Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 36 Ghost Fighter! (Plus More)

"What did you say?!"

Zhang Sen asked loudly, "Are you sure it's a real plane?"

"Jianji 2 is confirmed, it found the target, it is right in front of me, but there is no signal on the radar at all, I saw it!"

On the walkie-talkie, the pilot of the J-10B No. 2 aircraft spoke with certainty.

He looked in front of the fighter plane in disbelief, but there was nothing on his radar screen!

The active phased array radar is a super radar second only to the Ethernet radar on the sixth-generation aircraft under development.

It is the strongest radar currently in service, but it cannot detect targets at close range.

Zhang Sen also glanced at the radar map. There were two aircraft icons marked with JJ 1 and No. 2 on it, but there was no other aircraft in front of No. 2 aircraft.

With a serious face, Zhang Sen ordered: "Turn on all the radars, activate the multi-radar linkage mode, and scan the area of ​​the No. 2 aircraft at full power!"

The radar operator immediately started operations and contacted other radar stations in Yanjing.

After a while, the radar officer reported the real-time situation: "The radars of the Yanjing ground radar station have all been turned on, and now the synchronous scanning is started."

All of a sudden, all the radars on the ground in Yanjing started to scan the airspace of No. 2 aircraft.

"Scan complete, sync results complete."

Zhang Sen kept staring at the radar chart.

still none!

He picked up the walkie-talkie and said, "Jianji No. 2, I want your picture."

"Jianji 2 has opened the channel, and the picture has been sent back."

Zhang Sen winked at the radar officer.

Immediately, the helmet screen of JJ-2 appeared on the big screen in the air finger.

In front of JJ-2, there was a plane with a blue light emitting from its tail.

It's blue light, no flames!

what engine is this

Zhang Sen has never seen it before, this fighter is too dangerous!

"Jianji No. 1 immediately goes to the position of No. 2 aircraft to assist him in intercepting UFOs together!"

Zhang Sen quickly gave instructions through the walkie-talkie.

"Jianji 1 received."

After a while, JJ No. 1 came to JJ No. 2, and he also opened the screen channel.

There are two pictures on the big screen in the air finger department, both of which are the fighter jet.

"What kind of plane is this? Why can't our radar scan it, even Yingjiang's F22 can't do it."

"I don't know, it's too weird."

"It feels like it doesn't exist, but I can clearly see it."

The two pilots looked at the completely unseen plane in front of them in surprise, and communicated through the intercom system.

"You pull in the distance, give me a clear picture, and try to talk to the other party, tell the other party to land immediately and accept our inspection, otherwise it will cause serious consequences."

Zhang Sen decisively ordered that the violation of the airspace of the capital could not be as simple as driving away!

"Received on the 1st."

"Received on the 2nd."

Both interceptors accelerated and approached at the same time.

"This is the airspace of Yanhuang Kingdom, please land immediately and accept our army's investigation, otherwise our army will take all necessary measures!"

"Repeat, this is the airspace of Yanhuang Kingdom, please land immediately and accept our army's investigation, otherwise our army will take all necessary measures!"

Shouted three times in a row.

At this time they were very close to the UFO and could see it more clearly.

"Which country's plane is this? This shape is too sci-fi."

"Could it be Yingjiang's sixth-generation machine?"

"How is it possible? The sixth-generation machine is still being developed all over the world, and it can't be done at all."

Zhang Sen frowned when he heard the conversation between the two pilots. He also saw the plane on the screen.

The layout of the two-layer wing has never been seen before, and the shape of the wing is round, just like the wings of a butterfly. No country in the world has adopted this shape.

It can't be Yingjiang's sixth-generation machine, and the current sixth-generation machine is still in the research and development stage.

I have never seen the coating on the surface of the aircraft, and it can absorb all their radar signals!

"Command, the other party has not responded."

After waiting for a while, the No. 1 report did not receive a response.

Zhang Sen's eyes were fixed, and he said coldly: "Intercept!"

Courtesy first, soldiers later, since the other party is disobedient, then do it directly.


The two pilots shouted in unison.

The two J-10Bs immediately started to accelerate, directly breaking through the speed of sound, and the speed reached Mach 2.3.

One left and one right rushed to both sides of the UFO, preparing to use pincers to force the opponent's flight path, so that he had to follow him to land.

But the opponent suddenly pulled up vertically by 90 degrees, and disappeared into the clouds like a traffic jam drift.

And also broke through the sound barrier in an instant, surpassing the speed of sound.

"Fuck, is this an airplane or a sports car? Mad is doing vertical lifts at such a high altitude."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! Supersonic vertical climb, it is impossible to make such a maneuver, how strong is the power and body strength of this aircraft!"

"I feel that his instantaneous speed has at least exceeded Mach 4, which is incredible."

"Report to the headquarters, the target is lost, the target is lost, the target uses a ninety-degree climb, and the breaking sound speed has disappeared!"

Zhang Sen said in disbelief: "What? Supersonic vertical lift? Are you kidding me!"

Many fighter jets can climb vertically. Although the overload is huge and it is easy to stall, it is very useful in close dogfights.

But it is impossible to achieve supersonic speed up.

Because the vertical climbing maneuver itself will lose a lot of speed, or even stall.

How could there be a plane that not only does not slow down, but speeds up instead!

It is impossible for anyone to believe it.

But he did see the maneuver on the big screen, and the impact on the clouds as it broke the sound barrier.

"Damn it, it has to be found out!"

Zhang Sen angrily slapped down the table: "You actually ran to the airspace of Yanhuang Capital to provoke me!"



"Hey, this guy is like a ghost, invisible to all radars, and his mobility is so abnormal, it's too difficult."

"No matter what, we must find out. Those who offend Yanhuang will be punished no matter how far away they are!"


Addition is here, thank you for reminding Changjiang.

There are also all the handsome votes, come on.

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