Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 26 The Firepower Is Too Fierce, And The Dramas Are All True (Asking For Flowers And Tickets)

"Where did the large forces come to attack, the periphery is all nuclear radiation areas, how could there be large forces coming in!"

Zhu Guangzhi shouted lightly.

He pointed to the map, where the encirclement circle of the Red Army paratroopers had been closed, which meant that the Red Army paratroopers had been wiped out.

Now only six teams of Yanlong Special Forces are still infiltrating, although one has disappeared, there are only more than sixty people in total.

How could there be a large army!

But he soon discovered that the troops in his command post were being wiped out quickly.

Dozens of blue light spots disappear every time!

It must have been a massive attack.

"What's going on here? How could it be possible for a large army to sneak in? Isn't it the Yanlong special forces team that disappeared just now?"

Zhu Guangzhi looked at the map in disbelief: "Reinforce immediately, and send a battalion there!"

He couldn't figure out what was going on in the frontline battlefield now.

There were only eleven people in that team, although the drone was knocked out.

But it is impossible to become a large army.

At this time, the front line came to report again, and the intelligence officer at the command post reported: "Report, the front line reported that as long as the head is exposed, it will be shot. The opponent is not only fierce, but also full of sharpshooters!"

Zhu Guangzhi's face became very ugly, and he put the teacup heavily on the table and said angrily: "I don't believe how fierce his team can be!"

As he said that, he left the command post and got into a car with signal soldiers and a battlefield map in it.

"Now I'll go ahead and have a look. This is too weird. A team of Yanlong Special Forces can turn the world upside down in the hands of my two battalions!"

Zhu Guangzhi not only has three command posts, but also not only one mobile command vehicle, so it is not that easy to find him.

Zheng Di followed behind and reminded: "Master, it's too dangerous to go to the front line now. If there are really large troops, let the tank company and armored vehicle company pass."

They have always played the game of equipment advantage, and did not give a chance at all.

Zhu Guangzhi waved his hand: "It's okay, I'm just observing closely, and I won't run into them."

He had to see for himself what it was like at the front.

The communications soldier reported the latest situation: "Report, more than 200 people in the frontline combat battalion have been destroyed!"

This speed is too terrifying. Is this a general attack or a bombardment.

Their command post is deep in a plain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, but now there are two hundred fewer people on the front line.

"The opponent didn't carry out artillery coverage, how could they kill so many of us."

Zheng Di was stunned, this battle was so unreasonable that he couldn't understand it.

Zhu Guangzhi's face was serious: "Fortunately, you reminded me to send the battlefield drone to observe. I want a partial real-time picture! Then I ordered the artillery to prepare and cover one wave first, no, two waves!"

The consecutive losses almost made him lose his footing.

Now think of what he is best at, fire coverage!

The signal soldier sent out the order immediately.

Suddenly, intensive artillery fire sounded from the rear of the position.

Cannonballs flew over the command vehicle, crossed the sky, illuminated the night, and then hit the plain in the distance.

A huge roar sounded, although they had no flames, they were full of momentum.

In the military exercise, there are empty shells. The director will calculate the loss of the Red Army based on the impact point of the shells and the damage rate of the explosion range.

One round of shelling followed another round.

Zhu Guangzhi had already arrived at the front line, took out his binoculars, and looked into the distance covered by the artillery fire from the car.

There were no traces of large troops on the plain, only the soldiers of their blue army were charging.

Because of the cover of artillery fire, the blue army pushed forward, and no one attacked them this time.

But soon, before the blue army walked out of the trench ten meters away, they saw a large number of bullets suddenly fired from a trench in the distance, each of which seemed to have eyes, and accurately hit a blue army soldier.

Seeing this scene through the telescope, Zhu Guangzhi opened his mouth in surprise.

"What the hell is that? Bullets can turn around? Gun fighting?"

The battlefield drone has broadcast the battle screen to the screen of the command vehicle.

"Teacher, there is a picture."

Zheng Di patted Zhu Guangzhi.

Zhu Guangzhi quickly looked at the screen, and saw only a dozen Red Army special forces in the trenches in the distance!

There is no big force at all.

"I just said where did the big troops come from? Isn't this a special forces squad, how could there be such a fierce firepower, but what is that bullet turning?"

In the picture at this time, Ye Bai just changed the magazine, and saw him raise the gun above his head, stick out of the trench, and shoot directly at the blue army.

The bullets shot out in a swarm and hit the blue army soldiers in arcs one after another.

At this time, everyone in the command vehicle was stunned.

Nima, what the hell is this.

Will the bullet still turn and track?

The man ran away, and he chased after him and hit him.

Are you making a movie?

It turns out that the pictures in the drama are real!

The director did not lie, bullets can really chase people around corners.

After one shuttle shot, Ye Bai changed the magazine again, then continued to raise the trench, fired, and then the same shocking scene appeared again.

The blue army had no problem with their tactics, but after being covered by artillery fire, they began to charge to encircle and suppress.

But now they are stunned.

The smoke above their heads, representing the soldiers who were hit, stood there in a daze.

There was obviously someone in front of me, not only was that person hit, but I was also hit by a rounded bullet, yes, a rounded bullet!

After a while, he was notified to leave.

A group of people held their guns in a daze, and left the plain battlefield in a daze.

And when Ye Bai was changing bullets, the other team members would show up and shoot. They didn't care about hitting, and they didn't aim. They just wanted to suppress the fire.

When Ye Bai changed the bullets, they immediately retracted, another wave of harvest!

Zhu Guangzhi came back to his senses, and immediately shouted: "Stop charging, let everyone retreat!"

The signal soldier immediately issued instructions.

The blue army retreated back to the trenches in such a state of embarrassment, losing a large number of people on the way.

"Fuck, who told me what this is, what kind of gun is that?!"

Zhu Guangzhi couldn't keep his composure anymore, a good battlefield was turned into a matchless mowing game!

Zheng Di frowned, and said in surprise, "Could this be the mysterious new weapon that the intelligence department talked about."

New weapons!

Zhu Guangzhi's eyes widened, and he was just about to say how the fuck could be made with the current technology.

But I thought I saw it with my own eyes just now!

At this time, the battlefield drone screen scanned Tang Lei and Sun Qiang on a hidden high point.

But as soon as the screen saw them, a faint electric light flashed, and the screen suddenly turned white.

It means that the drone was shot down again, and the battlefield screen disappeared.

"What the hell, why was it shot down again? This is a drone at an altitude of 45,000 meters. What kind of guns are they using!"

Zhu Guangzhi couldn't believe that two guns could beat their blue army like this.

"Stop playing! The command vehicle moves to the rear of the position, and the tank company, armor company and helicopters all surround me!"

Zhu Guangzhi was afraid that the sniper rifle would be given to him in seconds, so he immediately commanded the car to retreat and let the tanks encircle and suppress.

Relying on soldiers is no longer enough.

"They have fucking high technology, and I have modern weapons, blow them all up!"


The data is not moving, flustered.

Did no one watch it?

Ask for some flower tickets

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