Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 67 The Second Gadget, Unlock, Quantum Computer!

"Xiaoye, you really made another good thing!"

Liu Shouguo laughed and called Ye Bai.

It took Zhou Ping three days to separate the full-time maglev technology from the technical data of the maglev vehicle.

Then the technical information was immediately passed on to various R&D departments across the country.

Everyone was very pleasantly surprised when they got the information.

There are so many uses for this technique!

If it is applied to a tank, it will definitely be the fastest and most stable tank in the world.

If it is applied to the missile launch vehicle of the Rocket Army, the Rocket Army will have stronger maneuverability.

As long as they can master it, the possibilities are endless!

Ye Bai put down the metal capsule in his hand and said with a smile: "The inspiration came to me suddenly. After all, the military industry is done well, and our civilian technology also needs to be improved."

Liu Shouguo agreed loudly: "Okay, good job! For the country and the people, these are the scientific researchers of our Yanhuang Kingdom."

"I called because I heard that you still have two technologies. I'm not urging you. On the contrary, I want you to pay attention to rest. You are still young, and there is still a long way to go in scientific research. You must not burn your body."

Ye Bai nodded: "Don't worry, I sleep until the sun rises every day."

Liu Shouguo laughed and said, "Okay, then I won't disturb your work."

Ye Bai hung up the phone, smiled slightly, and the capsule phone in his hand was almost ready.

Beiyang Military Region.

Yi Ming was very happy holding the full-time maglev technology information: "Okay, another high-tech, not only for military use, but also for civilian use, to benefit the people."

Wu Mingyu sighed from the side: "The achievements of Academician Ye are already unmatched."

Yi Ming nodded and said: "Yes, we need to hurry up and research. Xiaoye provides more and more technologies. Now technology research and development is no longer a problem that restricts the development of armaments. Instead, our follow-up speed has become a shortcoming. We must not hold back what!"

Wu Mingyu nodded helplessly, Ye Bai's R&D 570 was too fast.

With the help of technical materials, their research was not as fast as his inventing new ones.

The popularization of science and technology and the updating of armaments have been restricted.

"How is the research on Longyon's anti-gravity fighter?"

Yi Ming frowned and asked, he has been researching this fighter for two months, and the prototype has been used in two battles.

Wu Mingyu replied: "Academician Chen brought us a controllable nuclear fusion energy device, and Longyuan is considered complete."

"At present, we have almost done the research. Academician Ye's information is very detailed. They are all based on existing technology to make breakthroughs in research and development. Although it is difficult, it is not a rootless cloud. It should be possible to thoroughly understand it before the end of the year. Quba."

Yi Ming nodded vigorously and said, "I, Yanhuang, are now rising, and no one can stop it! Let's see how long Yingjiang can dance."

Wu Mingyu grinned and said: "Lanhai that day, our Longyuan severely thwarted their arrogance and made Michael on the Peanutton escape in a hurry."

Yi Ming looked at the sky: "When the phoenix built by Xiaoye goes up to the sky, it will be the day when I, Yan Huang, ascend to the top of the world!"

Changnan Military Region.

Bai Yan frowned slightly as he listened to his subordinates' report, and he also got the magnetic levitation technical information.

"Currently, the dark dragon armor jointly researched by us and the Zijin Military Region is progressing very quickly, and we have also improved the existing ammunition bag and the ammunition supply system of the YBZ-10 smart rifle according to the feedback from Colonel Wang.

Now YBZ-10 does not need to change the magazine, it is directly connected to the ammunition bag, which can realize a real bullet storm!"

After listening to the report, Bai Yan laughed and said, "Okay, okay! This improvement of yours is very good. It has greatly improved the harvesting ability on the battlefield. How is the current progress?"

The soldier immediately reported: "Actually, Academician Ye's new technology materials contain a lot of technical materials for supporting accessories. We have all studied them. The Dark Dragon Armor will get more components. At present, all technologies have been prepared, and I believe it will be available soon." achieve mass production.

Bai Yan nodded slightly, very satisfied: What did the General Armament Department forcefully say. "

The soldier smiled and said, "Hey, as I said over there, let them know the equipment developed by Academician Ye in the future, and they will review it as soon as possible. After a simple process, they can even come to the door for approval."

Bai Yan laughed loudly: "What about the general production department.

"More exaggerated."

The soldier seemed to think of something funny: "They are all ready. As soon as Academician Ye's equipment is approved, they will devote all their strength to build the production line as soon as possible."

Bai Yan has an illusion, as if he has returned to the era when the whole people engaged in scientific research and inventions, were not afraid of hardships or tiredness, and used their abacus to calculate the big things.

All thanks to that genius boy!

For civilian use, Zhou Ping handed over the maglev technology to Wuling Zhiguang Automobile and signed a confidentiality agreement.

More models will be developed by Wuling Zhiguang Automobile to replace the existing internal combustion engine vehicles.

Skip new energy directly and use magnetic levitation, a cleaner and more energy-efficient technology.

"Little Leaf?"

Zhou Ping was originally supervising the manufacture of the core part of the controllable nuclear fusion, when he suddenly received a call from Ye Bai and answered it quickly.

"Academician Zhou, I have another gadget here, I need you to come here."

Zhou Ping looked at the time after hearing this, it was too fast.

In the past few days, there is another new technology.

The sows in the production team are not as good at giving birth as he is.

Moreover, Ye Bai's main job is to manufacture the core modules of the Luanfeng space carrier, which he developed in his spare time.

"Okay, I'll let Academician Wei go over immediately."

Zhou Ping immediately notified Wei Chen to go to Jiangnan Shipyard immediately.

Now Wei Chen is in charge of receiving Ye Bai's 'gadgets'.

Zhou Ping is in charge of the construction of the controllable nuclear fusion power station, and Chen Wei is in charge of the energy production of the Longyuan anti-gravity fighter in the Beiyang Military Region.

The entire Dragon Academy is fully operational!

Wei Chen rushed to the Jiangnan Shipyard immediately, and Ye Bai was already waiting for him at the soldiers checkpoint.

After Wei Chen got off the car to receive the inspection, he walked up to Ye Bai: "Xiaoye, have you made another invention?"

"This is it."

Ye Bai took out a cell phone the size of a capsule.

It is said that it is a mobile phone, but it is actually a new communication device.

"Let me demonstrate it to you."

As he spoke, he twisted the capsule slightly [and then held the (ccbe) middle of the capsule.

I saw two pieces of metal protruding from both ends of the capsule, forming a 6-inch frame.

"This is a capsule phone, twist to evoke the frame of the phone, and requires a fingerprint to successfully evoke."

"It's gamer-friendly, designed bezels."

Play King of Glory, Peaceful Battlefield, it is better to have borders.

"If you're just making a phone call, you don't need a bezel"

As Ye Bai spoke, he twisted again, and the frame retracted into the capsule.

"Just touch it to unlock the communication."

He pressed the capsule, and a mobile phone interface projection popped up.

"It can be operated directly in the air, or it can be controlled by voice."

Ye Bai demonstrated the air operation, which was very smooth.

Not only Wei Chen, but the surrounding officers and soldiers watched Ye Bai's operation curiously.

This is a mobile phone?

They couldn't believe how a mobile phone could be so small.

What about the CPU circuit board?

"Because it doesn't use a chip, it doesn't need a lithography machine, and the volume is also small. There is also a model that is suitable for military use, and it can be directly attached to the back of the ear.

It can connect with our brainwaves through the nerves behind the ears, as long as you press and hold the capsule, and your fingerprints match, you can control it with brainwaves and project the operation interface in front of our eyes

Very convenient.

And it uses satellite signals, so it's very safe and convenient!"

As soon as Ye Bai finished speaking, a reduced version of the mobile phone interface appeared in front of his eyes, and he could operate it with the help of brain waves.

When the officers and soldiers around heard the military use, their eyes widened.

If this communication method can be applied to the battlefield, it will be much stronger than the current communication method!

They will no longer need a radio station, as long as the signal and security of this phone are good enough, it can completely replace the radio station, and everyone can carry it.

Not only convenient, but also real-time communication.

Smaller than a Bluetooth headset, but has the same function as a mobile phone, or even more advanced!

Wei Chen took the capsule phone and tried to twist it, but there was indeed no response.

Ye Bai handed over the technical information to Wei Chen: "The entry method of the developer mode is all in the information, and I hope you can popularize this to the whole people, so that the people can use the cross-generation communication phone and get rid of foreign restrictions on us.

In terms of civilian technology, this world is similar to the previous life.

Yanwei Technology was sanctioned by Yingjiang, and the mobile phone business and communication business plummeted.

Now with his technology, he can completely lead the world!

Wei Chen nodded: "No problem, I will also inform the people in the communications department of the army to research a model suitable for military use as soon as possible!"

The soldiers around were overjoyed when they heard this.

They are going to add new equipment again, which can communicate with one click and operate with brain waves.

So fucking high tech!

Ye Bai said with a smile: "There is one last thing, I should have to trouble Academician Wei to come again in a few days.

Wei Chen smiled and said, "This kind of trouble, I hope the more the better, haha..."

Ye Bai scratched his head, it depends on the mission and remaining technology points.

After Wei Chen left, Ye Bai returned to his factory, the last piece of civilian technology.

Suddenly, a news popped up on the phone.

He opened it and took a look.

"Yingjiang ordered to prohibit the supply of electronic components such as GPUs used to make supercomputers to Yanhuang."

Ye Bai smiled, this is obviously aimed at the many high-tech that Yanhuang has recently appeared.

Because scientific research is inseparable from supercomputers.

Whether it is military or civilian, it requires a lot of calculations!

Yingjiang is already taking measures to curb the development of Yanhuang Kingdom.

Since you have blocked it, then I will create one to break your blockade, and by the way block all technologies for you in turn!

Ye Bai made up his mind and searched Du Niang.

'Is it locked. "


'Ding: The analysis is successful, the quantum computer can be unlocked.


'Ding: Unlocking is successful, consume 1 first-level technology point, and the nose computer technical information has been completed!

In fact, Yanhuang's research on quantum computers has been very in-depth, and the progress is leading the world, but it is far from reaching the level where it can be put into practical use.

Quantum computers are definitely a cross-age technology.

More than all supercomputers today!

The technology given by the system is mature and can be put into mass production!

Compared with the first two civilian technologies, the development of quantum computers is much more difficult.

Ye Bai took a deep breath and rushed!.

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