Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 12 The Limit Of The Shooting Range Is Not My Limit (Seeking Flowers And Tickets)

The two most hopefuls both failed, and everyone was out of ideas.

Zhou Ping waved to Ye Bai: "Ye Bai, come here."

Ye Bai walked over with the widow maker, and Fen Nengcheng put it aside.

Wang Kemang frowned. Judging from the appearance, this gun is too sci-fi, that is, unreal.

A gun uses a digital display to count bullets, among other data.

There are numbers on the scope, just like the diffraction screen of combat power.

As far as he knows, there is no such technology on Blue Star right now.

At least he has seen almost all the guns, but he has never seen the design of Ye Bai.

Wang Kemang couldn't help asking, "What kind of gun is this?"

Ye Bai held it in his hand and showed: "Technical Precision Rifle - Widowmaker."

His words made Li Si and the others laugh.

The name is very gimmicky, and the shape is exaggerated, but this is a firearms test. I really thought it was a movie and a prop.

Wang Kemang also shook his head. At present, this gun is not conducive to maintenance, and it seems too complicated.

Although it seems to be a modular frame, it is not sure yet.

If it wasn't brought by the Dragon Science Academy, he would have thought it was a toy model.

"Test it."

Wang Kemang waved his hand casually. If Zhou Ping and others were not here, he would be going to the armored vehicle testing area.

There are still people who have not tested, some are going to take it back to continue to improve, and some are packing and going to go back.

Chen Wei was a little excited: "I can finally see it."

Wei Chen couldn't help but smile too.

This made Wang Kemang a little puzzled, could this Ye Bai really have something.

Others were surprised to see the three academicians of Dragon Science Academy so excited, and stopped to watch Ye Bai's test suspiciously.

Ye Bai held the gun casually, glanced at the scope, and shot directly.

Wang Kemang looked at it and shook his head again, this gesture was too amateurish.

Although it is not necessary to be able to use firearms to design and develop, one must know how to use them.

Otherwise, how can the design be humanized and easy to use!

You have to know how to design it to hold it, whether it fits on the shoulder or holds it, or how to hold the gun.

Ye Bai obviously didn't learn how to use firearms systematically.

'biu, biu...'

The gunshots were small, with a hint of electromagnetic sound.

A few people who are close can still hear a very obvious sound of energy recharging.

Yi Rou'er's beautiful eyes instantly magnified, could it really be an energy weapon?

Wang Kemang also discovered the problem at this time, and he stared at Ye Bai with wide eyes.

There is almost no body shake every time you shoot, and the recoil is too small.

In other words, there is no recoil at all!

How is this possible, with no rear seat plug-in?


'boom! ’ sound.

The 100-meter target was directly shattered!

"Fuck! The target is broken?"

"What kind of gun is this! I thought it was a toy gun at first, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"It seems to be an electromagnetic weapon. Oh my God, no one in the world has made it, so what is this?"

The people around were all researchers from various institutions, and they all recognized that Ye Bai was using an electromagnetic rifle, and at the same time marveled at its power.

"The biggest feature of this gun is its range and penetration. It is a semi-automatic rifle."

Ye Bai fired three shots, and the 100-meter target disappeared immediately.

Wang Kemang stared blankly at the target that had shattered into pieces. It was a homogeneous steel plate, not wood!

It was smashed by three shots!

What a weapon!

Just now, both Yi Rouer and Li Si's targets swept more than one round of bullets, but they only left bullet holes.

But Ye Bai's was directly crushed!

And the greater the power, the greater the recoil should be. Why doesn't it seem to have any recoil.

"Okay, as expected of an electromagnetic rifle!"

Zhou Ping couldn't help admiring, they tried a shot, they only knew that the gun was real, they didn't know how powerful it was.

Chen Wei also couldn't help but praise: "It's not in vain to wait for so many days, Ma De, this is too strong."

Fang is an academician of the Academy of Sciences who is as stable as a dragon, and he couldn't help but burst into praise.

Wei Chen laughed loudly and said, "Sure enough, a good meal is not afraid of being late, haha, wonderful."

Li Si looked in disbelief at the target with only pillars left in the distance.

This thing can be used to fight armor!

This is a rifle? Anti-materiel weapons!

"Sorry, the target is gone, do you want to continue?"

Ye Bai scratched his head, there were targets at 200 meters, 300 meters and 500 meters in the distance.

Wang Kemang hurriedly said: "You continue, you continue!"

"All right."

Ye Bai aimed at the target of two hundred meters again.

"Ye Bai, let me introduce the parameters by the way."

Zhou Ping reminded them that they don't know the specific parameters yet.

While shooting, Ye Bai introduced: "As I introduced in the live broadcast before, the magazine capacity is 12 rounds, and one round can fire six bullets, a total of 72 bullets. I don't know the initial velocity of the bullets. It should be very fast. The effective range is also Don't know, haven't tested it."

As he said that, he used three shots each to smash the targets of 200 meters and 300 meters.

In the end, there was only a target of 500 meters left.

Ye Bai took a brief look through the scope and shot!

Wang Kemang shouted in his heart, take good aim, that is 500 meters, not 50 meters!

"This gun doesn't need to calculate the ballistic wind direction or anything, just point at where to shoot, as long as the scope sees it, it is a hit. It can automatically correct the ballistic parameters and adjust the front sight."

No wonder!

Only then did Wang Kemang understand why there were parameters on the scope.

Why did Ye Bai shoot without even aiming.

"This, this is too advanced!"

Yi Rou'er couldn't help sighing: "You can even make the gun digital!"

As she spoke, she looked at Ye Bai with fiery eyes.

She is still studying mechanical design, gunpowder, and others are playing with digital and electromagnetic energy!

Twelve rounds of bullets, the magazine just emptied, and all four targets were shattered.

There was a sound of breathing.

This destructive power is too strong!

"Is this guy also from Dragon Academy? So strong!"

"Electromagnetic rifle, that's an electromagnetic rifle! The only one in the world that can be used in actual combat!"

"Longke Academy deserves to be the research and development center of the country's high-tech and cutting-edge technology, and it has actually created an electromagnetic rifle."

"No, have you noticed? The person said the live broadcast just now. How could the people of the Dragon Science Academy not know that this kind of weapon cannot be leaked?"

"Yes, this gun is definitely classified. How could it be broadcast live? And if it is broadcast live, there will definitely be news on the Internet. I pay attention to gun news every day, but I haven't seen it yet."

"It should be blocked. This news must not be leaked. Then is this person from the Dragon Science Academy? Why have I never heard of this person."

Everyone looked at Ye Bai in disbelief, who is this guy? !

Seeing that all the targets were gone, Wang Kemang seemed to be able to use the gun with ease: "Can this gun shoot further?"

Ye Bai nodded: "It should be. The limit of the shooting range is not my limit. If there is a target, I can try again."

Everyone was speechless for a while after hearing the words, let's see if this is what people said.

The limit of the shooting range is not his limit, it is too arrogant.

But they found that Ye Bai was right.

He obviously felt that the other party was pretending to be critical, but the pretending was justified!

Wang Kemang now also wants to know the full performance of this electromagnetic rifle!



"Go, go to the sniper rifle testing area!"


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