Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 71 So Far, A New Era Is Coming! From Dark To Brightly Lit!

In the evening, there was still an hour before the ignition.

"Let me tell you about the process. Ten minutes before the ignition, the power grid will be connected to the grid. Three minutes later, Zijin City will cut off all thermal power, external power and wind power, and the whole city will go into darkness!"

Bingbing introduced the ignition procedure to the audience: "As the first ray of flame burns from Zijin City, the first beam of light will also light up from Zijin City, which means that mankind will enter a new era!"

[So excited, there is only the last hour. 】

[In the lifetime series, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see a second such scene, haha. 】

[Thanks to the scientific researchers in the motherland who have paid silently behind the scenes, they have given us a better life. 】

[Yes, these talents are the ones we should pursue, they are the real idols. 】

[Bah, don't insult them with the word idol, they don't care about fame and wealth. 】

[From now on, I want to educate my children and chase after these researchers. 】

[Stranger, you should also thank yourself and try to live your life well. 】

Power station control room.

There are two clocks on the wall, one showing the time and the other showing the countdown.

The time above is slowly passing, and everyone's mood is getting more and more nervous.

There is a red ignition button in front of Zhou Ping, as long as you press it, the flame that symbolizes the new era will be ignited!

Zhou Ping touched his pockets tightly: "As long as this nuclear fusion power plant is successful, the people who participated in the construction this time can spread to the whole country to help build more nuclear fusion power plants."

This time, when building a nuclear fusion power station, many people followed suit.

After all, this is a very important technology, and it must be foolproof, so they did not rush for success. They chose to build a power station first, train more professionals, and then promote it nationwide.

Steady and steady step by step!

"Your plan is very good, and the matter is of great importance. You must ensure that there will be no problems in every link!"

Liu Shouguo said seriously from the side.

Bai Yan sighed: "This moment will definitely be recorded in history, and Xiaoye will also be written in textbooks."

Yi Ming laughed and said, "I'm afraid not only his name and deeds will be included in textbooks, but also in history books and military history."

Liu Shouguo smiled slightly: "Guess, can Xiaoye get in there?"

Jin Jianjun's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he said confidently: "It's enough!"

"If the Luanfeng Sky Mothership is completed, he will definitely enter that palace."

When everyone heard the words of the Supreme Being, they knew that they must be stable.

They have no doubts about the progress of the Luanfeng Aerospace Carrier.

In Jiangnan Shipyard, at this important historical moment, everyone is still busy.

In the 300,000-ton shipyard, a giant is quietly taking shape!

It will also represent a great moment!!

"Everyone remember, ten minutes before the ignition, we take a short break to witness together the important moment in the history of our Yanhuang

Cai Yu communicated with all scientific researchers at the same time through the latest military capsule phone.

Who wouldn't want to see this moment.

In each workshop, the researchers turned on the TV.

"Xiaoye's contribution is too great."

Liu Cheng sighed.

He doubted Ye Bai at the beginning, but he didn't expect that Ye Bai's achievements are getting higher and higher now.

The person next to him nodded approvingly: "Yes, he alone promoted the development of the entire Yanhuang Technology.

"It's amazing, controllable nuclear fusion, the significance is too great!"

In the workshop of the Mothership Ecosystem, Yi Rou'er rolled up her hair by her ear, and that handsome sunny face flashed in her mind.

"It seems to be unrequited love."

She was slightly lost in thought, but then she quickly restrained herself and regained her composure.

Countdown for half an hour.

"The power grid is ready to be connected to the grid, and everyone will do the last check

Zhou Ping quickly ordered to go on.

Liu Shouguo tapped the capsule phone behind his ear, and contacted Wang Kemang: "Let all the brothers get 120,000 points of energy, this critical moment must not be destroyed!"


Wang Kemang was wearing the dark dragon armor, and immediately contacted the team members participating in the defense and the soldiers of the Zijin Military Region.

Everyone is more closely inspected, and no one is allowed to approach the power station.

Far away in space, some people silently paid attention to this moment.

In the Yanhuang space station, the astronauts looked in the direction of the motherland on the blue star through the window of the space station.

"Yang Wei, you said, we have mastered the controllable nuclear fusion technology, does it mean that we have entered the era of interstellar travel?"

Mo Li looked at Yang Wei who was watching TV. Although the signal in space was delayed, he could not be organized to watch the live broadcast.

This is a signal sent by the country specifically for them, so they can only see round brains.

"Of course, controllable nuclear fusion technology is the basis of space travel. Only by mastering this technology can we have energy for space travel."

Yang Wei replied without turning his head: "After all, in this boundless universe, the artificial sun is the most basic energy source."

Controllable nuclear fusion is too important, so there will be such a big battle.

Although it was originally developed as a Ryongyeon anti-gravity fighter, it is an important technology that is indispensable for human progress!!

Countdown to ten minutes!

Grid connection starts!"

Following Zhou Ping's order, several power grid switches slowly turned.

The TV footage showed those huge electric switches.

"Dear audience friends, we have seen that the grid connection has already started. When the switch is closed, it means that the time for ignition is getting closer!"

With the sound of 'click', everyone's heart beat heavily, and the merge was completed!

[Fuck, I'm getting more and more excited, I don't know how the friends in Zijin City are feeling now. 】

[It's so cool, okay, what the hell, I can't wait to ignite it immediately. 】

[Come here, take me and burn it, first to help everyone. 】

【666 brother is a werewolf. 】

Count down three minutes.

"Cut off all power station connections, and turn off the fire at the thermal power station!"

Suddenly, the entire Zijin City was plunged into darkness, and all the light disappeared.

The entire noisy city suddenly fell silent.

The original power stations are all closed!

People took to the street one after another, wrapped in moonlight, waiting for the great moment in three minutes!

Seen from the space station, a small area of ​​the huge Yanhuang country suddenly lost all light in an instant!

"Come on, come on!"

Mo Li clenched her hands while Yang Wei stared intently at the live broadcast.

In the control room of the power station, use the backup power [Zhou Ping's trembling hands are placed on the ignition button!

His eyes were fixed on the countdown.

Bing Bing still worked hard to explain to everyone by moonlight: "We see that Zijin City has entered a state of silence, and the power grid has been completely cut off. This means that the era of thermal power has completely passed, let us wait for a new dawn to rise!!"

The countdown begins in the control room.

The hearts of the people across the country are also counting down!









Shouts resounded from all over the country: 1!!!


Zhou Ping pressed the ignition button hard.

In an instant, the original calm, dark nuclear fusion device.

With a 'huh', a ray of human progress was lit, and then the entire nuclear fusion device was quickly ignited.

Huge energy surged out in an instant.


The energy is filled extremely quickly, and the sound keeps rising.

All of a sudden, surging electricity rushed to the entire Zijin City through the power grid!

In the silent Zijin City.


A light came on.

"It's bright, it's bright!"

The people in the family jumped up and cheered instantly.

In the next moment, the light of this lamp, like a single spark, instantly ignited the entire grassland of Zijin City.

Let all families in Zijin City be bright!


The entire Yanhuang Kingdom cheered and thundered!!

Molly in the space station also cheered when she saw the light shining again in the darkness.

"Hahaha, it's done, Yang Wei, the controllable fusion power plant has successfully ignited!"

Yang Wei also showed a smile, full of excitement.

There was also cheers in the control room of the power station.

"We made it, that's great!" (No's)


Everyone hugged each other, and some even cried excitedly.

Everyone can understand that they have worked hard for so long, worked hard overtime, and finally paid off!

"Ye Bai has left a strong mark in this era!"

Supreme existence gave the highest rating!

Outside the power station, a large number of people watched from afar.

When the power station first lit up, they jumped up for joy.

Bingbing excitedly pointed at the re-lit street lamp: "Once upon a time, ancient humans learned to use fire, which allowed humans to enter a civilized society. Fire represents the symbol of human progress and is a symbol of civilization!

Today, the Yanhuang Kingdom has mastered the fire of the new era, the technology of controllable nuclear fusion.

This ray of fire is like a kindling, which will eventually ignite on this land, which represents us entering a new era!!

Let us remember those people who silently contributed to scientific research, they created this flame.

They are the creators of this era Ming!

Congratulations to the successful fire of the first controllable nuclear fusion power plant in Zijin City!

Let's rejoice at this moment in human history worth celebrating!!!"


Celebrate with everyone!!!

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