Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 3 You Call This A Toy Gun? (Huahua, Ticket)

Jiang Chen frowned and looked at the gun shown by Ye Bai. From the design point of view, it was indeed very technological, more like a high-tech weapon that would appear in a movie.

As Ye Bai approached, he circled the Widowmaker with his mobile phone.

I saw the stock of this gun, the handle and the body of the gun are integrated, the barrel of the cuboid is very long and thick, a bit like a shotgun, and there is a very advanced scope.

The main barrel is flanked by two smaller barrels that slope at a 45-degree angle.

There is also a display behind the barrel, which shows a number '12' and a power index.

There are even some digital displays on the scope, but it's hard to read at a distance.

Overall pretty cool, just a little rough.

"The name of this gun is the Widowmaker. It is a technical precision rifle with a clip capacity of twelve rounds and a built-in silencer."

Ye Bai picked up the rifle and began to introduce: "There are more girls and boys in the world now. In order to benefit the majority of male compatriots, I made this rifle. It uses special ammunition and can shoot six bullets in one shot. It can easily penetrate existing guns. Any body armor or even ordinary walls, no one will be left alive!"

[It has to be me, Brother Ye, 666, who perfectly solved the problem of the wounded on the battlefield. With this gun, there will only be deaths and no wounded on the battlefield in the future. 】

[It’s not the widow maker, I just like widows. 】

[Upstairs, be more reserved, that's called a single young woman, how ugly is a widow. 】

[It's the same as the real thing, but also the magazine capacity, the silencer, it's funny, you guys are out of your mind, you think it's a real gun? 】

[Bragging, it can penetrate all body armor and walls, what are you kidding, did you think it was a cannon? At least check Du Niang, there are still a group of fans who believe it. 】

【We know it's fake, we just like the happiness that Brother Ye brings us, understand? 】

[Happiness is the invention of garbage? 】

At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room has reached more than 5,000 people, because this gun is really handsome, which attracted many people to stay.

"Let me go out and show you."

Ye Bai came to the yard with a handsome rifle and a mobile phone.

He is a single-family house with a yard at the front door, and steel plates have been placed in advance for testing.

"Everyone is optimistic, this is a 1 cm thick steel plate."

Ye Bai picked up the steel plate and knocked it a few times, and there was a clang: "I bought it with a huge sum of money."

After checking, he put the phone on the stand aside and adjusted it.

After finishing, Ye Bai stood four or five meters away from the steel plate.

"This gun is very easy to use. You only need to use the scope to aim and shoot wherever you aim. The scope has automatically corrected all display parameters."

【666, aim and shoot, I feel like the car is running over my face. 】

[Brother Ye is connotative, I like it, Brother Ye added me as V, I want to watch you shoot, no, I want to watch you shoot. 】

[Is there a girl upstairs? I can also act. 】

[No, you are all dazed, the correction parameters of the scope, the more you talk about it, the more outrageous it is. 】

[Everyone said it’s fun, why bother about the authenticity, we are happy to watch him make fake guns, what’s the matter. 】

Ye Bai couldn't see the barrage at this time, he simply aimed and pulled the trigger directly.

With a weak gunshot mixed with electromagnetic sound, the steel plate made a muffled 'bang' in an instant.

[Fuck? The steel plate is smoking, what's the matter? 】

[I seem to see the flames, it can't be a real gun. 】

[Impossible, at most gunpowder was added, how could it be a real gun. 】

[If it's a real gun, then Brother Ye will be punished too much, real punishment. 】

Jiang Chen's eyes widened in an instant. The subject of his research was an electromagnetic rifle, and he seemed to have heard a brief energy recharging sound just now.

He quickly sent a barrage: Brother Ye, can you shoot again.

[666, I didn't expect Brother Yijiang Chunshui to have this habit. 】

Yijiang Chunshui is Jiang Chen's screen name.

[Brother, is your spring water serious? 】

[I don't know if his spring water is serious or not, but the brother upstairs is definitely not serious. 】

But at this time Ye Bai couldn't see the barrage, he was still introducing: "This gun does not use gunpowder, but electromagnetic energy, plus a muffler so the gunfire is extremely small."

"Let's take a look at the effect of the shooting just now."

As he spoke, Ye Bai took the phone and walked towards the steel plate.

Is it really an energy weapon? !

Jiang Chen looked at the live broadcast in surprise, if what Ye Bai said was true, then this is a world-leading weapon.

At present, there are many countries researching and developing electromagnetic guns in the world. Only the Yanhuang country has actually installed them, and the Bald Eagle has not installed them.

It can be said that Yanhuang Kingdom is the leader in electromagnetic weapons, but the whole world is in the research and development stage of electromagnetic rifles.

And Ye Bai's gun is obviously more powerful than all the electromagnetic rifles under development!

[Electromagnetic energy, hahaha, outrageous, the anchor is really bragging, I have seen it. 】

[The most powerful person is the one who can fool himself, and he takes the fuck seriously. 】

[Brother Ye Niupi, may I ask how many Lanfu batteries are needed to fire a shot. 】

[Hurry up, I want to buy it for my son to play with. 】

Ye Bai just came to the steel plate with his mobile phone at this time: "It's not bad, it's pierced."

I saw a long hexagonal diamond-shaped bullet hole on the steel plate!

One up and down, two left and right.

Bullet holes are evenly distributed.

Ye Bai took the phone to the back of the steel plate again.

Even the debris behind the steel plate has penetrated!

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? 】

[? ? ? 】

In the live broadcast room, all the instant bullet screens were filled with question marks frantically.

[Fuck, fuck? 】

[What's the matter? 】

[Really, a real gun? 】

[Nimma, I thought it was a toy gun, but it turned out to be a real gun? 】

[Crazy, it’s too awesome, a centimeter steel plate can be pierced directly, and ordinary rifles probably can’t do it at all. 】

[Tell you responsibly, ordinary rifles can never do it, unless you use special bullets or anti-material weapons. The anchor is similar to a light sniper rifle, but he has six bullets at once. 】

[One shot of six bullets, just the penetrating power and bullets, isn't it a widow maker! 】

[Could it be that the hole was made in the steel plate in advance, and then just shot it with a gun, and it fell off. 】

【Brother Ye checked the steel plate from the beginning, okay? 】

The originally happy and relaxed live broadcast room changed its style in an instant.

All unbelievably sent barrages, and the number of barrages surged!

Jiang Chen also opened his mouth incredulously, looking at the steel plate in the picture.

Is this really true?

He hurriedly said: Brother Ye, remove the debris and see how deep the shot is.

This time Ye Bai saw it, he picked up the sundries and found that they were all penetrated, and behind it was the wall.

He removed all the sundries, only to see that there were also six bullet holes on the wall, and they were in a straight line with the ones on the steel plate!


Jiang Chen gasped.

Ye Bai pointed his mobile phone at the bullet holes in the wall: "Brothers, it seems that the wall has been pierced."

[I'm so numb, Brother Ye, you're awesome. 】

[I asked you to make some useful inventions, but didn't let you make a real gun, it's so powerful. 】

[Nimma, this is definitely a real gun, not an act? This is too much punishment. 】

[Black fans come out, who said that Ye Ge's invention is rubbish, just this gun, do foreign countries have it? ! 】

Ye Bai walked out of the yard and took a picture of the outside of the fence, and sure enough, he was shot through.

Following the direction of the bullet, he saw six bullet holes in the ground.

He didn't expect this power himself, he only knew that the rifle in the game was very powerful, it was an orange immortal weapon.

This is not only able to penetrate all body armor, even armor may be able to penetrate!

"I said I'll bring you a surprise, this time it's a really useful invention."

[This is more than a surprise, this is frightening. 】

[Brother Ye, don't leave where you are, no, don't leave when you are at home, Dragon Science Academy will send someone to pick you up immediately. 】

[Dragon Academy? I'm dying of laughter, that's a national scientific research unit, who is this person, so funny, a river of spring water? 】

[I'm GIAO, I clicked on Brother Chunshui's profile just now, someone else has a blue V certification, and is really a first-level researcher of the Dragon Academy of Sciences. 】

[It turns out that there are such big bosses among Ye Ge's fans. Damn, Ye Ge is awesome. 】

[Brother Ye is going to enter Dragon Academy? 】

Just when the fans were excited, Ye Bai's live broadcast room was suddenly blocked.

[Fuck, why is the live broadcast room gone, who reported it? 】

[It must be a black fan, damn it. 】

[The prompt said that the anchor displayed restricted weapons. 】

Ye Bai also looked at the blocked live broadcast room in astonishment. The gun still had a charge mode that was not shown.


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