Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 74 Darth's Plan, If You Dare To Touch The Yanhuang People, You Will Be Sunk!

"Ibeno-kun, we are only 30 nautical miles away from Kirishima, and we will be there soon.

Little Turtle Ridaka on board the Cangyun amphibious landing ship looked ahead excitedly.

"Haha, the new Prime Minister finally thought about it, let us occupy Kirishima, it should have been done a long time ago, it was originally an uninhabited island, very suitable for our neon country."

Inobe Nohe laughed, he has extreme expansion ideas, and thinks that Neon has always been the second in the world.

The territory of the Neon Kingdom is extremely small, and these islands are too suitable for occupation.

Xiaogui Rigao said harshly: "This time we have Yingjiang's First Fleet to support us, even Yanhuang can only stare blankly, haha."

The complete establishment of the entire First Fleet is in Lanhai, and there are two 10,000-ton Columbia-class nuclear submarines!

The most advanced nuclear submarine in the world!!

Yanhuang's eyes were all focused on Dales.

Nohe Inobe snorted coldly: "We have also dispatched powerful imperial warships, a Baiyun-class helicopter carrier equipped with F35B vertical take-off and landing fighter jets, and four Hiyori-class destroyers.

Even if Yanhuang's aircraft carrier battle group comes over, we are not afraid!"

Xiaogui Ridaka laughed and said: "Haha, Yingjiang doesn't allow us to build an aircraft carrier, but a helicopter carrier plus F35B is an aircraft carrier, we are still smart." Nine Eight E"

Six Neon Nation warships marched aggressively towards Kirishima.

On the other side, Dales leaned against the fence of the 1st Fleet carrier.

"To be honest, I really hate to leave Neon Country, these two days are too comfortable."

Dals licked his lips, full of aftertaste.

Jack smiled and said: "After solving the Yanhuang matter, we can go to the Neon Country for vacation in a legitimate way. It's hard to imagine how comfortable Shoukel was before.

"Oh poor guy, he'll never get a chance to come on vacation lol."

Dales stretched comfortably: "It's better here."

Jack smiled and said, "We are strong, we are comfortable wherever we go."

The Changnan Military Region is close to the coast, and immediately discovered the movements of the Dals First Fleet.

"What the hell are these guys trying to do?"

Bai Yan frowned, watching the movement of the huge aircraft carrier battle group of the First Fleet in the sea map.

"This movement seems to want to go to Bend Island?"

Rear Admiral Du Yue of the Changnan Military Region drew a line on the electronic radar map.

"They didn't have any news, they went straight there, obviously for us to see, Darwin is a disgusting guy!"

Bai Yan ordered in a cold voice: "Let the No. 03 aircraft carrier battle group go to intercept them, and they are absolutely not allowed to approach Bend Island!"

Du Yue nodded vigorously: "No problem."

Suddenly, the intelligence officer urgently reported: "General, six neon battleships were found sneaking close to Dayu Island. They sailed silently and are about to arrive at Kirishima!"

Silent sailing is to turn off all radar and electronic systems on the battleship, and only keep the basic sailing direction, in an attempt to achieve stealth effect and avoid radar scanning.

Doing so can effectively improve the penetration concealment!

Bai Yan's eyes froze when he heard the words: "These guys must be plotting something wrong, otherwise they wouldn't be sailing silently, damn it!"

It turned out that Darth's large-scale mobilization of the fleet was to attract Yanhuang's attention and cover the warships of the Neon Kingdom approaching Dayu Island.

Du Yue said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it's not that simple. If Darzhao is real, he's false, and if he's false, he's real. He can be true on both sides, or he can be false. It depends on our movements!"

Bai Yan said coldly: "The plan to intercept Dals remains unchanged, and we will quickly send warships to Kirishima. They must not be allowed to successfully land on the island!"

Du Yue gave a military salute: "Yes!"

"Haha, Noga-kun, look, Sa Kirishima is not far away!"

Little Turtle Hidaka excitedly pointed to the gradually emerging island in the distance.

Yarn Kirishima is a natural uninhabited island between the Neon Kingdom and the Yanhuang Kingdom, with a large area.

Yarn Kirishima's geographical location is like a turret stuck on the middle line of the two countries.

As long as you garrison here, you can easily hit the opponent's territory.

So Yarn Kirishima's strategic position is high!

But it doesn't really belong to either side here.

The Neon Kingdom has always wanted to occupy this place, but under pressure from the Yanhuang Kingdom, they dare not act rashly.

As long as they occupy Kirishima, the surrounding island groups will also be under Neon Nation's military coverage.

At that time, Neon Country will occupy a very favorable geographical position.

"Haha, as long as we land here and build projects, it will be useless even if the warships from the Yanhuang Kingdom come over, unless they start a war with us!"

Inobe laughed wildly: "Their attention has been attracted by Mr. Dales' First Fleet, and it's too late to rush over now."

"Furthermore, they dare to start a war with us? Hmph!"

Little Turtle Rigao proudly said: "Yes, the new prime minister is really too smart. Now, we can keep an eye on Yanhuang all the time, and lay the tenth solid foundation stone for the revival of our neon country."

"Report, General Yehe, five fishing boats from the Yanhuang Kingdom have been spotted in the southeast of us, and they are rapidly approaching our battleship!"

Suddenly, intelligence agents ran out from the island to report.

Inobe Nohe immediately took out his binoculars and looked towards the southeast. Sure enough, on the calm sea, five fishing boats with the national flag of Yanhuang Kingdom were riding the wind and waves, rushing towards them quickly!

"Hmph, come on, come on, it's just a few fishing boats, we have six warships, why are we afraid of their fishing boats? Ridiculous!"

Inobe Nogo said that indifferently.

Xiaogui Rigao nodded and said: "Just let them leave when the time comes, and if it doesn't work, just shoot them with a water gun."

Inobe Nohe waved his hands: "Hey, how can we use the water gun first, we can't do it first, but if they try to hit them, we can't blame us for fighting back, haha..."

"Tall, really tall, haha..."

Xiaogui Rigao then laughed loudly: "Yanhuang Kingdom has a high patriotic sentiment and is the easiest to provoke. In fact, we are the victims, haha..."

No.: Yanhuang Yuanyu 81192 small ocean-going fishing boat [take the lead and charge at the forefront.

"Old Liu, do you really want to go there?"

The woman asked worriedly in the cabin: "My child, the child is still at home."

Liu Mu looked at the huge neon warship that was getting closer and closer, without any hesitation!

"Don't worry, our battleship must be on the way. We must not let this group of Gozhids approach Kirishima. They definitely want to occupy it. We fishermen know the geographical location there, and we must not let them succeed!!"

"Zizi...Old Liu, thanks to you letting us go around, we found this group of shameless things, otherwise we would have missed it.

"Zi..., sneaking onto the island is too in line with their national characteristics."

"Zizi...Don't change your mind, they, don't say anything, we have to stop them!"

"Zi...haha, I can be a martyr now!"

Listening to the words of fellow fishing boats on the radio, Liu Mu said in a deep voice: "Yes, we must stop them, special ones, if you dare to think about Kirishima, you will be punished! Old woman, put your horses on the line and charge me!"


Five fishing boats from the Yanhuang Kingdom rushed towards the six warships from the Neon Kingdom!!

"What did you say?! Five of our fishing boats rushed over?!"

Bai Yan looked at the intelligence officer in surprise...

"That's right, five fishing boats are approaching the Dian Kingdom warship at high speed."

The intelligence officer is keeping a close eye on the radar, which has the number of the fishing boat of the Yanhuang Kingdom

"Damn it, let Du Yue hurry up, we fishermen must not be harmed in any way!"

Bai Yan hastily ordered: "Also, tell me the fleet of the Neon Kingdom, if they dare to hurt our fishermen, don't blame me for Yanhuang Kingdom's reckless revenge!!"


The intelligence agent immediately contacted the front line.

"Let the military region activate the first-level combat readiness for me! As long as the Neon Kingdom dares to touch my fishermen, I will let all their warships stay in Kirishima! Want to station troops on it? Then don't go back!!"

Bai Yan ordered domineeringly: "If you want to go to the island, we can still fight and talk about it. If you dare to touch Yanhuang people, then wait to bear the wrath of hundreds of millions of Yanhuang people!!"

The Changnan Military Region quickly began to operate.

All soldiers are urgently put into the highest state of combat readiness.

The planes were all fueled up and checked.

"Brother, what's the situation, which one to fight?"

"Playing neon lights! They are acting as demons in the Lanhai Sea. Our fishing boat has passed by. I'm afraid there will be bad luck!"

"If you dare to touch my Yanhuang fishermen, I will destroy them!"

Everyone heard that it was the battleship of the Neon Kingdom acting as a monster, and the fighting momentum doubled instantly!!

Arashi sea.

Du Yue personally led the battleship to Kirishima.

The No. 03 aircraft carrier battle group went to intercept the first fleet of Dales.

"This time, the Neon Kingdom sent six warships, one of which is a Baiyun-class pseudo-aircraft carrier with F35B vertical take-off and landing fighter jets! An amphibious landing ship and four frigates!

Du Yue frowned while listening to the 3.3 adjutant's report.

The purpose of the Neon Kingdom this time is obvious. The amphibious landing ship brought a large number of tools and people, obviously wanting to occupy Kirishima, and then slowly erode the surrounding island groups.

It must be taking advantage of the opportunity of Yingjiang's big move to take advantage of the opportunity.

The scale of the battleship is very large, it seems that it has made up its mind.

"Not good, General!"

Suddenly, the intelligence soldier said anxiously.

Du Yue immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

"The headquarters called, saying that we have five fishing boats approaching the warships of the Neon Nation!"


Du Yue exclaimed: "Special code."

He feels something is wrong.

The intelligence soldier continued: "The headquarters said, we must protect our fishermen. If the Neon Nation dares to take action, then sink them!"

Du Yue clenched his fists, the speed of the warship had reached the fastest at this time, he wished he could be near Kirishima immediately!

He had a murderous look in his eyes: "Notify me of all the battleships, first-level equipment! Put all the shells on me!"

He knows Yanhuang people and Yanhuang fishermen!

Bloodiness is the characteristic that Yanhuang can have in his bones!!

This battle cannot be avoided!!!.

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