Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 54: Skycarrier, Dark Dragon Armor!

Ye Bai turned on the computer and played Avengers 2 Age of Ultron.

The segment pauses next to the small town being taken into the sky when the aerospace carrier appears.

'Is it locked. '


'The lock is successful, and the system is analyzing. '

'Ding: The analysis is successful, the aerospace carrier, an advanced air combat unit, can carry a large number of fighter jets, and has stealth and other modes, which can be unlocked. "


'Ding: Unlocked successfully, consuming 1 level 2 technology point, according to the host's existing technology, the aerospace carrier has been enhanced into an anti-gravity carrier, and all the technology data has been loaded! '

In an instant, a large amount of information poured into Ye Bai's mind.

The difficulty of building an aerospace carrier can no longer be solved by one person in a short period of time. More super-large construction machinery is needed to assist, and it is best to have someone assist.

Ye Bai can complete the core technology part, but other large components such as structure and hull need to be completed by others.

Ye Bai opened Halo-Endless Game again, locking on the Master Chief armor.

'Is it locked. '


'The lock is successful, and the system is analyzing. '

'Ding: The analysis is successful, the third-generation Thor's Hammer MARK-Ⅶ type armor, advanced single combat armor, can be unlocked. "


'Ding: Unlocked successfully, consuming 1.5 first-level technology points, all data of the third-generation Thor's Hammer Mark-Ⅶ armor has been loaded! '

"System, can it upgrade technology independently?"

Ye Bai asked in his heart.

‘Consume a certain amount of technology points, and the host can customize and upgrade the unlocked technology. '

Ye Bai was overjoyed when he heard this.

Nice! It just happened that he wanted to modify the Master Chief armor according to his needs.

So according to the idea in mind, the parameters of the Master Chief armor were modified and upgraded.

‘Consume 0.5 technology points to transform and upgrade the third-generation Quake Mark-VII armor. '

"The name is too long, just call it Dark Dragon Armor."

Ye Bai improved the Master Chief armor, and he prefers black in color.

After the technology is unlocked, Ye Bai still has 3 first-level technology points and 1 second-level technology point left.

There are still a few days left in the holidays. In addition to receiving visitors, Ye Bai is taking out the components of the Helicarrier that need to be built by others and making detailed information.

Seeing that the holiday was coming to an end, Ye Bai completed the input of component materials and a separate technical data.

Today he stretched comfortably, opened the webpage and read the news.

Unexpectedly, the first one is that Ying Jiang declares the right of free navigation in Lanhai.

This is the latest equipment that appeared at the military parade in Bright Muscle against the Yanhuang Kingdom a few days ago, showing it by force and consolidating its dominance.

Naturally, many people would kneel and lick in the comment area.

Ye Bai curled his lips and smiled, he understood the crooked dragon king's mood.

It's like watching a clown.

"Mom and Dad, I have to go back to Dragon Academy."

Ye Bai packed up his things, the short National Day holiday was over, and he felt that he had gained a few pounds.

Song Jia was a little bit reluctant: "It's so fast, pay attention to safety on the road, you must remember to eat breakfast."

Ye Ji smiled gratifiedly: "Invent well, I don't have much knowledge, I can only live a good life, if you have the ability, you should make more inventions for the country, let those foreigners see, we are still the dragon of the East!"

Ye Bai smiled and nodded, he didn't expect his father to be so passionate and patriotic.

However, this is the feeling that all descendants of Yanhuang have.

"Understood, I will eat on time, and I will work hard to invent."

After speaking, Ye Bai took his things and went out.

Song Jia was still a little bit reluctant, she stood at the door and said, "The weather is getting colder, please keep warm, come back and have a look if you have nothing to do."

Ye Bai waved his hand: "Got it, got it, let's go."

Ye Ji pulled Song Jia: "My son went to make an invention, it's a big deal, what's the answer?"

Suddenly, Ye Ji seemed to have thought of something, chased him out and shouted: "Next time, if you are alone, don't come back, you boy, just make inventions at the Dragon Science Academy!"

Ye Bai shrank his head and ran away with his luggage.


He first went back to Dragon Academy of Sciences, took out a hard drive and handed it to Zhou Ping.

"This is a controllable nuclear fusion energy device. I think you will need it, Academician Zhou."

Controllable nuclear fusion device!

Zhou Ping and the others took the hard drive with trembling hands. Controllable nuclear fusion can solve the earth's energy problem.

It can solve the problem of energy pollution, and even allow mankind to start the era of space navigation!

This is a technology that benefits mankind!

This was originally the technology of Longyeon's anti-gravity fighter gun, and it was the energy source of Longyon.

But at that time Ye Bai was modified with Veyron 20, so this device was not used.

In other words, the current Ryongyeon anti-gravity fighter is actually not a complete body!

"I didn't expect you to give us such a big surprise just after your vacation!"

Zhou Ping looked at the hard drive happily, it was so important.

This is not only military technology, but can also be used in people's livelihood!

"This is on the Longyuan anti-gravity fighter. Although it is a small nuclear fusion energy device, the theory is there, and it can completely help break through the current bottleneck of controllable nuclear fusion."

For Zhou Ping and others, Ye Bai did not keep it secret, because as an academician of the Dragon Academy of Sciences, he must know about the Longyuan project.

Zhou Ping quickly connected the hard drive to the computer, and Chen Wei said from the side: "We also just found out that Longyuan was created by your idea. It is no problem to break through the bottleneck. In fact, the miniaturization of nuclear fusion devices is the most difficult. Making a large The controllable nuclear fusion power plant is simpler."

Wei Chen nodded and said, "And it's easier to apply it to an aircraft carrier. It's already a miniaturized energy device."

Zhou Ping looked at the information in the computer, his eyes lit up: "It's wonderful!"

Chen and Wei also looked over immediately.

Ye Bai said with a smile: "I have an idea for an aircraft carrier. This time I go to the Zijin Military Region, and I am going to implement this idea."

Zhou Ping and the others suddenly looked back at Ye Bai as if they were looking at a monster.

"You have another idea?!"


I don't want to write derogatory articles. Look at those people everywhere on the Internet. This kind of argument can be seen everywhere.

Science and technology rejuvenate the country, but they just slapped them in the face.

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