Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 42: That Hot Style, Top-Secret Files (Asking For Flowers, Asking For Tickets)

The last is to test the cation cannon.

Ye Bai activated the cation cannon, and the belly of the Yongyeon machine opened immediately. As the machine was assembled and deformed, after about three seconds, the cation cannon was activated.

The positive ion cannon is composed of three metal rails, currents are constantly flowing between the rails, and a faint blue light is shining at the bottom.

"Looking at that blue light, why do I feel a little flustered in my heart?"

Bai Yan touched his heart, feeling a little nervous.

Liu Shouguo touched his chin and pointed to the screen, which was sent back by the fighter plane: "I suddenly feel that it is a bit ill-considered to use that thing to hit our missile range."

Yi Ming suggested: "Why don't you go to other places and find a no-man's land from the sea to experiment."

Ye Bai has been hearing people's comments online, and he is not sure about the power of this cannon. If it is too big, it is definitely not good to hit his own land.

Hearing Yi Ming's words, he turned around and headed towards Lanhai, and the radar started to search: "I found an uninhabited island and reef, and I want to use it as a target. Now apply to establish a radar connection with the Air Finger Department."

"Establish the highest level confidential channel link!"

Yi Ming immediately asked Zhang Sen to operate: "You open the port YH001SS communication port to connect with Ye Bai."

Zhang Sen quickly operated: "The port link is completed, the highest level of communication has been established, and the radar has been shared."

Although Ye Bai's radar can search the Lanhai area, it is not known which places are safe to launch.

"Wait a minute, didn't you find out where Ye Bai is now?"

Bai Yan suddenly said: "He is 100 kilometers away from our Changnan Military Region, and he is still inland. It is normal that his radar can scan the missile range, but Lanhai is thousands of kilometers away from us, so his radar can also lock it? !"

Everyone reacted and discovered this problem.

Generally, due to the size of the radar, fighter jets scan a range of up to 100 kilometers.

With the addition of a signal booster, it can be doubled at most, to two hundred kilometers.

But Ye Bai's fighter plane can scan more than a thousand kilometers!

Directly increased by ten times.

The effect of land-based radar has been achieved, but land-based radars are all huge.

Fighters are only that small.

Zhang Sen suddenly thought of it, and said in surprise: "This means, Ye Bai can directly call the Neon Country now."

After the ace pilot Luo Ping was shot down, he came to the air finger department. He said excitedly: "If we can fly this fighter jet in the future, we can even launch medium-range ballistic missiles!"

Rongcheng sighed helplessly: "In the battle just now, if he could strike beyond visual range, he could have shot us down over a thousand kilometers away."

Song Ka clenched his fists tightly: "As long as our Yanhuang Air Force can equip this fighter, it will definitely be the new sky overlord!"

All the pilots in the airfinger were extremely excited.

Dominating the sky is the dream of every Yanhuang Air Force.

No more sacrificing yourself to hit a foreign plane, no more being approached by others for investigation, but there is nothing you can do about it!

They don't know Ye Bai, but now they know that the fighter developed by this researcher can allow them to sweep the world's air force, and will change the pattern of world air force power!

Zhang Sen saw the uninhabited islands and reefs marked by Ye Bai on the radar map, and there were no ships around at this time.

"Send the nearest fleet to observe nearby. We want pictures, and let them seal off the nearby sea area by the way."

Yi Ming gave the order.

There happened to be a fleet of destroyers nearby, and a 052D destroyer was immediately sent to observe.

At this time, the sea is calm and the silver moonlight shines on the quiet islands and reefs.

The destroyer did not approach, and observed from a distance of about five kilometers.

"The destroyer is in place, ready to begin."

After receiving the fleet report, Zhang Sen and Ye Bai confirmed that the islands and reefs were safe.

After Ye Bai received the confirmation, the radar locked directly and pressed the charging button.

'Om! '

The charge is charged instantly, and the three tracks start to light up blue light continuously from the bottom, and the violent current spreads from the bottom to the muzzle.

Finally, it condensed into a blue light group at the muzzle, and the current continuously traveled on the light group.

Three seconds later, the fighter's instrument showed full energy.

Charging is complete!


Ye Bai pressed the launch button in his hand hard.

In an instant, a beam of light illuminated the sky, cut through the sky, and shot through the clouds like a meteor, shooting towards the uninhabited island and reef.

The beam of light lasted for two seconds, and the speed was extremely fast. The distance of more than a thousand kilometers was reached in an instant!

The beam of light hit the uninhabited island and reef.

'Boom! '

A loud noise spread from the island reef to the surroundings.

The violent explosion instantly enveloped the entire island reef, and a semicircular energy shock barrier suddenly rose.

The fire broke through the energy barrier and soared into the sky, illuminating the entire sea area, as intense as a nuclear bomb explosion.

The violent heat wave swayed around, setting off huge waves!

Even the 052D destroyer five kilometers away can feel the obvious heat wave!

And the sound of strong explosions was transmitted from the microphones to the command headquarters of the five major military regions far inland.

The people in the air finger department stared at the screen dumbfounded. Fortunately, he was not allowed to hit the missile range.

The entire uninhabited island was wiped off the radar map!

If this is shot in the shooting range, I am afraid that it will be killed by the shooting range.

Even if it was shot at a desert shooting range, it would probably cause a sandstorm!

"According to calculations, the instantaneous temperature of the core of the explosion reached a million degrees Celsius! After cooling down, it is still more than 2,000 degrees Celsius."

Zhang Sen looked at the calculation data uploaded from 052D. Although it is not as strong as an atomic bomb, it is only an airborne weapon of a fighter jet, not a nuclear weapon!

Not even missiles.

Instantaneous million temperatures, even if the range is only ten meters, it means that all objects within the range of ten meters will be turned into nothingness!

The center of the uninhabited island reef was gone, it was annihilated and gasified, and the entire island reef was blown to pieces.

This movement quickly attracted the attention of the Neon National Maritime Masturbation Team and the International Police Eagle Sauce aircraft carrier formation.

"The fleet returned quickly, as if they didn't know about this explosion."

Liu Shouguo immediately ordered: "This weapon test is classified as a top secret file!"

Yi Ming had a serious face: "This is the top secret, leaking it is considered treason, everyone present should sign a non-disclosure agreement!"


Star Destroyer Prototype. ???

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