Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 145 Star-Based Star Destroyer! Determine The Relationship.

"Star-based Star Destroyer?!!!"

Everyone felt their scalps go numb, and they were all dumbfounded!

I have no idea what kind of weapon this is.

They can also understand the star destroyer, the cannon that destroys the planet.

This is common in sci-fi movies.

Special Eagle Sauce likes making this kind of sci-fi movie very much.

But that's just a movie!!

How can it be applied to weapons in reality!!

Even for the Luanfeng space carrier, they believe that the most powerful existing equipment, the strongest anti-city cation cannon on it, can only destroy 7000 square kilometers!!

If you want to destroy a planet, there is still a long way to go!!

"To put it simply, it is to transform the moon into a super cannon, powered by the core of the moon. Because the moon is too small, one shot should only be able to destroy a planet across the galaxy."

Ye Bai roughly described the power and concept of the Star Destroyer.

Dals was stunned, Wang Defa??

Transform the Moon!!

Or a cannon?!

His God Scepter 22 weapon system is already exaggerated enough.

Launched two thousand weapon satellites around Blue Star!

But I didn’t expect Ye Bai to be more terrifying!!

Directly to transform the planet!!

Liu Shouguo and Yi Ming couldn't hide the shock in their eyes.

terraforming the moon?

After the human settlements on the moon are completed, the moon will be transformed and made into a weapon!!

Most importantly, this weapon can destroy a planet with one blow!!

Star Destroyer, worthy of the name!!

"Destroy a planet across galaxies."

Bedeku exclaimed: "Then we can completely destroy the Sika star 45 light-years away with one shot!!"

45 light-years are still in the solar system, and they are not counted as inter-galaxies.

You can go directly to Destroy Sika Planet!!

This alien civilization has always been the biggest threat to Blue Star at present.

At least the other party is definitely not holding good intentions!!

"It's absolutely fine, but Xi Kaxing, I have other plans.

The overall technological level of Sika Star is definitely stronger than that of Blue Star.

Although Ye Bai's research and development enabled Blue Star to have powerful interstellar warfare capabilities, the overall technology on Blue Star has not kept up.

This is still just him leading Blue Star forward alone.

So he planned to go to Star Sika after completing the star-based Star Destroyer and the Temple II space battleship.

Use the Star Destroyer Cannon as a deterrent by force, and have a good talk with Sika Star... …

For Ye Bai's decision, none of them make sense.

Arguably, without Ye Bai.

After Trump contacted Sika Star, most of the Blue Star has been destroyed with a high probability. At this time, people from Sika Star may be on their way and ready to occupy Blue Star.

But after Meteor was blocked by the Great Wall of the Universe, the opponent did not dare to act rashly.

So Ye Bai is the savior of Blue Star at this time!!

"This construction may require millions of people. This is a huge project, so everyone needs to exclude manpower to participate. I will build the core part in advance."

As the core part of the Star Destroyer, only he can build it, because it depends on the core of the moon.

Only his Duernami armor can go.

"We immediately started deploying manpower, ready at any time!"

Bedeku is the most active.

Because Ye Bai went to them to guide the construction.

Not only has the technology of their scientists been improved, but also Fudi's international prestige has become higher and higher.

Once they were a symbol of wealth.

But there is no level of force and technological research and development.

Now because of Ye Bai and their research and development level, after cooperating with Yanhuang Kingdom, the level of force has also increased in a straight line!!

He is not only able to speak in the Youdong area, even in the Western Conference, he can speak a few words!

Representatives from other countries expressed that they would go back and prepare immediately.

End of the meeting.

All three large projects are well organized.

"Xiao Ye, these three projects are not in a hurry, you can go home and have a look, you haven't been back for a long time.

Liu Shouguo smiled. Up to now, Ye Bai has been busy all the time, and he really hasn't been back.

It seems that half a year has passed.

Ye Bai thought for a while and nodded.

He glanced at Yi Rou'er, perhaps, the change went a step further.

He understood Yi Rou'er's mind, and the two got along very well during this time.

Liu Shouguo is an old fox. He keenly noticed Ye Bai's gaze, smiled knowingly, and patted one: "Go, I have something to do with you."

Before Yi Ming could recover, he was dragged out by him.

Ye Bai shook his head, Liu Shouguo is really an old fox.

"I'll go back tomorrow, you can go back with me.

Ye Bai looked at Yi Rou'er with very clear eyes.

This girl is very good, a national first-level researcher, beautiful and talented.

He didn't have any reason to let it go, he couldn't afford to wait for his feelings!

Yi Rou'er was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, then her face was covered with blush, she didn't speak, she lowered her eyelids slightly, and nodded.

My heart is already filled with happiness!

Although they haven't been together for a long time, she has long been deeply attracted to Ye Bai, starting from the first encounter on the new equipment test.

When her eyes protrude, there is the shadow of Ye Bai!

"For this project, you have to lead a lot of people alone, and you may have to work for a long time, but I will also be on the 72nd moon."

Now that it has been explained, Ye Bai is no longer coy, he is a man.

He walked over and grabbed Yi Rouer's hand.

Yi Rou'er's little hand trembled slightly, but she felt very warm without taking it away.

"If you have any questions, you can contact me at any time, and I will be there as soon as possible!"

Yi Rou'er nodded, but did not speak.

She has always been with scientific research, and she is almost the same as Ye Bai.

That’s why it’s the first time that someone I like holds hands like this!!

At this time Yi Ming just came in, seeing this scene, he hurriedly went out again in embarrassment.

Ye Bai heard the movement, smiled and let go: "Let's go, I'm going to prepare something to take back.

Yi Rou'er quickly got up and followed, and whispered: "I'm going too."

Ye Bai didn't stop them, and the two walked out side by side.

"Uncle Yi, Chief Liu, I'm planning to go back tomorrow, and now I'm going to sell some things, come with me.

Liu Shouguo laughed loudly and said, "Go, go."

Yi Ming coughed dryly: "Anthracene, take me to say hello to your parents."

Ye Bai smiled and nodded: "Okay."

Yi Rouer's face was flushed, she put her head down and dared not look at her father.

This is the first time for the two to be open in front of their elders, so this is a confirmed relationship!!.

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