Class Seven.

Deng Wei originally thought that Lao Chen gave Lu Yang to him because Lu Yang's nature was similar to his own, but now it seems to be different. Lao Chen seems to just let himself make up lessons for Lu Yang.

If it were someone else, Deng Wei wouldn't be so abnormal, but Lu Yang was in the seventh class, so I really couldn't tell.

But now it seems to be thinking too much.

Okay, anyway, everyone is here, so bring Lu Yang with you.

Deng Wei took Lu Yang around the top of the mountain.

Of course not blindly.

Go to a place and show Lu Yang how to understand the geological conditions of this piece.

Like soil layers, rock layers, topography, etc., these need to be carefully understood and identified.

Let Lu Yang identify the geological conditions based on what he has learned.

After a whole morning, the two returned to the village to eat at lunch time.

Lu Yang kept asking questions even when he was eating.

For example, when building a tunnel, in addition to taking into account the geotechnical structure and terrain conditions, other factors need to be considered, the structural frame of the tunnel, and if a highway is to be built, how to do it according to the terrain conditions, etc...

The problem didn't stop there.

While Deng Wei was explaining to Lu Yang, Lu Yang hurriedly took notes with a very serious expression.

Needless to say, Deng Wei was very satisfied with Lu Yang's learning attitude, so he explained it slowly and patiently.

At this moment, Lu Yang suddenly said, "By the way, didn't it collapse when we came up? So we have to build a road here. How to solve the problem of this geological disaster?"

Deng Wei was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly.

"That's what I'm working on right now."

Deng Wei thought for a while, and then asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

"From my point of view, it must be the lowest cost to build this kind of winding road, but because of the frequent terrain disasters, the maintenance cost is also quite high, and the road will be broken at every turn, but if there are anti-skid areas on both sides of the road, The cost is getting higher and higher, and it is not the highway construction, and the local finance will definitely not be able to bear it.”

"You've got the point of this question!" Deng Wei nodded and said, "Now I'm thinking about whether to dig a way out according to the structure of the mountain and avoid areas with loose geotechnical structures. The same cost can reduce the risk of geological disasters. impact is minimized.”

Lu Yang frowned, "So isn't your cost too high? If you want to analyze the structure of the mountain, you must hire a professional, and it will take a long time."

Deng Wei was dumbfounded, thought about it and nodded, "Indeed, why don't we take this mountain as our research object and come up with a safe and feasible plan with the lowest cost?"

Lu Yang quickly nodded, "Yes!"

The two people's goals quickly reached an agreement. If Chen Chu knew it, he would be quite relieved, but he has no time to be relieved now, because he is surrounded by a lot of children at the moment.

Isn't it the appointed time for dinner today?

The teachers and staff of the school came to the farmhouse one after another.

Of course, many teachers and staff brought their children here.

Isn't it troublesome after all?

When the school team was built last time, many teachers brought their children together. After Chen Chu took them to play, these children have been obsessed with Chen Chu.

Because only Chen Chu could play with them all afternoon.

In the world of children, Chen Chu is their best playmate.

After arriving at the farmhouse, the children entangled Chen Chu, shouting that Chen Chu would take them to play the games that Chen Chu played with them during the last team building.

Chen Chu was dumbfounded for a while.

At that time, Jing was thinking about eating and didn't consider these children's problems. There was no place for children to play in the farmhouse, so this matter was a bit difficult to handle.

When I call people over for dinner, it's all for the sake of networking!

But if you think about it carefully, aren't these children the children of the network?

If I treat them well, they will remember them in their hearts, and to a certain extent, it is also a way to bring them closer!

And now the school's teachers and staff are basically focused on the child. If I win the child, won't I also win the other side?

Fortunately, Chen Chu was not alone in the matter of eating, but Director Sun also came to help.

Zhao Yizhou and Lu Mei naturally didn't come because they wanted to do business.

Seeing the children pestering Chen Chu, the parents naturally came to arrest him.

It's embarrassing!

As a result, the children were reluctant to leave, and they would definitely cry if they were forced to go there!

Sure enough, after a while, the child began to cry.

Moreover, there is a chain reaction between children. If one cry, the other may cry too!

Looking at this situation, Chen Chu knew that he had to face these little grievances today.

Otherwise, this place to eat may become a crying hell in a while, wailing everywhere.

This is not Chen Chu said to take the children to play, just to give you a rest.

Then Chen Chu waved his hand, and a group of children followed Chen Chu's butt to the grass not far away.

Parents and employees are naturally dumbfounded, but they are quite relieved.

After all, when the team was built last time, everyone saw Chen Chu's strong affinity and energy that seemed to be inexhaustible. He was stunned to be able to accompany the children until they were tired.

That day was unforgettable for the school's teachers and staff.

So comfortable.

After the worst children were taken away by Chen Chu, there was no need to worry at all, and even after the children came back, it didn't take long for all of them to fall asleep due to exhaustion.

And after Chen Chu brought the children to the grass, he let the children sit on the grass.

"Let's not play games today, Uncle, I'll show you a show! Okay?"

"What show are you performing?"

"Uncle, I'll show you magic!"

Chen Chu looked around and saw that there was no one but himself and a group of children. After confirming that it was safe, Chen Chu spread out his hands and said, "You guys have a look? I don't have anything in my hands, right?"

"You can also come up and check!"

A group of children really came up and touched it, and after confirming that there was nothing left, Chen Chu asked the children to sit down quickly.

"Open your eyes and see!"



Chen Chu said something in his mouth, turned around at the same time, and a second globe suddenly appeared in his hand.

A group of children suddenly widened their eyes and opened their mouths wide.

Chen Chu was naturally very satisfied with this reaction, and with a grin, he said, "Also! Mah, Mahah! Change!"

When he turned around again, and came back to his senses, the globe in his hand was gone again.

"Is it great?"

Chen Chu was looking forward to the time when the child would be able to say great things, but found that a large group of children had already rushed up to look for him.


"Where are you hiding?"

hey hey!

Don't take my pants off!


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