[Fuck, what else? What's the meaning. 】

[Isn't Veyron 20 the finale? 】

[Did the host drink too much? What did she say about the king, the glory of the king? Return the king of the sky, the dragon? 】

[I'm so dazed, why is the official still tantalizing. 】

[What the hell, I guess it's just pretending to be aggressive, it can't be the sixth-generation machine coming out. 】

[Impossible, absolutely impossible, Ying Jiang didn't make it, how could we do it, the engine is not as powerful as others, how to do it. 】

[Isn't it? Everyone is in the research stage of the sixth-generation aircraft, and it is impossible to come out. The fighter still depends on Yingjiang. 】

[It's not the sixth generation machine, it can't be the sixth master, haha, I didn't see the sixth master just now, could it be that the sixth master has changed again? 】

[Don't mention the bomber, other people's stealth bomber has been around for how many years, we are still the sixth master, the sixth master, we are sick of seeing it. 】

Ye Tao was also very puzzled, although he disagreed with the barrage, because the development speed of the sixth-generation aircraft was not slow in Yanhuang Kingdom.

In terms of high-tech, Yanhuang and even many of them are leading.

But the sixth-generation machine has not yet been researched.

The Veyron 20 is the strongest known fighter in the Yanhuang Kingdom, and the front is full of the latest models of fighters.

Is there any other improved model in the future?

Then there is no need to play the finale behind the Veyron 20.

What is certain is that it will definitely not be an improved version of Liu Ye.

In the USS Peanutton aircraft carrier battle group that was cruising in Lanhai, General Michael was drinking coffee leisurely and watching the military parade of Yanhuang Kingdom.

"What is Yanhuang doing? They can't have a better plane than the Veyron 20."

The adjutant nodded: "Indeed, they may have put the latest improved version of the Bombing 6 last."

Bombing 6 In a sense, the Yanhuang Air Force is indeed the king.

Because this is the only big long-range bomber.

Michael said disdainfully: "If you improve it, it will only be Bombing 6, the backward gadget of the former Su Xiong."

The adjutant frowned slightly: "Actually, Yanhuang Kingdom's magic reform these years has really made the Bombing 6 reform not so backward. Yanhuang Kingdom's magic reform is really too magical."

The adjutant was a little dumbfounded at the end, whether it was the five pairs of rounds or the bombing 6, they were all changed beyond recognition by the demons of Yanhuang Kingdom, exceeding their respective limits.

Michael shook his head: "After all, the level is not enough."

"But their latest two rifles, I don't know if they are true or not. If they are true, they will be too powerful."

The adjutant was concerned about the two guns. Although the introduction was simple, they all knew that the two guns were very important!

Moreover, more than a hundred people are equipped, so it is true if there is no accident.

As for the planes, he wasn't worried because there couldn't be new ones.

Michael nodded and said: "If our army can be equipped, it will definitely be able to plunder, uh, help more countries and maintain world peace."

The adjutant randomly frowned: "But how did they develop it? Bullet tracking is too unscientific. Although I can understand the electromagnetic sniper rifle, it is not a problem that technology can solve at all."

Michael said indifferently: "These two guns are indeed strong, but they are not enough to change the world pattern, so don't worry too much."

Compared to Michael's arrogance, the adjutant was more worried.

Although these two guns are not enough to change the world pattern, they can change the rules of the game on the land battlefield in the future!

Michael is a traditional white eagle sauce, with an inexplicable sense of superiority and arrogance.

"There's nothing to see. I'll go for a walk. Compared with the military parade, I care more about the crater. Will there be any good things in it?"

Michael walked out of the cabin with a cup of coffee.

His aircraft carrier battle group and Neon's fleet were still exploring the place where the energy fluctuations were emitted that day.

But so far nothing.

"Could it be that the meteorite fell and just finished burning?"

Michael looked at the darker sea in a daze, and the adjutant continued to watch the military parade in the cabin.

"It is the latest research and development achievement of Yanhuang Kingdom, the latest fighter, the Longyuan anti-gravity fighter!"

After the host's introduction, a plane with a very sci-fi shape flew slowly from a distance.

After flying to the predetermined location, suddenly accelerate!

In just a few seconds, they broke through the sound barrier continuously and disappeared from everyone's sight in the blink of an eye.

The adjutant couldn't help being surprised: "Wang Defake! What kind of acceleration is this!"

He looked at the plane flying away in an instant with disbelief. It never broke the speed of sound, and it only took a few seconds to reach supersonic speed!

And the final speed, I am afraid it is not just supersonic speed.

"Fake, Fake, anti-gravity fighter? Is Yanhuang Kingdom joking? This is definitely not something that can be produced by earth technology now!"

The adjutant yelled in the cabin in disbelief, attracting Michael back who had just left.

"Jones, what the hell are you screaming!"

Michael had a displeased expression on his face: "What equipment does Yanhuang have that deserves to be exclaimed, except for the two guns, we have already exclaimed."

Jones yelled: "General, come quickly, Yanhuang Kingdom introduced an anti-gravity fighter just now!"

"What did you say? Do you know what you're talking about? Antigravity, is that possible?!"

Michael almost choked on the coffee, hurried back to the cabin, stared at Jones and yelled,

Jones pointed at the screen: "Look, general!"

Michael quickly looked at the screen.

I saw a fighter jet that he had never seen before, flying through the sky, and then showed a wave of acceleration.

"Wang Defa, what the hell is that? Why is there no engine sound at all? Is the radio equipment on site in Yanhuang Kingdom broken?"

Michael put away An Yi and stared nervously at the screen.

What did he see!

What kind of engine is that under the wing, why is there no engine noise in the plane.

"Why does it accelerate so fast? What kind of engine is this? It's so abnormal. I feel like the final tail speed has reached hypersonic speed!"

Michael and Jones looked at each other, they had never seen such a powerful fighter!

"Could it be a projection?!"

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