Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 125 Reconstruction Of Jiangnan Shipyard, Kunpeng Transport Ship!

Zhu Powen was arrested, and the Bend Island referendum finally decided to return to Yanhuang in one month!

Without any obstacles, the referendum passed very smoothly.

Even the islanders who don't use the Internet, seeing the huge ship above their heads and the arrest of Zhu Powen, know that the Yanhuang Kingdom has reached the point where they have to return.

There is no need to talk about this issue too much, because the strength is too strong!

If they don't return, it will be difficult to build their own protection module of the Great Wall of the Universe with their strength, let alone the benefit of free injection of Longyuan Pharmacy for the whole people, let alone have it!

Yi Ming and the others began to get busy with the procedure of accepting the island nation!

The first is the armed takeover and the docking of various departments!

In the Dragon Science Academy, Ye Bai drew the general idea of ​​a large transport spaceship on the computer.

And make marks and design ideas, and then open Luban's eyes.

'Is it locked?


'Ding: The analysis is successful, a large transport spaceship with a strong carrying capacity! It can be unlocked.


'Ding: unlocked successfully, consume 1 level 2 technology point, all technology data of the large transport spaceship has been loaded!'

In fact, according to Ye Bai's design idea, the anti-gravity engine is still used, plus the particle propulsion engine as the power source.

But the transport ship not only needs a power system, but also needs many other technologies.

Otherwise, he can just build a launch vehicle.

So there are many other technologies brought by this 1 point of secondary technology points.

And Ye Bai also used the remaining 0.5 level-2 technology points to customize and upgrade the transport ship.

That's how the mission is done!

Ye Bai got 3 tier-3 technology points directly!!

The task system will not be updated until the transport ship is built.

After thinking about it for a while, he still needed to build a place dedicated to building large spaceships.

Whether it is a space battleship or other equipment in the future, it will definitely require a group of exclusive talents and places.

Like Michael's bio-soldier lab and Dales' underground control room.

He answered Liu Shouguo's call.

"Boss Liu, I will build a place dedicated to building large spaceships.

In fact, Yanhuang Kingdom also has a department dedicated to building spacecraft, which is the Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics.

"Okay, you can just choose the place and personnel. If you encounter difficulties, you can find me."

Ye Bai nodded, he is also a major general now, in fact, Liu Shouguo doesn't need to come forward for anything.

And as long as it is heard that it is his project, then Yanhuang Kingdom must fully support it!

Needless to say, each military region will give the greatest help!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Bai thought of Jiangnan Shipyard.

All the workers inside have participated in the construction of the Luanfeng space carrier.

He has experience in the construction of large spaceships.

Obviously, it is the most suitable department for building spaceships.

Ye Bai activated the Duernami Armor and went directly to the Jiangnan Shipyard.

He put away the Duer Nano Armor and went directly to Cai Yu, the director of the Jiangnan Shipyard.

"Academician Ye? No, General Ye! Hey, everything seems to work, haha.

Cai Yu was pleasantly surprised: "What do you want to come to me? What new warship do you want to build?"

Ye Bai smiled slightly: "This time I came to hope to change Jiangnan Shipyard into Jiangnan Airship Factory.

Cai Yu was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

Spaceship factory?

This means that we will specialize in the construction of spaceships in the future?!

Doesn't that mean rushing out of the earth and orienting the universe!!


Cai Yu said happily, "That's good."

Ye Bai nodded: "You first ask everyone in the factory to come over, and I will ask them to study a project first.

"Okay, I'm going right now!"

Cai Yu immediately ran to contact the workers.

In order to speed up the progress, Ye Bai has to use both hands.

While contacting the military region to rebuild the Jiangnan Shipyard, at the same time let the people in the shipyard start to study the technology of large transport ships.

After a while, a large group of people came in front of Ye Bai.

"Academician Ye, what kind of high-tech are you going to build this time!"

"Yes, brothers are here."

"Now I don't know whether to call him Academician Ye or General Ye.

Everyone was very enthusiastic.

Cai Yu waved his hand to let everyone be quiet.

Ye Bai smiled and said: "This time, we are going to build a large transport spaceship to transport materials for the future Great Wall of the Universe. It is called the Kunpeng transport ship!"

Although these people are not researchers, they have all participated in the construction of the Luanfeng space carrier and have experience in building large warships.

"Because we have many technologies ready-made, we must strive to complete the construction in half a month. I hope everyone can work hard for a few days!"

"no problem!"

Everyone shouted in unison.

It is still the same, Ye Bai is responsible for the construction of the core technology, and then produces other technical materials, handed over to the technicians in the shipyard for research, and leads the workers to build.

This time, there were no other researchers, and all the technicians from Jiangnan Shipyard did the research.

This also improves their R&D capabilities!

As the core research layer of Jiangnan Spaceship Factory in the future.

Of course, these people are still not enough.

"At the same time, we are going to renovate here, so we can overcome the difficulties during the remodeling.

"no problem!"

Everyone didn't ask why it was rebuilt, and they completely believed in Ye Bai.

"447 You go to work first, I will take the materials and hand them over to you later. 11

After everyone left, Ye Bai grabbed Cai Yu: "About the reconstruction, please tell them. I will contact the military area and finish it as quickly as possible!"

Cai Yu nodded and said, "Okay!"

Because the Zijin Military Region was the closest, and Ye Bai was the major general of the Zijin Military Region, he immediately called the engineers in the military region, and at the same time rushed to the design institute to produce the drawings.

"First of all, we need to retain the 300,000-ton dock, and we need 500,000-ton, 800,000-ton and 1-million-ton docks."

The spaceship must be much bigger than the Luanfeng aircraft carrier.

Therefore, Jiangnan Shipyard must expand a lot.

It happens that there are many mountainous areas in the surrounding area, which can be planned and transformed directly.

"Then the factory buildings are all reasonable, and there is a need for a radar station and a headquarters."

Ye Bai is going to merge the aerospace department.

Another big project.

But Ye Bai said, the military region immediately began to act.

And Baiyan also let engineers from the Changnan Military Region participate in the construction.

The Ministry of Aeronautics and Astronautics belongs to the Chuancheng Military Region, and Jin Jianjun also cooperated with Ye Bai to start transferring the department.

It only took three days for the design institute to draw up the plan, and the engineers of the two major military regions quickly entered the transformation process!!

Ye Bai is also involved in the construction of the Kunpeng transport ship!.

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