Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 34 Name The Developer! Almost Finished.

While Ye Bai was busy building the aircraft, he also prepared a research and development material for the Widow Maker and Fen Ze Neng Cheng.

These materials were handed over to Yang Yiming for the Zijin Military Region and the Firearms Department of Beiyang Military Industry to study.

And the Army Production Department and the Army General Armament Department have all passed the production and installation plan of the two guns.

In the General Armament Department of the Army, Lou Chengkun, Nie Bu and others discussed the official deployment model of the widow maker and Fen Zecheng.

Every piece of equipment will be awarded a model when it is officially installed, which is completely different from the verification period.

"Now we have decided to produce these two guns side by side, and the Zijin Military Region and Beiyang Military Industry are jointly studying the information given by Ye Bai. The information is very detailed. I believe that the production line will be established soon."

Lou Chengkun glanced at everyone present and said: "Since it is officially installed, it can no longer be called the widowmaker and the sub, and it must be given an official model!"

Nie Bu nodded and said in agreement, "Today is to confirm the equipment model, everyone can express their opinions."

"Since it is replacing Type 95, let's call it Type 96."

"No, this is a new generation of guns, and the old model should not be used anymore."

"How about calling it Electromagnetic Type 01 and Intelligent Type 10? Electromagnetic and intelligent represent two research and development directions in the future, and we will continue to develop more models and types in depth."

"this is not bad."

"I think it will work."

This is the most accepted answer so far.

Everyone thinks this is simple and clear.

"I have an idea, you can refer to it as appropriate."

Lou Chengkun said: "Inventions with epoch-making significance will be named after their inventors, such as various academic theories, the Bull-Shield Law, Schrödinger's cat, etc. These two guns are also epoch-making, so I suggest, The model is also determined in the form of naming.

Widow Maker is named after the YBD-01 sniper rifle, and Fennengcheng is named after the YBZ-10 assault rifle. How about it? "

Nie Bu thought for a while: "These are the initials of Ye Bai Dian and Ye Bai Zhi, which are very suitable for naming firearms, and they are indeed two firearm research and development directions initiated by researcher Ye Bai. I agree."

Everyone started talking in low voices.

"The name is really good. Both guns are pioneers. It's perfectly fine to name the model after the developer."

"I also agree that being simple and clear can also give developers the highest honor, so as to encourage more researchers to work hard to make better inventions."

Everyone agreed with Lou Chengkun's proposal.

This is the highest honor for developers!

There are not many people in the world who can name technology with their own names.

Everyone in Yanhuang Kingdom is familiar with Qian Lao Tan Dao, Yuan Lao Rice and so on.

Each of them is a great man!

"The model has been finalized, and the production will be carried out on a small scale first, trying to catch up with the National Day military parade!"

Nie Bu, as the head of the Army Production Department, issued a short-term goal.

"No problem, this National Day military parade just happens to appear as new equipment, let the world take a good look!"

Yanhuang Kingdom has the most powerful and strongest army in the world, but the individual equipment is not as good as other countries.

As the main firearm design, more of them imitate the classic models of other countries.

But this time the two new guns are completely self-developed, brand new rifles!

With the help of Ye Bai's information, Yang Yiming and the Beiyang Military Industry Firearms Department developed very quickly.

Everyone stayed up late and worked overtime, just to try to make it before the National Day!


Time flies.

A month and a half passed quickly.

Yi Rou'er can see Ye Bai every day except for breakfast and dinner, but can't see Ye Bai at other times.

And in the later stage, she is rarely needed to get materials.

As the time to build a new fighter is getting closer, her mind is more focused on the new fighter developed by Ye Bai.

So she simply took the computer to work outside Ye Bai's factory building, and continued to work on the research and development project of the sixth-generation machine assigned by Chief Engineer Liu.

Suddenly, the factory door opened a little, and Ye Bai took out some material lists to Yi Rouer, this was the first time he needed new materials this week.

Seeing Ye Bai's lack of energy, Yi Rou'er frowned: "Why don't you take a day off."

Ye Bai smiled: "It's okay, it's almost finished, the last thing is the 0-overload liquid cushioning cockpit."

Yi Rou'er noticed a new device name, from the literal meaning, she probably guessed its function.

One of the biggest tests for fighter pilots is the ability to resist overload.

Many super maneuvers of fighter jets will have powerful overloads, such as falling leaves, cobra maneuvers, etc.

This is a huge physical test for the pilot, and sometimes even causes the pilot to be unconscious.

The 0 overload liquid cushion cockpit seems to be the cockpit without overload.

But how could this be possible.

And what kind of fighter jet needs such a zero-overload cockpit, then what kind of maneuvers it can make.

Yi Rou'er took the list of materials full of doubts, and found that there are many materials and devices used in the space capsule.

"Okay, I'll bring it to you right away."

Yi Rou'er replied, then looked up, and saw a very technological and graceful wing through the crack of the door.

Definitely not the wings of the Veyron 20 and Liu Ye, but there were only these two planes in the factory.

Explain that Ye Bai really built a new plane!

From the materials he needs and some of the devices in the new technological field mentioned, it is very likely that he will not only create a model, but a really powerful aircraft!

Ye Bai smiled, closed the door and went back to work. He hasn't slept well for a long time.

Even with Lu Ban's hand, it is too difficult to build a new fighter in two months...

Yi Rou'er took her notebook and went to look for Wu Mingyu. What Ye Bai needed this time had to be coordinated with the aviation road, which is not available in general military areas.

She felt that the research and development project of the sixth-generation machine in the computer suddenly became unsatisfactory.

Wu Mingyu was very surprised to see the materials Ye Bai needed. A fighter jet, without flying into the universe, actually needs so many materials and devices on the space capsule.

"Researcher Ye said that this is all that's left to complete."

Wu Mingyu stared: "Can he really make it?"

Yi Rou'er thought for a while, then nodded to confirm.

"I'll coordinate immediately!"

After Wu Mingyu finished speaking, he hurried to the aviation bureau.


Many abbreviations and typos are not typos, but to prevent harmony.

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