Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 65 I Saw Death! Mission System Update

What is oppression.

Michael now deeply understands.

On the USS Peanutton aircraft carrier, including all the surrounding battleships, the soldiers looked at the gray-black fighter in the sky in horror.

I saw a cannon composed of three inclined tracks appearing under the belly of the aircraft.

The blue current is constantly flowing on it.

The muzzle shimmered brighter and brighter, containing powerful energy, facing the USS Peanutton aircraft carrier!

For the first time Michael felt that death was so close to him.

Although he didn't fire it, he had no doubts about the power of that cannon.

It will be sunk, it will be sunk!

Michael roared in his heart, he didn't know why he had such a funny idea.

As the largest combat unit in the sea, the aircraft carrier has an outrageously thick armor.

It can even resist the shock wave of a small-yield nuclear bomb. Of course, it cannot resist direct bombing.

But he just felt that the sci-fi cannon could sink him!

"Why are there cannons on fighter jets?"

Jones looked at the plane in the sky in puzzlement, he had the same idea in his heart, and it was such a sci-fi cannon.

That shot down, he will die!

"Bob, what plane is that, ours?"

"No, obviously not, I feel the Peanuts are dangerous."

"I also felt flustered, and the hairs all over my body stood on end."

Several F/A-18E Super Hornets scrambled into the air, surrounding the Yongyon anti-gravity fighter jets, continuously lighting up the air-to-air missiles mounted on the belly.

An F35B also took off vertically to follow the Yongyon fighter.

The atmosphere became very solemn.

"Super Hornet report: Unable to lock on the opponent, unable to be scanned by radar, and can only be aimed with cannon."

"Fert Power No. 1 reports, and the situation with the Super Hornet, hell."

"This is the latest fighter of Yanhuang Kingdom, why is the stealth ability so powerful."

"It's an unequal battle, our radar is useless while the other side can."

Michael's whole body was tense. He heard the fighter pilot's conversation through the command headset, and his breathing was a little short: "Let's retreat!"

He knows that with this withdrawal, he will be completely reduced to the laughing stock of his colleagues and other countries.

But they can't go to war if they don't withdraw, they just beat the Yanhuang country, and the ultimate goal is controllable nuclear fusion technology, not war!

And if a fight really happened, his aircraft carrier would be sunk immediately, and then it would be even more ridiculous, as he would lose his life.

Luo Ping hastily canceled Longyuan's automatic defense, and the aircraft carrier Peanutton would definitely sink with this shot.

"Now is not the time, after the space carrier comes out, we won't care anymore!"

Luo Ping clenched his fists. At this time, the USS Peanutton aircraft carrier had already turned slowly, leaving the surrounding area of ​​the curved island.

He also directly pulled up and left.

"Fack, what the hell is vertical lift, so fast! In contrast, our fertilizer is a turtle speed."

"Why are their pilots totally unafraid of GGs, are their bodies superhuman?"

"No, I guess they must have some kind of high technology, look, this acceleration is too fast!"

I saw that after rising to a certain height, Yongyon accelerated to hypersonic speed and left instantly.

This kind of flight trajectory can only be achieved by UFOs in movies!

"Fuck, this won't kill the pilot."

"Too shocking, too fast!"

"Fake, Fake, is Yanhuang Kingdom already this advanced?"

Michael stared closely at the Ryongyeon anti-gravity fighter that had already flown away.

Judging from the video, it is definitely not as shocking as seeing it up close now.

This unconventional, unreasonable maneuverability.

Unbelievable is true!

"We can't let Yanhuang Kingdom continue to develop in such a comfortable way. We have to do something."

He held the fence tightly: "Let those geniuses in the Black Palace think of a way, we must punish the Yanhuang Kingdom!"

In the Zijin Military Region, Liu Shouguo circled around the dark dragon armor excitedly.

"It's too fierce, this is definitely the most military individual equipment!"

He and the members of the Yanlong Special Forces have watched the video.

Invulnerable to guns and knives, hard to resist rockets, large-caliber rockets in hand, very visual impact.

Handsome and domineering.

Let them remember the famous scenes one by one!

Wang Kemang was unwilling to take off the armor at this time, he even wanted to weld the armor on himself.

Song Meng touched the chest of the armor: "Tsk tsk tsk, what is this so-called phase armor, after so many battles, there is no trace at all.

Liu Shouguo said with a smile: "We must test it in the future. From the current point of view, hard anti-missiles should be no problem.

It's just perverted!

Everyone sighed in their hearts.

Individual armor, able to resist missiles.

Who else?!

"Not only the defense is awesome, but the intelligent system is also very powerful, which can only be realized when it is really fighting."

Wang Kemang said in the armor: "It can be perfectly combined with the products developed by Ye Bai, whether it is a gun or a Yongyon anti-gravity fighter, it can be used in all-round joint operations.

When wearing Dark Dragon Armor, the intelligent locking is done by the armor. Compared with the YBZ-10's own locking, it increases the danger level and locks in real time, and the locking target is farther away, with a wider range and smarter!"

This is his use experience, the first time he personally felt the changes that technology has brought to warfare.

Song Meng said excitedly: "Who will dare to say that our individual soldiers are weak in equipment? This is definitely the strongest individual soldier in the world!"

Everyone has no objection, nodding in agreement with his statement, this is the strongest!

"Boss, don't stay in it all the time, let us wear it and experience it."

"That is, you are also in the early use test, we can only touch it up to now."

The team members began to complain, and they all wanted to experience it.

Wang Kemang opened the distance warily: "It's good to touch some, I'll slip away first."

"Damn it, boss, don't run away."

Liu Shouguo could see that the team members liked this suit of armor.

He returned to the office and opened the call with Bai Yan: "See, this armor is powerful."

Bai Yan recalled the video he saw before: "Strong! Ye Bai is really too strong, what kind of high technology can he invent?"

Liu Shouguo leaned on his chair and smiled, "There will definitely be more surprises in the future."

Bai Yan nodded: "It is the country's fortune to have him."

Liu Shouguo pondered: "We have to hurry up and study the Penetrating Dark Dragon Armor so that it can be mass-produced. Moreover, if its phase armor technology is applied to our armored vehicles and tanks, it will be directly invincible."

In the end, he was quite excited.

Bai Yan smiled and said: "Don't worry, think about it, we have upgraded the individual equipment to the strongest in the world in just a few months, this is already very fast, without Ye Bai, we are still studying hard now, don't be too anxious gone."

Liu Shouguo agreed very much: "That's right, the two new weapons can greatly improve our army, let's start mass production as soon as possible."

Bai Yan continued: "The production has all started, and mass production will soon be possible. By then, our guns will be an era ahead!"

Liu Shouguo smiled and said, "That Michael also evacuated."

"Okay! Let you show off your power and engage in free navigation!"

Bai Yan couldn't help applauding.

Over the years, Yingjiang used the excuse of free navigation to put pressure on Yanhuang and show off his muscles.

Today, I was finally scared off!!

Liu Shouguo's eyes were like a torch: "In the future, we will also go to their waters to declare freedom of navigation!!"

In the Jiangnan Shipyard, a task refresh time has passed long ago.

But the task has not been updated for a long time, indicating that the upgrade is in progress.

Just now, the system suddenly reminded that the mission system has been upgraded.

Ye Bai quickly opened the system to check.

'Ding: The task system has been updated. The update content is: The task system will be refreshed in real time after the host completes the previous task.

Looking at the refresh rules of the new task system, Ye Bai can say that there are good and bad.

If the task is simple, then he doesn't have to wait a month to do the task again, and can quickly accumulate technology points.

But if the task is difficult, it may take more time to wait for the task to be updated.

Added a lot of uncertainty.

After the task system upgrade is completed, the task is finally updated. .

‘Mission: Successfully unlock and manufacture three civilian technologies.

'Task rewards: 2 first-level technology points, 2 second-level technology points and 1 third-level technology point.


There are even three-level technology points.

Level 2 technology points can already unlock the space carrier 167.

Wouldn't the third-level technology points be able to unlock space battleships?!

And there are 2 second-level technology points, he just wants to unlock a Mark-3 armor for himself.

Anyone who has seen Iron Man has imagined that he can own such a handsome mech.

But now there are more technology points and more advanced, Ye Bai wants to unlock the Mark 50 nanometer mecha in Avengers 3.

It is easier to carry and can protect yourself at any time.

At the same time, the super soldier serum also needs to be unlocked, he is still just an ordinary person.

Too weak and easily hurt.

So the next step is to strengthen ourselves and arm ourselves first, so that we can do scientific research better.

And as long as the super-soldier serum research is successful and injections are popularized among the people, the people of Yanhuang will no longer have to be afraid of diseases.

The real people are like dragons!

"Three civilian technologies."

Ye Bai ignored this before.

Our civilian technology is also very limited, he can use more technology points other than doing tasks to unlock civilian technology.

Not only to make Yanhuang's military rank first in the world, but also to allow the people of Yanhuang to use better products and enter the era of high-tech life!

He still has 3 first-level technology points and 1 second-level technology point. I don't know if it is enough to unlock five technologies.

He knows that the more advanced the technology is, the more technology points will be consumed, so choose carefully.

Ye Bai thought of Cyberpunk 2077 again. Although the prosthetic body transformation is good, it feels too painful to combine the human body and the machine.

In the future, if the super soldier serum is unlocked, it will be better than prosthetic transformation.

Cars are only good-looking, but Apollo is not very high-tech.

Suddenly, Ye Bai thought of a very good choice.

He turned on the computer and drew the hover car driven by Will Smith in the movie "I, Robot".

'Is it locked.


'Ding: The analysis is successful, the maglev car, a next-generation civilian vehicle, can be unlocked. "


'Ding: Successfully unlocked, consuming 1 first-level technology point, and all the technology data of the smart magnetic levitation driverless car have been loaded.

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