Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 32 Longyeon Anti-Gravity Fighter, Maybe He Can Really Do It! (Ask For Flowers And Tickets)

"Our Beiyang Military Trade Union fully cooperates with Researcher Ye, and will provide whatever is needed. This matter, Mr. Liu, will implement it."

Seeing that Liu Shouguo had spoken, Wu Mingyu explained to Liu Cheng.

Although the military region directly under the Beiyang military industry is the Beiyang military region, but Liu Shouguo is also the commander of the military region, and his meaning is very clear.

In fact, he is also skeptical about building an advanced fighter jet in two months, but it only takes two months to consume some materials. If it can be done.

If it was someone else, he might not force himself to stay in Beiyang Military Industry.

But the other party is Ye Bai, the person who researched and built the electromagnetic rifle based on the video introduction of electromagnetic weapons.

He thought it was worth the gamble!

Liu Cheng nodded solemnly and said, "Don't worry, our fighter R&D department will fully cooperate."

Liu Shouguo handed the brocade box to Ye Bai: "Do well, the country will not treat you badly, because of your outstanding performance, there will be a one million bonus, which will be sent to your card."

Ye Bai happily took over the brocade box, one million ah, only a few hundred thousand after five years of live streaming.

Zhou Ping also walked up to Ye Bai: "The title of honorary academician is already being selected, and Academician Wei is going to do this. It was originally a biennial selection, but this year is a special case for you. We jointly recommend it. You must no problem!"

His words made Mo Qiang and others even more confused. They didn't know what great contribution Ye Bai had made, but the selection of academicians was made one year earlier.

Ye Bai nodded vigorously: "Thank you, academicians."

He got a lot out of it this time.

Money, positions, and honors are all there.

It's a double gain of fame and fortune.

"By the way, there is still a plaque for the first-class meritorious family to be delivered to your home. Is it your address in the village below Zijin City?"

Liu Shouguo remembered that there was another plaque.

Ye Bai shook his head: "Send it to my parents. I'm here to work in Zijin City, and my parents live in Zuiweng City."

He is not an orphan, he has a father and a mother from across time. Although it is just an ordinary family, the family treats him very well.

He also sends money home every year.

Having won this honor this time, I must make my parents look good.

In a person's life, it's not like this. Guangzong Yaozu has a lot of faces.

Liu Shouguo nodded: "Okay, then wait for you two months later, give you a few days off, and then send it back with the plaque."

Zhou Ping thought for a while and said: "At that time, the title of honorary academician will also be sent over, and the National Day is almost two months away. Listen to Chief Liu and let you have a long vacation."

Ye Bai said happily: "That's a good relationship, I haven't been home for a long time."

He even wants to eat the braised pork cooked by his mother. When he was an anchor, he went back once a month.

For more than a month, I was busy and never went back.

Liu Shouguo smiled and said, "I'm homesick, haha, I'm homesick, okay, let's go first."

Liu Shouguo patted Ye Bai on the shoulder and led everyone away.

Mo Qiang looked at the people who left, and asked uncertainly: "Director Wu, are we really wasting time with him?"

"Let's do this." Wu Mingyu glanced at him and ignored him, and said to Yi Rou'er, "You are dedicated to assisting Ye Bai in the development of new fighter jets, and you can tell me anything you need."

Yi Rouer nodded: "Okay."

Wu Mingyu said to Mo Qiang again: "Don't talk too much, just like Chief Liu said, it's only two months, we can all afford to wait."

Seeing that the factory manager said so, Mo Qiang had no choice but to shut up.

Finally, he looked at Ye Bai and said with a smile: "Researcher Ye, it doesn't matter whether you can develop the fighter jet or not. Anyway, you will have to guide the firearms department when the time comes."

Ye Bai smiled and nodded: "No problem, in fact, you can go to the Firearms Department of the Zijin Military Region to study together, and I will give you the information."

Wu Mingyu immediately said happily: "That's great, haha, then I'll wait for you for two months, and the remaining things will be arranged by the General Manager Liu. You can research and develop with peace of mind."

After Wu Mingyu left, Liucheng said expressionlessly: "The fourth factory building in T4 area is vacant, let's use it for you, there are machine tools and other large machinery in it, and there is a Bomber 6 long-range bomber in the factory building, and you can make any materials you need. I said, I can arrange a few for you."

Ye Bai shook his head: "There is no need for manpower, as long as Yi Rouer is there, I still need a Veyron 20, and I will talk to Yi Rouer about the rest."

"Okay, I'll give you a Veyron 20!"

Liu Cheng gritted his teeth.

A Veyron 20 costs a lot of money. The most important thing is that it is the strongest fighter currently in service, and now it is going to be given to Ye Bai for experimentation.

"Please Xiaoyi take him to the factory."

Ye Bai followed Yi Rouer to the fourth workshop.

Mo Qiang looked at the backs of the two leaving, and said angrily: "Chief engineer, is that why Weilong 20 is just given to him?"

Liu Cheng was displeased and said: "Then what can we do, Director Liu and Director Wu have already said, we can only cooperate with him."

Mo Qiang said unwillingly: "It's obviously just nonsense, and a group of people actually made a fuss together. Let alone building an airplane in two months, even research and development is impossible!"

Liu Cheng waved his hands irritably: "Let them go. Our sixth-generation machine has been developed for several years, and it is really impossible for him to surpass it in two months. Let's go, we still have a lot of work to do."


Ye Bai, led by Yi Rou'er, came to the factory building, because it was built for airplanes, so the factory building was very large.

There are all kinds of machinery in the factory, such as large-scale tower cranes and other construction machinery, as well as computers, precision lathes and so on.

But it's all gone.

On the assembly line in the center of the factory building, there is a dismantled Liu Ye.

This is currently the best bomber in Yanhuang Kingdom, and it has been completely reborn.

But when the anti-gravity fighter comes out, Liu Ye can also retire.

It is said to be a fighter jet, but the ammunition load is extremely exaggerated.

Ye Bai knows the parameters of anti-gravity fighters like the back of his hand.

Yi Rou'er couldn't help asking: "Researcher Ye, what fighter are you planning to develop?"

Ye Bai thought for a while and said: "To be precise, it has been developed, and two months is the time for manufacturing."

Already developed?

Yi Rou'er opened her pink mouth and looked at Ye Bai.

"Really? Yes, what kind of fighter jet."

Ye Bai glanced at her with a smile: "I named him Longyeon Anti-Gravity Fighter."

Yi Rou'er keenly caught a key word.


That means having an anti-gravity engine.

She looked at the smiling Ye Bai in disbelief.

Anti-gravity is an epoch-making technology like electromagnetism, and some people are indeed researching it, but it is much more difficult than ordinary turbofan engines, and involves many physical theories.

Even a pulse detonation engine is as complex as a reactive engine.

If it really appears, it will definitely completely change the power system of the aircraft and set off a revolution in aircraft research and development!

Yi Rou'er suddenly felt that maybe this man could really build a fighter that was stronger than the sixth-generation fighter!


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