Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 45 Seven-Day Holiday, The Commander's Care

Beiyang Military Region.

Liu Shouguo rushed from Zijin Military Region to Yanjing Beiyang Military Region overnight.

Bai Yan from the Changnan Military Region also just got off the plane, and he also rushed all night.

When I got off the plane, I muttered: "It has to be the Mach 10 developed by Xiaoye, the ordinary plane is too slow."

The special plane he took actually had a speed of Mach 1.5, which was already very fast.

It's just that after seeing Long Yuan's abnormal speed, he has a little disdain for these planes.

Yi Ming smiled and said, "You, you are so far away, what's the rush, people can't escape."

Bai Yan glanced at him: "I wanted to meet this genius last time during the Manrihe military exercise, and this time he brought us such a surprise again, how could we not come here?"

Man Ri and he witnessed Ye Bai's performance holding two guns, which are weapons that purely crush modern technology!

Yi Ming nodded with a smile, but didn't speak, he knew Bai Yan's temper.

Compared to Liu Shouguo's old fox, Bai Yan is more upright and upright.

Liu Shouguo said cheerfully, "Chief Bai seldom praises others."

Bai Yan snorted: "It's an advantage for you, Old Liu, to get closer to Xiaoye."

Liu Shouguo smiled triumphantly when he heard the words, and straightened his back: "No way, I found it in Zijin City. Zijin City is full of talents."

Seeing his appearance, Yi Ming and Bai Yan rolled their eyes.

There is no way to refute it, after all, Ye Bai is indeed from Zijin City.

Several people walked into the military headquarters.

Bai Yan asked: "Where is the person, are you awake?"

Yi Ming shook his head: "These days he has had a hard time researching fighter jets. He was rather haggard in the first place. Last night, he tested until early in the morning. He was too tired."

Bai Yan said with some distress: "This is how talents are treated in your Beiyang Military Region?!"

Yi Ming waved his hand quickly: "Old Bai, don't put a hat on me. I, Beiyang, value Xiaoye very much. When he was developing and building, my daughter was helping him, but he doesn't want help."

Liu Shouguo chimed in and said, "I can prove this. Lao Yi's daughter is assisting Xiaoye. I think they are a good match."

Bai Yan nodded in agreement: "Indeed, they are talented and beautiful, and the two young people are good-looking. I heard that Xiaoye's family background is ordinary."

As Bai Yan spoke, he looked at Liu Shouguo, who immediately understood.

Liu Shouguo pretended to be sorry and said: "Yes, ordinary people, if there are people who are old-fashioned, it will be difficult to deal with."

Bai Yanyu said earnestly: "Society is progressing, we can't go backwards."

Yi Ming didn't know whether to laugh or cry, how could he fail to see that these two were acting, and they were just doing it well, why did he talk about this aspect.

He said helplessly: "Okay, you don't have to act here. I said Lao Bai, you don't usually act like this. Besides, am I that kind of person? The key depends on them. If they see it right, it's fine, and Xiaoye's future achievements Unlimited."

No one doubts Ye Bai's future, it is absolutely immeasurable.

The current achievement is already difficult for everyone to achieve in a lifetime.

Speaking of this, Yi Ming said solemnly: "Xiaoye has repeatedly made great contributions to the military. This time on the National Day, I want to apply for the 'August 1st Medal' for him!"

The Bayi Medal is a more advanced medal of honor than the First Class Medal, which represents that this person has made outstanding contributions in the army!

The selection and announcement of this medal need to be approved by that Supreme.

Liu Shouguo nodded: "He deserves this medal. Whether it is the YBD-01 electromagnetic sniper rifle and the YBD-10 smart rifle that have been produced, including the current Yongyon fighter jet, they are all epoch-making high-tech!"

"As usual, it should be no problem for us to recommend jointly."

Everyone didn't bother Ye Bai to rest, and just waited at the headquarters.

Ye Bai slept until he woke up naturally, it was already noon.

As soon as he woke up, he learned that the three chiefs were waiting for him, so he quickly washed up and rushed over.

When Liu Shouguo and the three saw Ye Bai, they all smiled and greeted him, and their movements were surprisingly consistent.

The security guards watching at the door were extremely surprised.

These three are all commanders of the military region, so they were so polite to a young man and greeted him at the same time.

And let the three commanders wait inside for a whole morning!

Ye Bai hurriedly said hello: "Hi, senior leaders."

Liu Shouguo laughed heartily: "Okay, okay, let's go in and talk."

"It's really a hero out of a boy."

Bai Yan looked at Ye Bai with admiration, who developed so many high technologies at such a young age.

Ye Bai said modestly: "The chief is over-rewarded."

Yi Ming shook his head: "But it's not worth it at all. Your contribution is too great, and you have to apply one by one for rewards."

Liu Shouguo nodded and said, "That's right, the reward I mentioned last time was delivered to your home during your vacation. You can rest as long as you want, and I'll talk about it with Academician Zhou."

Liu Shouguo couldn't be happier. According to the agreement, this time when Ye Bai comes back, he should go to his Zijin Military Region. I don't know what high-tech products can be developed!

Ye Bai thought for a while and said, "About a week will do."

Yi Ming nodded and said: "Is one week enough? If it's not enough, you can tell us at any time, it's okay. How about this, you get us a copy of the basic information and user manual of the Yongyon Fighter, and you can go back to rest on vacation."

If it is an ordinary fighter, even if it is a sixth-generation aircraft, they will not say that they need to use the manual.

But the fighter jet developed by Ye Bai, they are worried that they will not be able to handle it, just like a smart rifle.

Ye Bai nodded, "No problem."

Bai Yan hesitated and said: "Xiaoye, after the holiday, you can go to the Changnan Military Region if you have time. We welcome you at any time."

Liu Shouguo looked at Bai Yan teasingly: "Old Bai has started throwing olive branches, this is not your way, haha."

Bai Yan gave him a blank look: "Talent, who doesn't want to get closer?"

Liu Shouguo said in embarrassment: "That's true, but, Xiaoye has to go to my Zijin Military Region when she comes back from a rest, haha."

Fortunately, Yi Ming, Ye Bai developed the Yongyuan fighter jet at the Beiyang Military Factory, and he is very satisfied.

Bai Yan had a look of displeasure and helplessness.

The guards around were numb, and the three commanders treated a young man like elders treat their own juniors.

Not only is the address friendly, but also the greetings!

It's even a little flattering.

They are the commanders of the military area.


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