Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 60 Hard Against Rockets, Black Death!

"Fuck, what the hell is that.

"Why can you get it from behind a car, Falk."

"Hidden, hidden!"

A man in black armor suddenly appeared behind the rebels. The tall and dark armor was full of mechanical oppression.

Holding a rifle with an exaggerated shape that is also full of scientific and technological beauty, he shoots directly without aiming.

Their people are like straw, being harvested crazily!

Some people even saw their companions hiding behind the car being taken away by a strange bullet!

The bullets can still bend, and the guns are all headed, just like opening the lock and plugging it in!

The leader of the rebel army looked at all this in horror. He saw the man in black armor walking towards them step by step like a god of death.

Every time the gun in his hand is fired, one of his men will be taken away!

As soon as the bullet is finished, the clip will automatically fall, and a clip pops out from the ammunition bag on the back in an instant, and you can take it and press it.

The whole movement is smooth and flowing, without a single pause!

"Call me, call me!"

When the leader saw the other party changing bullets, he immediately yelled.

There were more than 200 rebels outside the embassy, ​​and all of them turned their guns back at this time.

The bullet shoots out instantly!

More than two hundred rifles fired at the same time, and the bullets poured down desperately.

´clang clang clang

It hit the black armor with intensive impact sounds, and countless sparks popped out.

But nothing can stop him!

Can't even leave a mark.

After the leader saw that he had changed the bullets, he quickly hid behind the car.

Suddenly, he felt a slight pain between his eyebrows, his pupils dilated instantly, and he stared blankly ahead, leaning against the car, and slowly slumped to the ground. twenty two

He obviously hid, why was he still hit...

The bullets ran out again, and the number of more than 200 people dropped sharply to only more than 100 people.

"Fuck, I'm going to crush you!"

Taking advantage of the gap between the opponent's bullets, a rebel controlled Gatling to shoot wildly.

Gatling spat out a fierce fire snake, and countless bullets hit the black armor, but there was still no response.

This is a powerful 7.65 bullet, but it still can't shake the black armor at all!

Couldn't even stop him in his tracks!

In the next second, the space between his eyebrows was hit by Dong Chen.

After another round of bullets was fired, the black armor was like an emotionless machine, frantically harvesting the lives of the rebels!

"Death, God of Death, this is the God of Black Death, you can't fight it, you can't fight it at all.

"Fack, I want to go home, this can't be played, I was wrong."

"Help, I won't fight anymore, God help me."

Seeing the invincibility of the black armor, the rebels completely lost the idea of ​​​​resisting, and threw down their weapons and wanted to escape.

At this time.

There was a sound of '咻'.

A rocket flew towards the black armor.

There was a loud explosion of 'Boom'.

The black armor was instantly swallowed by flames.

The rebels looked at the flame nervously as if grasping at straws.

Then another rocket blasted past, and the flame explosion became more violent!

The rebels beamed.

"This time, this time I must die."


The smiles were frozen forever, and bullets passed through the flames and took their lives.

They only saw the black armor coming out of the flames unscathed.

Their eyes were stabbed deeply by the redness on the chest of the armor.

"Yanhuang, the black god of death from Yanhuang, escape!"

"Run away, I can't beat it!"

The rebels were completely disintegrated and fled in all directions.

Even RPG can resist, how can they fight.

They have never seen this kind of thing, the shape is so sci-fi, like a soldier from the future!

And they can harvest their lives so easily!

Another storm of bullets blew up, and the rebels using Gatling and carrying RPGs were the first to be killed.

Someone who wants to pick up the RPG again or use Gatling to resist will be hit by a bullet in no time!

The rebels were frantically harvested while fleeing in haste.

The rebels driving an off-road vehicle into the embassy were shot and killed by Guo Nian and others.

The peacekeeping troops all hid behind bunkers, ready to meet the enemy.

But after waiting for a while, I found that no one rushed in, but heard the howling of the rebels outside.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, and after waiting for a while, Guo Nian and Huo Qinian looked at each other.

Guo Nian's short body with firm eyes quickly climbed up the wall, and carefully poked his head out to look at the situation outside.

Just in time to see the image of the black armor coming out of the flames of the explosion!

"Damn it, it's done!"

The whole body is covered with black humanoid armor, a golden honeycomb vision mask, and a sci-fi weapon in his hand.

Behind him is a gun with a slender body and the same avant-garde shape and a black mechanical box.

So handsome!

Guo Nian keenly saw the national flag on his chest.

He hurriedly turned around and said to Huo Qinian in surprise, "Ambassador Huo, here we come. The team from our motherland is here!"

Although he didn't know who the other party was, the red on his chest was unmistakable!

Huo Qinian was overjoyed and said, "That's great, I knew I would definitely come."

There was a mutiny yesterday, and today we are waiting for the support of the motherland.

This speed can only be achieved by Yanhuang!

Guo Nian looked at the handsome armor in surprise, like a black god of war.

Fighting against the rebels alone is completely crushing!

The rebels were powerless to fight back.

"Quick, go to the fence and help!"

He quickly directed his companions to help.

The remaining members of the peacekeeping force hurried up to the fence, preparing to attack back and forth.

When they ran to the fence, they were all shocked by the black armor.

"What is that? Exoskeleton armor? It's still a mecha for individual soldiers."

"Made, it's too perverted to chase more than a hundred rebels alone."

"Whatever, it's our own people anyway, hurry up and fight, what the hell, we fought all night, this group of rebels is too hateful, and now it's time to vent their anger!"

Gunshots rang out after a while.

As Wang Kemang stopped attacking, the YBZ-10 muzzle was emitting slight heat.

The entire ground outside the embassy was full of rebel corpses.

The most terrifying thing is that there is not a single bullet hole in the vehicle.

No misses!

The danger is all removed. "

In Wang Kemang's field of vision, all the red marks disappeared.

In the battle just now, Wang Kemang discovered that the Dark Dragon Armor intelligently recognizes the danger level of the enemy, and through locking, it gives priority to destroying high-risk targets.

Therefore, the rebels holding Gatling and RPG will be defeated immediately.

"Wang Kemang, Captain of the Yanlong Special Forces of the Zijin Military Region, came to rescue everyone in the embassy."

Wang Kemang raised one hand and shouted at Guo Jun on the wall: "The danger has been lifted!"

Guo Nian stood up happily when he heard the words, and waved to Wang Kemang: "Thank you so much, you came so timely.

They almost gave up hope.

When the rebels broke through the gate, the first thought in his mind was that it was over.

But now Wang Kemang's appearance is like a savior.

Wang Kemang walked to the gate of the embassy and saw an off-road vehicle blocking the gate.

Then one hand dragged the chassis of the off-road vehicle from behind, and the artificial muscle fibers of the dark dragon armor were all tightened in an instant, and suddenly a huge force lifted the off-road vehicle up!

Wang Kemang dragged the off-road vehicle out like this, and then walked into the courtyard.

When his figure appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone, including Huo Qinian, widened their eyes, looking at the handsome sci-fi humanoid armor in front of them in astonishment.

"My God, this must be the messenger sent by the Holy Spirit."

Nafaso's government troops all knelt on the ground, looking at Wang Kemang adoringly.

At this time, the tall and tall Wang Kemang is the god who saved them!

"Moved an off-road vehicle away with one hand!"

Huo Qinian was terrified.

That car must have weighed two tons!

The technology of the motherland has reached this level.

Wang Kemang walked into the courtyard: "Everyone, please leave with me first."

Huo Qinian glanced behind him and asked curiously, "Are you alone?"

Wang Kemang nodded: "That's right, my team members will respond outside the city, and I will be responsible for protecting you from the city.

"The car outside is still usable, you just take the car and follow me."

After hearing this, Huo Qinian was even more shocked.

Originally, he thought that the armor was so powerful that there should be many people who came to save them, but he didn't expect that there was only one person.

In other words, this one person wiped out all the rebels outside!


Although it sounds a little unsafe for him to lead everyone to evacuate by himself now, after all, Wang Kemang solved the rebels outside by himself, and his combat effectiveness is beyond doubt.

"Hurry up, get the wounded into the car first, women, children, old and weak get into the car first!"

Huo Qinian quickly directed everyone to evacuate in an orderly manner.

Guo Nian came outside with the peacekeeping force: "Several of you are stationed at the entrance of the alley to observe, and the others have all their cars ready." 943

Everyone received the order and carried it out immediately.

The rebels left behind two pickup trucks, five battered sedans, and an SUV.

Guo Nian moved the car, and the refugees began to board the car, and the wounded were carried on the car first.

In order to increase the space of each car, Wang Kemang directly removed all the rear seats.

Such a huge force once again provoked the refugees in Nafaso to be astonished!

There are more than 50 people in the eight cars, which are already very crowded.

"what would you do?"

Guo Nian looked at Wang Kemang, and there was no room in the car.

Wang Kemang smiled and said, "I use to run.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and ran: "Follow up."

He didn't use full speed and had to take care of the team behind him.

Huo Qinian and the others looked at Wang Kemang who was running faster than the car in disbelief.

It's hard to imagine how much this set of armor has improved the single-player combat capability!

Refugees in Nafaso still make prayer gestures.

"Longyuan No. 1, mark the location of the tenth team."

Wang Kemang contacted the high-altitude Yongyon anti-gravity fighter.

Immediately a green marker appears on the minimap.

"Dark Dragon 1, find the shortest path."

'Route marked. "

Wang Kemang led the convoy along the route and rushed to the supporting team outside the city.

He encountered rebels on the road, and he quickly resolved them all.

Unimpeded all the way!

Several rebels escaped in front of the embassy, ​​and they returned to the presidential palace in horror, which was occupied by them.

Now their leader is stationed there.

"General Zombie, General Zombie is bad!"

A rebel stumbled into the president's office, where a big black man with a wolfish appearance was playing with a blonde girl.

"Damn it, who made you rush in."

Zombie glared at his men, but didn't stop.

The rebels were crying: "It's gone, it's all gone, my God, all of our people are gone!"

Only then did Zambi stop, and shouted in displeasure: "It's all gone, you better explain it to me today, or I'll cut you off!"

The rebels fell to their knees and shouted: "The black god of death from Yanhuang, he killed us all, more than two hundred people, all dead!"

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