Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 111 The Great Wall Project!

"Academician Ye is flying towards the military area at 15 times the speed of sound!"

Liu Shouguo and Yi Ming happened to be discussing a big deal for Youdong Fudi.

Someone reports to them.

The two immediately looked up.

In the distance, a humanoid figure approached extremely quickly, and then fell from the sky in front of the two of them.

"Xiaoye? What kind of advanced equipment is this?"

The two looked at the cold Duernami armor in surprise, which looked much stronger than the dark dragon armor.

At least 15 times the speed of sound can fly!

Moreover, the appearance looks oppressive, and the red color scheme is daunting!

Ye Bai patted his chest lightly, and the liquid nano metal quickly changed back, shrinking into a necklace.

"This this!"

Yi Ming opened his mouth wide and looked confused.

Ye Bai's invention is getting more and more exaggerated!

A set of battle armor can be turned into a necklace so small!!

"This is the Duer Nano Armor, currently the strongest single-body equipment!"

Ye Bai explained with a smile.

Liu Shouguo wondered, "Can you change it again?"

He still didn't see how it changed!

The dark dragon armor also needs to be worn by humans, and it is mechanical equipment.

Their scientists can still study and understand the technology inside.

But he can't even understand this set of Duer nano armor!!

How does a liquid turn into a solid metal, and it can also form the appearance of a battle armor!!

Ye Bai nodded, patted the necklace, and immediately the necklace turned into silver liquid nano-metal and quickly spread to the whole body.

Three seconds later, the black armor appeared again.

The dark red lines add a hint of ferocious murderousness!

The two gasped, even though they were used to seeing Ye Bai's high-tech inventions, they would still be shocked!

Then Ye Bai lifted his armor again.

Yi Ming asked: "Xiaoye, how much stronger is this armor than the Dark Dragon Armor?"

Ye Bai thought for a while and said, "About ten times."

In fact, this is more than a hundred times stronger than the Dark Dragon Armor!

One is unlocked with a level 1 technology point, and the other is unlocked with a level 3 technology point and a level 2 technology point!

The strength of liquid nano metal is much stronger than that of Dark Dragon Armor, not in the same order of magnitude!!

This is the strength that can resist the slashing of the purple sweet potato essence!

That big knife is a magic weapon!

And as long as there is enough liquid nano metal, theoretically, the armor can be repaired all the time!!

Not to mention the weapons.

Dark Dragon Armor doesn't have this weapon, but the Nano Battle can transform into any weapon he has set!

As long as he can know all the possibilities of a weapon, he can implant the armor!!

That is to say, Duer Nano Armor can upgrade weapons all the time!!

I said ten times because I was afraid that the stimulation would be too great.

"Ten times! Too strong!"

The circle is only ten times, which also horrified Liu Shouguo and Yi Ming!

They know that the dark dragon armor can resist shells hard, and there is nothing wrong with it!!

If it was ten times stronger, wouldn't it be able to resist missiles!!

Yi Ming immediately asked: "Can this armor be mass-produced?"

Ye Bai shook his head: "Currently there is only this one, mass production is almost impossible!"

The extraction of liquid nano metals is very complicated.

Unless you have his Luban hand, it is impossible to manufacture this metal mechanically.

"If you want to mass-produce at least ten years to develop technology and improve the overall technology level, so it is not currently possible.

Liu Shouguo laughed and said, "It's just that it can't be done now, and we can't be too greedy, haha, the dark dragon armor hasn't been fully equipped yet."

Yi Ming nodded, indeed, technological updates and iterations take time.

The dark dragon armor is the limit of their mass production. If they want to mass produce stronger technology, they need to improve the overall scientific research level.

Now only Ye Bai is leading the whole Yanhuang forward!

"Now Yanhuang Kingdom has integrated many countries. Because of the lack of energy and poor productivity in Heizhou, basically all of them use Yanhuang coins as the common currency. Our current currency circulation has been greatly improved."

Liu Shouguo didn't care to discuss these secrets with Ye Bai.

"These are all thanks to you!"

Ye Bai said with a smile: "It is best to be able to cover most of the countries in the world, because I think that a plan may require a lot of manpower and material resources.

Yi Ming's eyes lit up, and he asked curiously: "What plan? As long as it is proposed by you, we will fully support it!"

Ye Bai said: "After I learned about Yingjiang's God's Scepter project, I felt that we need a device that can defend against space attacks. First of all, we need to build a proton shield launcher in our country. We have a nuclear fusion power station, and there is no problem with energy!

Then I want to build a Great Wall in low Earth orbit!"

Liu Shouguo was surprised when he heard it: "Building the Great Wall in low earth orbit?!!"

Ye Bai nodded earnestly and said, "That's right! Our ancestors built the Great Wall to resist foreign enemies, so I want to build a Great Wall to resist possible space attacks!"

This idea is too big!!

Such a project volume really requires the participation of the whole world to be possible!

It also requires a lot of financial and material resources.

Ye Bai added: "I call this the Great Wall of the Universe project. After it is completed, the proton shield of the Great Wall of the Universe can cover the entire Blue Star!!

And it can also serve as a port for space battleships!"

Liu Shouguo asked suddenly: "You don't already want to build a space battleship to explore the universe, do you?"

Yi Ming also looked at Ye Bai immediately.

Ye Bai frowned slightly and nodded: "Yes, but I can't carry out so many huge projects at the same time!"

The main reason is that his task has not been completed, and the second is that these two projects are very huge.

It can only be accomplished if the entire global resource is exhausted.

(Li Hao) Ye Bai continued: "Of course, we will not help other countries build for free, unless they are willing to accept all of our resources and use Yanhuang coins as the main currency group control!"

As long as the whole world uses Yanhuang coins, it basically means that Yanhuang controls the world economy!

When the time comes to build these two plans in the entire resource area, it will be easy for Liu.

Otherwise, relying solely on the Yanhuang Kingdom, although it can still be built.

But it takes too long!

Liu Shouguo frowned: "It's okay for some countries, but for a country like Yingjiang, I'm afraid it's not easy to manage."

Ye Bai grinned: "It's difficult because there is no crisis. If a meteorite hits the earth, it will cause mass extinction! If we don't build the Great Wall of the Universe, we will be extinct, and we can protect ourselves. You say, they Will you participate.

Liu Shouguo couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, he glanced at Ye Bai, he is indeed a little fox!!.

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