Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 17 After The Snatching Is Over, Quickly Test Another Gun (Asking For Flowers And Tickets)

Not far away, another old man hurried over. It was Wu Mingyu, the director of Beiyang Military Factory.

"Director Wu."

Yi Rouer said hello politely.

When Zhou Ping and the others were arguing over Ye Bai just now, she told Wu Mingyu about Ye Bai's situation and called them over.

As soon as Zhou Ping saw the person, he was immediately unhappy: "Old Wu? Why are you here to join in the fun? What does it have to do with you Beiyang? Ye Bai is a researcher at my Academy of Dragon Sciences."

Wu Mingyu was also not happy: "What does it mean has nothing to do with me, Beiyang? As long as it is a talent, it has something to do with me. We, Beiyang, have the most support for talents."

Liu Shouguo was overjoyed when he saw the visitor, it was two against three, he would take Ye Bai out first, and then we would decide who would get it.

Liu Shouguo pretended to be very casual and said: "Old Zhou, I also think what you said is wrong. Everyone wants talents."

He and Wu Mingyu looked at each other and reached a tacit understanding.

Zhou Ping's face was ugly, and the two old guys united together.

Wu Mingyu shifted his target directly, looked at Ye Bai and said, "Xiaoye, our Beiyang military industry specializes in the research of military weapons. Men should build cannons and planes, and Beiyang can provide you with unlimited research and development funds."

Hu Mingyu gave real benefits, and R&D funds are the most important thing for scientific research.

It’s just that Ye Bai doesn’t need much money, because he doesn’t need to develop…

Zhou Ping stopped in front of Ye Bai: "What does scientific research have to do with gender? As long as it can contribute to society, you can do whatever technology you want, and our Dragon Academy of Sciences has no shortage of research and development funds!"

Wu Mingyu teased: "Is there no shortage of funds? Then our Beiyang Military Industry has a top beauty like Yi Rou'er as a colleague. Do you have any? Scientific research also needs to be adjusted by love. I'm tired of watching you three old men every day. What's the matter?" How do you do research?"

Wu Mingyu's words made everyone around him sweat.

The one who dared to talk to the academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences like this was Wu Mingyu's level of existence!

The relationship between Zhou Ping and the others was already very good, they were both from the same school and the same class.

These old leaders who usually stomp their feet in the military area and shake the ground three times, are now fighting for Ye Bai, blushing and thick necks.

When Yi Rou'er heard Wu Mingyu's words from the side, her little face flushed instantly, and she felt her face was so hot.

Why did the 'fire' burn to himself inexplicably.

She took a sneak peek at Ye Bai...

Chen Wei frowned: "My Academy of Dragon Sciences can give Xiaoye an honorary academician position and apply for a first-class merit medal, and the research and development funds can be used as you like!

Honorary Fellow!

Equivalent to an academician position.

Enjoy all the benefits of academicians, and do not need 996!

Moreover, there is a limit on the number of honorary academicians, and the total quota of the Academy of Dragon Sciences is only three, leaving only the last one!

Academician, honorary academician is the dream of all scientific researchers!

Wu Mingyu shook his head, with a heartbroken look: "You want Xiaoye to be a bachelor? Others are great young people. Come to Beiyang, research and love. I don't have an academician, but I can make him the deputy director of the factory!"

Liu Shouguo burst into laughter at the side, it must be Old Wu, amazing.

Yang Yiming also interjected: "It's a small idea of ​​the research and development funds. When Xiaoye comes to our Zijin Military Region, my chief engineer will do it for him. We will also help him apply for the first-class merit."

Zhou Ping's face was livid: "If I say no, I won't, or we'll go see that person!"

"Go, go see that one!"

Wu Mingyu did not back down at all.

Everyone sighed in their hearts when they saw that Ye Bai had to go to the highest being to make a decision on Ye Bai's belonging.

This is how top talent is treated!

At this moment, Liu Shouguo waved his hand: "Everyone, stop arguing. In fact, I have a compromise."

Wu Mingyu and Zhou Ping looked at him at the same time.

Zhou Ping said firmly: "No matter what method we use, we won't let him go."

Liu Shouguo comforted: "We know, we know, that's the case. It's good for Xiaoye to stay in Dragon Science Academy, but we really hope to have such talents, so we can share them with everyone."

Hu Mingyu asked suspiciously: "Share it?"

Liu Shouguo nodded: "Xiaoye can go to Beiyang Military Industry to stay for a while, guide them in the research and development concepts and ideas of these two guns, and improve their firearms research and development and design level."

Wu Mingyu nodded: "That's fine too. Let Xiaoye guide us, it will be of great help to us."

Zhou Ping thought for a while: "No problem, just a few days."

Yi Rou'er couldn't help being happy when she heard that Ye Bai was coming to Beiyang Military Industry to guide her. She must learn techniques with Ye Bai.

Wu Mingyu didn't speak anymore, it doesn't matter for a few days, as long as Ye Bai can go first.

The number of visits can be discussed later.

Seeing that Zhou Ping finally let go, Liu Shouguo immediately smiled: "Zijin Military Region also borrowed it for a few days. Our firearms department needs Xiaoye's personal guidance. Chief Engineer Yang is researching electromagnetic rifles, so the two should have a lot to talk about."

Beiyang has been borrowed, and there is no reason not to lend it to the Zijin Military Region, then Liu Shouguo will definitely not be happy.

Zhou Ping nodded in agreement: "No problem."

Yang Yiming's eyes lit up. He and Jiang Chen have been developing electromagnetic rifles for several years without any results. With Ye Bai joining, they can figure out what the problem is.

"Haha, okay, that's the decision, but we discussed it for a long time, and we should ask Xiaoye what he thinks. If he disagrees, let's talk until he agrees."

Liu Shouguo and the others looked at Ye Bai in unison.

Seeing that everyone had reached an agreement, Ye Bai expressed his thoughts.

"I have no objection to the chief's arrangement. When you are discussing, I already have the answer in my heart. I prefer to stay in the Dragon Academy of Sciences and continue to do scientific research."

In the future, he also wants to unlock many technologies, not only military industry, but super soldier serum belongs to biotechnology, and the equipment of the Dragon Academy of Sciences should be more comprehensive.

Ye Bai added: "Of course, I would also like to go to other places to study together."

When Wu Mingyu heard Ye Bai's words, he laughed and scolded: "Good boy, it's fun to see us old men robbing people. You have done all the good guys."

Ye Bai scratched his head and smiled.

"Haha, I like this kid."

Liu Shouguo laughed loudly and said, "Pure little fox."

Ye Bai is not as rigid as ordinary researchers, he has a lot of ideas and a flexible mind.

"Since you have all discussed it, let's go first."

Zhou Ping couldn't wait to test another gun: "Let's talk about it later when we find time."

Liu Shouguo stopped him: "Why are you in such a hurry to go back to the Academy of Dragon Sciences? It's hard to come here once. Our military region has to entertain you."

"Dragon Academy?"

Zhou Ping said helplessly: "Why do I go back to the Academy of Dragon Sciences? Ye Bai still has a gun to test!"

And a gun!

Everyone looked at Ye Bai in surprise.

An electromagnetic rifle is already abnormal, but there is still another one.

Yi Rou'er remembered that Ye Bai did take out two guns with exaggerated shapes.

Liu Shouguo hurriedly said: "Go, go, let me tell you earlier, I'll go and have a look too."


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