Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter Fourteen A Strange Guy Infiltrates The Tank Range

When Liu Shouguo heard the words and looked around, he saw Zhou Ping and others swarming to the tank shooting range.

He greeted him immediately with a smile.

When Wang Kemang and Yang Yiming saw Liu Shouguo, they immediately saluted: "Hello, Chief!"

Liu Shouguo nodded: "You have worked hard today."

Zhou Ping greeted with a smile from the side: "I didn't expect the commander to be here. Hello, chief."

Liu Shouguo gave Zhou Ping a blank look on purpose: "They're all old classmates. They're called commanders, and they're also chiefs. Just call me Old Liu."

Chen Wei pretended to be serious and said: "That can't be done. You are the commander of the Zijin Military Region. You are the commander of the military region. How dare we get close."

Liu Shouguo patted Chen Wei on the shoulder vigorously: "Old Chen, you deliberately ran on me, didn't you?"

Zhou Ping and the others laughed heartily.

They are all classmates in the same school and have a very good relationship.

"Who is this?"

Liu Shouguo noticed Ye Bai holding the widow maker, and he was the only one in this group holding an exaggerated gun.

Zhou Ping said with a smile: "He is an honorary researcher of our academy, and he came here to try out the equipment."

"Trying equipment?"

Liu Shouguo asked suspiciously: "This gun? Why did you go to the tank range to try it out?"

The targets in the tank shooting range are not comparable to those in the firearms area.

Those are all huge high-strength concrete targets, and the shooting distances are all as low as 1,800 meters.

Zhou Ping pointed to the widow maker and said, "This is an electromagnetic rifle, and the only place to test its performance is here."

"Electromagnetic rifle?!"

Liu Shouguo is the commander of the military region, so of course he knows electromagnetic rifles.

Looking at Ye Bai in surprise: "Hurry up and test it, I'll take a look too."

This is high-tech equipment. If it is real and can be mass-produced, it will definitely greatly enhance the strength of the army!

Although excited, Liu Shouguo remained calm.

Ye Bai came among the tanks, right next to it was a Type 99A main battle tank, which was being launched.

'boom. '

The violent airflow instantly kicked up a large amount of dust.

A target in the distance was directly blown to pieces.

"The 2000-meter target was accurately hit, and the target was destroyed!"

The observer's report came over the intercom.

As expected of a main battle tank, the main gun is extremely powerful. This is one of the great weapons of the Yanhuang Kingdom!

Ye Bai picked up the gun and squinted to aim.

At this time, all the tank soldiers around noticed Ye Bai, and they all crawled out of the tank, looking curiously at Ye Bai who was mixing in the tank with a rifle.

1800 meter target.


After the remaining three bullets were fired, Ye Bai changed the magazine and continued to aim at the 2000-meter target.

Still three shots.

After the fight, Ye Bai stopped and looked at Zhou Ping.

"Report the results of the shooting."

Wang Kemang quickly asked the observer through the walkie-talkie.

"Report, the unknown weapon was shot just now. It should be a gun. All of them hit the center of the target. The surface of the 1800-meter target was shattered and penetrated the target. A total of 18 bullet holes were evenly distributed."

"The surface of the 2,000-meter target was shattered, but it did not penetrate the target. There were also 18 bullet holes, and the penetration depth was about 60 centimeters or more."

The observer walked up to the target and looked at the bullet holes on the target suspiciously. What kind of gun is this? Its penetration is so terrifying.


Everyone listened to the report in disbelief.

Penetrate a one-meter-thick reinforced concrete target at a distance of 1800 meters!

That is a homogeneous armor plate equivalent to a thickness of 10 centimeters.

Even Barrett, the most famous anti-material sniper, can only penetrate homogeneous armor less than 1 centimeter with armor-piercing bullets.

A distance of 2000 meters can penetrate a depth of 60 centimeters!

This isn't just a widow maker, it's a battlefield shredder!

Jiang Chen sighed in his heart.

One shot out, directly string gourds, and kill all the people within the effective range!

It can even be used to fight armored vehicles.

"Your Academy of Dragon Sciences is amazing. You have created such a terrifying weapon. Is this still a rifle?"

Liu Shouguo sighed in disbelief.

Even if he is as experienced as him, he can't keep calm like he was at the beginning.

Zhou Ping and others were overjoyed!

"Commander Liu is wrong now. This gun was developed by that kid himself, and it has nothing to do with our Academy of Dragon Sciences."

Zhou Ping looked at Ye Bai and smiled.

Liu Shouguo's tone rose unconsciously: "Didn't you develop it at the Dragon Academy of Sciences?"

Chen Wei nodded and said to Liu Shouguo in a low voice: "That's right, Xiao Jiang was watching the live broadcast and discovered the gun made by Ye Bai. To be precise, he is an Internet celebrity."

Liu Shouguo is numb.

Self-developed, internet celebrity, electromagnetic rifle.

These pieces of information can't be connected together, but now they are a combination of Ye Bai!

In the end, Liu Shouguo could only sigh: "It's really a hero born of a boy."

"Damn it, have you ever heard of a rifle dry-piercing a one-meter-thick concrete target? Anyway, I didn't."

"Can this still be called a rifle? Isn't it a cannon when enlarged!"

"It's too scary. If such a gun can be installed, then our army will be invincible!"

"Look at the gun he made, and then look at what I improved. I'm just rubbish, no, not even rubbish, what a piece of shit!"

Yi Rou'er's eyes became even hotter. Such a powerful weapon, developed by Ye Bai alone, is too powerful.

Not only the people in the rifle testing area were shocked.

Even the tank soldiers watching were astonished.

"Fortunately, I drive a tank, otherwise even an armored vehicle would not be safe."

"Is the rifle so rolled now? Doesn't it mean that the rifle has not been very good in recent years, and there are no new guns."

"This changed the guns on our tanks, wouldn't it be cool."

Everyone was shocked by this result, except Ye Bai.

"Report, I'm applying to call again, I still have a function that hasn't been tested."

Ye Bai was very dissatisfied that it failed to penetrate. He just analyzed the data of this gun in detail with Luban's Eye, and the effective range is 4000 meters!

At the longest distance, using the charging mode can penetrate 10 cm thick homogeneous armor!

Now it is only 2000 meters away, and it will wither.

Of course, due to the limited manufacturing environment and materials, the performance must not have reached the strongest.

"Go ahead, it's best to introduce the function to us."

Ye Bai nodded: "Okay, this gun also has a charging mode, I can definitely penetrate that target!"

Charge mode?

It is not difficult to understand that energy can be accumulated and then exploded.

You are already very strong, there is really no need to be stubborn anymore, it would be impolite to do so.

Jiang Chen shouted in his heart.

"Tsk, I'm still not satisfied after it's all like this, and I still have to penetrate it, so there's no way for people to survive."

"Hey, I feel like he's pretending, but there's no proof."

"I'm already a little numb, it's too strong."

Ye Bai raised the gun, took aim, and held down the trigger.

He could hear the obvious sound of energy gathering, and a second later, the bullet was fired automatically.

Charge again, shoot...

Ye Bai emptied the remaining nine bullets.

"This, this, the target, the target is half destroyed, the bullets all penetrate, all penetrate!"

The observer was dumbfounded.

A half of the reinforced concrete target in the distance was shattered!

He already knew someone was testing the rifle.

A rifle that shattered a tank target in half. Is this still a rifle?

"The initial velocity of the bullet is 4500 m/s, the shooting interval is about 0.5 seconds, and the charging time for charging shooting is about 1 second. The scope can automatically correct the target distance and adjust the front sight. There is no recoil when shooting, and it is stable and quiet."

Wang Kemang muttered to himself, telling all the parameters he knew about the widow maker.

Liu Shouguo was stunned while listening.

A muzzle velocity of 4500 meters?

The muzzle velocity of the fastest tank gun shell in the world is our 99A main battle tank, and the muzzle velocity of the shell is only 1940 m/s!

A rifle bullet goes faster than a tank shell.

A sight that can automatically adjust the front sight according to the distance, what kind of high technology is this.

"I think this gun should not be called a technical precision rifle, it should be called a technical precision anti-material gun!"


I have a lot of words in one chapter, and two chapters are worth three chapters of others. When updating the same number of words, the chances of exposure are much less. So I hope you can help the big guys to vote for counting votes and flowers, and support a lot, let me know that I am not a stand-alone, thank you.

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