Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 142 Unlock, Star-Based Star Destroyer, Temple Ii Space Battleship!

Ye Bai returned to Dragon Academy.

The first thing to do is to unlock the technology.

Star-based Star Destroyer He intends to use the super laser cannon from Star Wars 7 The Force Awakens!

In the movie, after the Empire speech is over, the whole planet opens up, revealing the super cannon transformed from the planet!!

A super laser cannon directly across the galaxy, destroying four planets in an instant!!

This is an absolutely devastating weapon!

It is most suitable to be used as a star-based star destroyer!

It uses the core of the planet as the energy source to drive the cannon to emit high-energy energy beams!!

Being able to fight across galaxies means having the ability to warp and strike through space!!

Ye Bai drew it on the computer based on the idea of ​​the Star Destroyer in the movie.

This movie is not available on Blue Star.

'Is it locked.


'Ding: The analysis is successful. The star-based star destroyer uses the core of the planet as energy and the planet body as the carrier of the cannon. Depending on the size of the planet, it can launch one or more beams of energy beams that are enough to destroy the planet to attack!! Powerful star-based Weapons, unlockable!


'Ding: Unlocked successfully, consuming 2 three-level technology points! The technology data of the Star-based Star Destroyer has been fully loaded.

Ye Bai closed his eyes and flipped through the huge amount of information in his mind.

As expected of a star-based star destroyer, this kind of project is too huge.

As long as he has this weapon, Blue Star will have the absolute ability to fight back!!

This weapon is the same as Yanhuang Kingdom's efforts to develop poached eggs!

Just to be able to speak internationally with a heart!!

The current star-based Star Destroyer is the same!!

Only with this weapon can human beings have the confidence to speak in the universe!!

Although the technology of Sika Star is not a top-level powerful civilization.

But if you really want to invade Blue Star in an all-round way, Blue Star has no good way other than passive defense!!

Of course, because of his existence, they are not afraid of the Sika Star attacking.

At least the Duernami Armor is fully capable of confronting the opponent's fleet!!

All in all, the external threat is great.

There is also a spaceship to unlock.

Human habitation on the moon is a mission, but does not require any new technology.

Just put the living module in the Luanfeng Aerospace Carrier on the moon.

This task is well done.

Just like the life section of the Great Wall of the Universe!

Ye Bai thought for a while, there are many options for space battleships.

There are many space battleships in Star Wars, which have the ability to destroy planets and are powerful.

There are also many warships capable of interstellar travel in the comics.

In the reunion, Ge Shujing's Temple II space battleship is also very powerful.

"Let's use purple sweet potato essence."

Purple Sweet Potato Essence's Space Battleship No. 2 Temple has many other battleships inside, so it is relatively cost-effective to unlock a space flagship battleship and own many types of battleships.

And the setting of attack power.

Temple II not only has a conventional plasma laser cannon, but also a super nuclear bomb.

The equivalent of this nuclear weapon is a thousand times more powerful than Atlantis!!

Equivalent to 350 billion tons of TNT equivalent!!

Shenlong 5b, the destructive power is about 5 million tons equivalent, 1/70000 times the nuclear bomb power of Thanos. Big Ivan is 55 million tons equivalent, 1/6363 times the nuclear bomb power of Thanos.

Two are enough to destroy Titans!!

Sanctum II is a sub-flagship space battleship, among which the Leviathan whale-type ship appeared in the Avengers with a huge body!

It can also launch two rounds of donuts. The donuts are the space battleships that Ebony Maw captured Dr. Surprise and flew away in Avengers 3.

The vanguard transport ship can be launched in the donut, which is full of combat machine arms. It was used in the war against Wakanda!!

Therefore, the Temple No. 2 of Purple Sweet Potato Essence is more comprehensive, and its weapon equipment is more abundant.

As for the larger flagship space battleship Sanctuary that appeared in Avengers 4, Ye Bai estimates (ccae) that his current technology points may not be enough!

The Sanctuary is so powerful that it surpasses the Sanctuary too much.

He currently has 1 point of third-level technology points left, and he estimates that Sanctuary needs at least level-4 technology points to buy!!

Whether it is the Penrose Singularity Engine or the Star Terminator Cannon, they are all super powerful cosmic technology!

Although the Temple No. 2 has shortcomings and weak weapon systems, he has already mastered the technology of many weapons. The anti-city cation gun, heavy electron gun, etc. can be strengthened to replace the weapons on the Temple No. 2.

After the decision was made, Bai directly played the scene of Avengers 3 sitting on the donut number.

'Is it locked?


'Ding: The analysis is successful, the space battleship No. 2 of the Temple, a very comprehensive space mothership, equipped with battleships of various sizes and uses, and weak weapons, can be unlocked!

The weapon is relatively weaker, and it is more about carrying a large number of people for space travel!!

Purple Sweet Potato Essence is sailing between galaxies on this battleship!!

In Avengers 4, it brings purple sweet potato essence and directly opens the wormhole to Blue Star!!


‘Ding: Consume 1 point of the third-level technology point, the Sanctum II space battleship has been successfully unlocked, and the data has been loaded!!”

Because the weapons are weak, so unlocking requires only a little science and technology points.

But this is not a problem for Ye Bai.

There are too many weapon technologies in Ye Bai's hands!

The Temple II space battleship and the star-based Star Destroyer are already weapons above the planetary level!!

It will take the entire planet to work together.

So their data is extremely large.

Fortunately, there is a quantum computer, and it took Ye Bai a month to complete all these materials!!

This is the first time that it takes so long to make materials!

The core part is still completed by himself, but other large components can be handed over to others.

At present, the workers of the Jiangnan Spaceship Factory have rich experience in building large-scale space-class warships!!

In addition, other countries also have experience in participating in the construction of the Great Wall of the Universe, so they can definitely participate!

Ye Bai came to Jiangnan Shipyard, where the reconstruction has been completed.

And also completed the construction of the second Kunpeng transport spacecraft!!

Ye Bai approached Cai Yu directly: "I need more people, build a space battleship!"

Cai Yu was shocked when he heard the words, he had guessed that Ye Bai rushed to the universe, but he didn't expect the other party to come for real!!.

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