Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 98: Vanguard Fighting Competition, Instant Kill!

The next day, the Eastern Alliance Vanguard Contest officially starts!

The first one this year is everyone's favorite project.

It is also a project that all countries want to compete for the first place!

Vanguard Fighting Tournament!!

Each country sends its own vanguard to fight against the fighting.

Finally, the champion, runner-up and third place are decided!

Michael brought the biochemical soldiers to the arena of the fighting competition.

The first arena is where the soldiers from the Bangzi Kingdom and the soldiers from the Neon Kingdom's Sky Ghost Troop are competing.

"In the past, in this project, we and Yanhuang Kingdom have always been evenly matched, and this year we will definitely break this situation!

Michael looked at the stage, the soldiers of the Tiangui Army directly punched the leading soldiers of the Bangzi Kingdom - fainted!

The other party lost consciousness in an instant, and fell straight down!

The doctor rushed up and started rescue!!

Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to beat people like this, because the essence of the hall is communication.

But the soldiers of the Sky Ghost Army are too strong!!

It is simply not something ordinary people can afford!

An uppercut directly beat the leading soldier of Bangzi Kingdom into a concussion!!

The soldiers strengthened by the Superman Project are much bigger than ordinary humans!

Moreover, these people were originally special forces, and with the addition of reinforcements, they have completely exceeded the scope of normal humans!!

"Mr. Michael, your superman enhancement technology is really too strong! Haha, our Sky Ghost Troop is invincible! We have defeated the pioneers of three countries!!"

Oda was excited to see the soldiers of his own country on the stage easily winning the victory!

In the past, the ranking of the top soldiers in the Neon Kingdom was very bad, because of their short stature and weak physique.

Every time the vanguard fights, they are at the bottom!

But after Michael gave them the superhuman potion, the ghost soldiers created directly crushed all their soldiers from other countries!!

Strength has long surpassed the world boxing champion!!

And the muscles are extremely developed, bringing a strong defense!

Like iron plate!!

Michael said lightly: "Your follow-up research and development is too extreme, and it is enough to use my superhuman potion."

The Neon Kingdom has changed his superhuman potion and made the strengthening more extreme!

The advantage of this is that the strength is stronger, but at the same time it is more harmful to the body.

All the soldiers of the Sky Ghost Army can only live for five years at most after being strengthened!

And delirious!

Unlike his biochemical soldiers, they still retain their own thoughts.

The lifespan is not lost too much!!

Oda said indifferently: "Don't worry at all, Mr. Michael, they are all warriors who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the country! Fight for the country's revival plan!!"

Neon Nation is now promoting this medicine on a large scale. They don't use suppressive drugs at all, and they don't care about the lives of soldiers.

It is bound to complete the formation of the strongest army!!

Michael pouted: "I wish your plan success."

After speaking, he took people to the martial arts arena in Yanhuang Kingdom.

There are a total of six competition arenas in the entire fighting arena.

The guarding system adopted!

One person guards the ring, and the vanguard soldiers of other countries challenge, until the last six countries are left, and then the people will be judged!

At this time, no one from the country dared to go up in the arena of the Neon country.

For three consecutive national soldier kings, all were beaten out of their minds!

"Damn it, aren't your soldiers too ruthless! This is an exchange match!! You severely injured our soldiers!!"

People from Bangzi Kingdom ran over and scolded Xiaotian angrily.

Xiaotian said disdainfully: "Your soldiers are too weak, can you blame us? I was beaten to the ground with one punch, what can I do? Do we let our soldiers stand still?

If that's what you want, you can!"

He looked at the representative of Bangziguo coldly.

"Damn it, okay, don't move your people, I see how many cards you have!!

Bangziguo sent another soldier to play.

This soldier's muscles look really strong!

Apparently, he saw that Oda said he would not fight back, so he hired a powerful person to go up!

"Mr. Guibu, don't fight back, let our friends from Bangzi Kingdom know how much they are!"

Oda grinned and said, "Bring to our Neon Nation, you can become so powerful too!!"

The representative of Bangzi Kingdom directly went up with a powerful punch!

There was a muffled 'bang'.

This punch hit the Sky Ghost Soldier like hitting an iron plate!

The vanguard of Bangzi Kingdom screamed and hugged his arms?

His wrist was actually broken!!

This muscle defense is too scary!!

"Hahaha, you guys are really too weak!!"

Wang Kemang looked at the arena of the Neon Kingdom frowning in the distance.

Those guys occupied three rings in one country, and the people from each country who went up to compete were knocked down with one punch!!

There is definitely a problem, and the contrast with before is too big!!

At this time Michael has brought the biochemical soldiers to the arena of Yanhuang Kingdom!

Song Meng on the stage happened to be competing with a soldier of Yingjiang!!

On the stage, Song Meng covered his face with his hands, fixed his eyes on the opponent, sharply dodged the opponent's attack, and then waited for the opportunity to attack the opponent with precise punches.

Although Eagle Sauce Soldier is also very strong, as time goes by, his face has more and more injuries!

"Boring, what are you doing in mixed martial arts?"

Michael watched his own people on the stage fall into a disadvantage, and directly beckoned him to admit defeat.

Then he looked at Wang Kemang with a sneer: "I want your ring!"

As he spoke, he commanded a biochemical soldier to enter the ring.

The corner of the biochemical soldier's mouth cracked into an evil smile, and he went up to the stage to face Song Meng: "Be careful, don't get beaten to death!

Song Meng curled his lips and was about to put on a stance to fight, but Wang Kemang stopped directly: "Come down, let Tianyu and the others go up.

He saw the difference in the other party.

If Tianyu and the others hadn't accepted Ye Bai's super soldier serum enhancement, he certainly didn't know about body enhancement.

But now that he has seen it, he guesses that the opponent is likely to be a strengthened soldier!!

Song Meng frowned and stepped off the ring unwillingly.

Michael said with a smile: "Dear Wang, you are all the same, why don't I be like Xiaotian and let my people not fight back? Hahaha."

Dr. John nodded, he is very confident in his strengthening technology!!

"Who are you on?"

Zhang Tianyu looked at the four players and asked.

Yao Meng came out as soon as he left: "I'll go!"

Xie Kun said with a smile: "Just play with them casually.

Yao Meng nodded, and walked directly to the arena. He didn't put on any posture, just stood there looking at Yingjiang's biochemical soldiers.

In fact, his whole body is tense!

Quick response anytime!!

Dr. John took out his notebook and began to record.

"I can give you a punch."

The biochemical soldier said in a low voice.

Yao Meng waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm afraid of being punched..."

Before he finished speaking, the biochemical soldiers actually attacked directly!

"Damn, it's too despicable!"

Song Meng couldn't help cursing.

Wang Kemang's eyes narrowed slightly: "Soldiers never tire of cheating, that's nothing."

...asking for flowers......

Biochemical soldiers are more intelligent than sky ghost soldiers, and Dr. John's enhancement technology is indeed more balanced.

On the stage, the biochemical soldier punched with all his might. Very fast!

Yao Meng didn't panic at all, as if he had predicted the opponent's attack long ago.

Directly moved sideways to avoid the attack, then hugged the biochemical soldier's thick arms with both hands, and fell directly over the shoulder!!

The biochemical soldier stared at each other, and his whole body immediately exerted all his strength to resist!

But he was horrified to find that his strength was several times greater than that of ordinary people, and he couldn't resist Yao Meng's throwing skills!!


The biochemical soldier cursed unwillingly and fell to the ground with a "bang"!!

"Wang Defa??!"

Michael looked at the fallen biochemical soldier on the stage in disbelief.

This happened so fast too!!

He knows all too well the strength of these soldiers!

They can easily pull a large truck!!

Now it was thrown down by the soldiers of Yanhuang Kingdom!!

And in terms of size, Yao Meng is not as burly as a biochemical soldier, but even more powerful!!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!"

Dr. John looked at Yao Meng in horror.


How could someone knock down the enhanced biochemical soldiers so easily!!

The physical strength of his biochemical soldiers is several times that of ordinary humans!!

How could it be dropped!!

Yao Meng clapped his hands and said in disdain: "It has indeed been strengthened, the strength is not small."

Dr. John stared at Zhang Tianyu and the others all of a sudden. There was only one possibility, and that was the soldiers of the Yanhuang Kingdom, who were also strengthened!!

"Fack, stand up and continue beating me! Kill him!!!"

Michael roared angrily.

The biochemical soldier was fine, and got up quickly when he heard Michael's curse.

Staring at Yao Meng with red eyes.

Seeing this, Dr. John secretly thought it was not good, he was about to run away!!

After going berserk, the biochemical soldier fighter has been upgraded to a higher level, but it is out of control, and the pain perception is even lower. It will only stop after venting its anger!!

Seeing the other party's appearance, Yao Meng curled his lips: "He seems to be in a bad state. It seems that their skills are far behind Academician Ye, rubbish!"

"Let's get rid of it."

Wang Kemang ordered.

Yao Meng nodded, he immediately rubbed his body and approached, and was about to make a move, when the other party hugged him suddenly, and then used his hands suddenly, trying to strangle him to death!

Yao Meng smiled and looked at the biochemical soldiers who were constantly exerting strength, and then slowly opened his hands with force!

I saw the biochemical soldier gritted his teeth and tried his best, but his hand was still pushed away bit by bit by Yao Meng!!

And the arm grabbed by Yao Meng made him feel abnormal pain!

It's like being clamped by two steel clamps!!

Their pain perception has been weakened, and it can still make him feel pain!!

Dr. John suddenly stepped forward: "How is this possible!! Didn't their research on human body enhancement stop halfway through the research? Why did such a powerful fighter suddenly appear!!"

Michael grabbed Dr. John angrily: "Fuck [Didn't you tell me that the Superman project is to grab the strongest soldier in the world? Why does Dong Kang also have it! He is stronger than us!



The biochemical soldiers roared wildly, their strength increased a lot!

But it didn't work at all!

Yao Meng directly stretched his hands, then jumped up and hit his knee, smashing the strengthened jaw of the opponent completely!!

The powerful impact instantly shut down the brains of the biochemical soldiers!!

"Second, second kill??! Work!".

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