Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 114 Cultivate Talents And Let Parents Inject Super Soldier Serum

Ye Bai immediately used technology points to upgrade the proton shield.

Increased the range of the Proton Energy Shield.

After all, what is going to be manufactured now is a device that can protect the entire Blue Star!

It is very convenient to own the system. After consuming 0.5 secondary technology points, the transformation is complete.

Ye Bai prepared the detailed information and handed it over to the researchers who participated in the construction of the Luanfeng space carrier.

They have experience, and it is much easier to learn again.

There are many other best researchers, all studying on the sidelines.

Ye Bai will take them to build a large-scale proton energy emission device together.

Then let them research on their own.

And continue to train more technical personnel.

This project is huge and requires a large number of technical personnel to go to other countries to guide the construction.

All the selected researchers were very excited when they learned that Ye Bai was guiding them!

The god of technology "870" personally guides them!

All are very motivated and quick learners!

"I hope everyone can study hard, because when you are able to build independently, you will be sent to various countries in the world immediately.

Help them build ten proton launchers and living platforms on the Great Wall of the Universe, and you will be the founders of the Great Wall of the Universe project!"

Ye Bai looked at the researchers recruited by other research institutes in the Dragon Science Academy.

These are elite!

"Don't worry, Academician Ye, I'm satisfied to be able to study with you!"

"That's right, just study with Academician Ye, it doesn't matter who the founder is, haha."

"We must use the fastest time to learn!"

Ye Bai smiled and nodded, and immediately led everyone into research and development.

At the same time, Yanhuang Kingdom also needs to build its own proton protection device.

Ye Bai is guiding the researchers to learn how to build a large-scale proton energy shield launching device, and at the same time transforming a large anti-gravity cargo ship.

This time the proton energy shield launcher is going to be transported into the sky by the Luanfeng space carrier.

But in the future, other goods will definitely need to be carried, and the Luanfeng space carrier cannot be used all the time.

So a cargo ship is also needed.

Of course, this is a reserve technology, and there is no need for other researchers to learn it now.

Under the continuous influence of Ye Bai's technology.

The scientific research level of Yanhuang country's scientific research personnel has long surpassed the world's too much.

Whether it is anti-gravity technology, electromagnetic technology, or controllable nuclear fusion technology.

So it's super fast to learn!!

At the same time, the country is also developing rapidly.

Yanhuang Kingdom has fully promoted the controllable nuclear fusion power station!

The whole country has realized the use of clean energy!

And because of the popularization and use of maglev vehicles, people can see the blue sky and white clouds in their childhood again!!

Baba Yang has become an important base for the controllable nuclear fusion power station of Yanhuang State.

The Northern Alliance all built their towers from here.

Yanhuang Kingdom is also responsible for this project!

Baba sheep is also getting richer and richer!!

As long as it is a country that builds nuclear fusion power plant bases in Yanhuang Country, it will benefit a lot.

These countries are all countries that have always had good relations with Yanhuang Kingdom!

And countries that use Yanhuang coins, maglev cars, and quantum computers have entered their lives, and they have actually changed their living conditions!

This makes many countries jealous.

They use eagle sauce coins, they use Gallic chicken money, they use dime.

It is better to switch to Yanhuang coins to get more benefits!

Countries like Jingbabwe directly chose the Yanhuang currency, and their currency system has long since collapsed.

The current Yanhuang currency has become one of the strongest currencies in the world.

Fudi is also considering using Yanhuang coins as oil settlement currency!

Although the popularization of magnetic levitation and controllable nuclear fusion technology has greatly reduced the demand for oil.

But many other devices that don't use maglev and don't use electric motors still need oil.

And there are many by-products of petroleum, so Fudi is still very rich!

As long as Fudi uses Yanhuang currency to settle oil, then Yanhuang country can replace Yingjiang's currency supremacy!

After completing the preliminary design of the large cargo ship, Ye Bai used his spare time to create two more bottles of super soldier serum.

"It's been a long time since I went back, so I just gave this to them."

After putting away the super soldier serum, Ye Bai was about to go home when Liu Shouguo called again.

"Xiaoye, the Zhuhai Air Show will start in a few days, will you participate then?"

Ye Bai thought for a while, then shook his head: "No, I still have some things to make.

"Okay, there will be a global live broadcast at that time, you can watch it if you want."

"no problem."

Ye Bai wore a mask and took a special plane back home in full armor.

With his current popularity, if he is not fully armed, he will definitely attract many people, and he doesn't like it.

When he came to the house demolished by his parents, he knocked on the door...

"Xiaobai is back?!"

It was Song Jia who opened the door. When she saw Ye Bai in full armor, she still recognized her at a glance.

"My son is back! But I think of us, how long has it been?"

It is true that Ye Bai has not been home for the past few months.

Ye Bai walked into the room: "I've been doing scientific research recently."

Ye Ji nodded and said: "Scientific research is important, it's okay, just remember to go home.

Song Jia greeted happily: "I'm going to buy some good pork belly!"

Ye Bai likes to eat her braised pork, which is fat but not greasy.

"Mom, wait a minute, here is a medicine I developed, you can use it to strengthen your body.

Ye Bai took out the super soldier serum and handed it to the second elder.

"what is this?"

Ye Ji took the super soldier serum curiously: "It looks a bit like the biochemical agent in the movie."

This is really similar to the T virus in Resident Evil.

Ye Bai said with a smile: "This is a universal potion, which can improve the abilities of all aspects of the body! Just pierce it directly at the shoulder, and the injection button on it.

Ye Ji played with it curiously, a little novel.

Song Jia frowned, took the super soldier serum from his mobile phone, and then stabbed it on his shoulder: "If you want to stab it, do it, study something there."

Ye Ji was taken aback, and said helplessly, "I just want to see this thing. After all, it was my son who studied it. I'm curious."

After Song Jia injected him, she also injected herself: "Why are you curious, hurry up and finish the injection, I'll go buy meat."

2.4 What else did Ye Ji want to say, suddenly felt a sharp pain.

Song Jia curled her lips: "Look at you..."

Before she finished speaking, she opened her eyes and felt a sharp pain.

Three seconds later, the two recovered.

Ye Ji moved his hands and feet in surprise, and said excitedly: "I feel my whole body is full of strength!!"

Song Jia touched her cheek and it felt smoother.

Although it can't make them return to their twenties.

But it's so much younger!

She hurried into the hygienist's house to have a look.

"Oh, my son is so amazing!"

Song Jia ran out happily, pinched Ye Bai's face: "Mom will buy meat for you, haha.

Ye Ji gestured a few times: "Come on, son, let's wrestle with each other."

Ye Bai smiled brightly: "Okay."

Parents are healthy and happy, and being a son, of course, is also very happy!.

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