Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 76 The Bermuda Phenomenon? Giant Ship, Fear From The Soul!

"What did you say? All of our fishing boats and the warships of Neon Nation disappeared all of a sudden?!"

Hearing what the radar soldiers said, Bai Yan quickly looked at the radar map, and looked at the vicinity of Kirishima in disbelief. The radar signals of the six Neon warships and five Yanhuang fishing boats that were there had all disappeared!

Just like that, it suddenly disappeared from the map!

"Is the radar on all bands activated?"

Bai Yan asked seriously.

The radar soldier nodded vigorously.

"how so!"

Bai Yan frowned, and said in disbelief: "Neon Nation's warships are gone, but what about our fishing boats!"

He pressed the capsule phone behind his ear to connect to Du Yue: "Can the radar on your warship see our fishing boat?"

"No, it disappeared with the warships of the Neon Kingdom, it's too abrupt!"

Du Yue's voice was serious, and he had just told the fleet's radar soldiers about it.

How good, suddenly so many ships are gone.

Du Yue asked uncertainly, "Could it be that kind of phenomenon?"

A thought flashed through Bai Yan's mind when he heard the words: "You mean the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle?"

Du Yue nodded slightly and said, "That's right, otherwise why would the eleven ships suddenly disappear from the radar chart!"

Bai Yan nodded, indeed, there is no other better explanation!

The mystery of the Bermuda Triangle is about a sea area in southeastern Florida, and there is a place called Bermuda.

Between that place and the other two islands of the eagle sauce, there is a triangular area.

That is the Bermuda Triangle!!

And there are often various cases of mysterious disappearances!!

Also disables all radars.

This is the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle.

But it doesn't just appear there, it can appear anywhere on the sea.

There are many incidents of planes and ships disappearing suddenly at sea in history.

There was even a time when a plane disappeared for more than 30 years, and everyone thought that all the people on board were killed.

The plane appeared again, and the people in the plane have not deteriorated yet!!

This is a phenomenon that science cannot explain.

Both Bai Yan and Bai Yan didn't want to believe it either.

Bai Yan said in a deep voice: "No matter what, you continue to go to the place where the incident happened, and you must find out what's going on!!"

Du Yue replied immediately: "Understood!!"

First Fleet, Dals is looking at the gradually emerging coastline in the distance, where is their destination, Bend Island!

His goal is to land on Bend Island, in order to cooperate with the Neon Kingdom to anger the Yanhuang Kingdom!

Neon and them landed on the island at the same time in different directions.

Yanhuang would definitely be very angry.

As long as they dare to fire the first shot, Walls' plan will succeed!

Destroy the road of Yanhuang's peaceful rise!

If the Yanhuang Kingdom endured it, that would be fine, and the majesty of their Eagle Sauce was once again boosted.

Once again, he showed his strength to the world.

So no matter what, Dals will not fail, and he can get the strategic gains he wants!

Yanhuang Kingdom has no possibility of breaking the game, this time it will definitely suffer this loss!

"General, the owner of Bend Island knows that you are going, so he welcomes you very much and is very excited.

Dales laughed: "Tell them, don't talk formally, I like to discuss privately."

Jack nodded knowingly and smiled: "Understood, the owner of the island understands very well, and has already prepared in advance, after all, the girls on Bend Island are also very good.

Dales laughed and said, "Haha, that's right, you know girls."

Suddenly, a soldier reported anxiously: "General! On our radar map, the warships of the Neon Kingdom suddenly disappeared!!"

The smile on Darth's face froze suddenly, and he said displeasedly: "Fake, what's going on with them, what kind of nonsense are they doing.

Jack wondered: "It won't be sunk, it's impossible, even if the Yanhuang Kingdom launches missiles, we should still be able to receive radar signals."

There is an electronic warfare ship in their first fleet, which is specially responsible for electronic warfare, and the radar on it is very advanced.

There are missiles going into the air, they will definitely receive an early warning!

But now their early warning radar has no response.

"No missile attack was detected, not only the warships of the Neon country, but also the fishing boats of the Yanhuang country disappeared!"

"how is this possible?!"

Jack exclaimed in disbelief.

He quickly ran back to the ship island, looked at the radar map, and sure enough, the radar signal that originally represented the warship of the Neon Kingdom was gone!

They have electronic warships. It is impossible for a warship with more than 4,000 tons to suddenly disappear from the radar!

And there are still six, and there are five Yanhuang fishing boats.

"Fuck, it's really gone, Farke, what's going on!"

Jack scratched his head vigorously, ran out of the island again, and looked at Dales: "It's really gone!"

Dales was slightly taken aback, and then frowned: "Why did it disappear suddenly? Could it be because of the Bermuda phenomenon? Otherwise, how could such a thing happen!"

Everyone can't explain it at all.

The soldier continued: "And the contact between the Neon Nation warship and us was also interrupted. At the same time, we can no longer receive their radio communications!"

Dales frowned and looked at the soldier and asked, "What did they say in the end?"

Soldiers tried hard to recall: "They seemed to be laughing, then made a sound of doubt, and finally suddenly fell silent, as if they saw something strange!"

Dales felt a little uneasy in his heart.

He rarely feels this way, but whenever he does, something bad will happen, so he trusts his instincts!

With a serious face, he looked at the coastline of Bend Island, which was already very close, and hesitated for a moment before saying: "This plan may have unknown dangers."

"So what?" Jack asked.

Dales waved his hand: "Stop! The fleet is resting where it is. In addition, you have been contacting the Neon Nation fleet. As long as there is news, report it immediately!"



"Baga! What's going on, why is the water gun blocked!!"

Inobe watched in bewilderment as all the water from the water gun shot into the air, but it seemed to hit something out of thin air and shot out in all directions!

Their people were rushed by the suddenly refracted water column, and they had no time to dodge, and they were thrown on their backs, in a panic.

Some people were caught off guard, and they were all rushed to the ground!

This is a special large-caliber water gun, Wei Wutian.

"Baga, Baga!"

Little Turtle Rigao roared, "What the hell is going on?"

Originally, he was having fun, but suddenly the water jet was blocked by an invisible thing, and a jet of water directly flew him out, and fell heavily on the ground.

He rubbed his butt in pain and sat up, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. He looked angrily at the empty sea.

"Sir, it's bad, our radar seems to have a problem, it can't scan anything, and we have lost contact with the outside world!"

"What? How did you lose contact!"

Inobe Noko hurried into the command room, frantically trying to contact Dales by radio.


But there is only annoying white noise on the radio: "Baga, hell!"

He hurriedly tried to contact Neon Country again, but there was no response!

He hurriedly went to look at the radar map again, and found that there was nothing on the radar map, even their own battleship was gone!

Baga, who can tell me what happened! Why did our warship disappear from the radar!!"

Inobe Nohe yelled and questioned the surrounding soldiers, but no one understood what was going on.

They are all dumbfounded!

"How did this happen, how did this happen."

Inobe Nohe frowned, thinking about what happened.

the other side.

Lao Liu and the others were also stunned. They felt that there was a pressure on their heads, but they couldn't see anything.

The water gun that was originally aimed at them was also blocked.

"Never mind, Neon's water guns are as short as their height, let's keep going!"

Their boat was still moving forward without stopping, and they could still see Kirishima approaching.

"Baga, you bunch of shit, how dare you come here!"

Xiaogui Rigao took out his pistol and pointed it at Lao Liu's fishing boat, endured the severe pain in his chest, and directly opened the safety.

He was so angry that he felt that at least one rib in his chest was broken by the water jet.

Old Liu stared at him, full of disdain, without a trace of fear!

"Baga, stinky Yanhuang man, go to hell!"

Little Turtle Hidaka was about to shoot when he saw the most unforgettable scene in his life!!

I see.

Right in front of him, a huge muzzle suddenly appeared in the empty space where there was nothing.

The muzzle is bigger than his whole body!!

The muzzle is composed of three metal guide rails, with streams of current constantly entangled on it, and the blue energy is slowly gathering!

The sound of increasing energy rang in everyone's ears, and then stopped in a very sharp range, and everyone could no longer hear the high-frequency sound.

But still not over.

Immediately afterwards, amid all the incomparably horrified eyes.

The originally empty air suddenly began to distort!

The colors continue to merge and rotate, and the air becomes blurred.

It's as if the entire space image was suddenly grabbed by someone, and then it was torn off forcefully!

A huge warship with a height of more than 50 floors and a length of more than 200 floors suddenly appeared in front of everyone!!!

It is the Luanfeng space carrier that Ye Bai is driving, bringing thousands of scientific researchers and engineers to Lanhai for a ride!!!

Can you imagine the feeling of a two-hundred-story building pressing on top of you?!!

Koki Ridaka realized it.

That is the fear of giants from the depths of the soul!

The huge battleship exudes an unparalleled sense of oppression!!

He trembled and looked up at the huge monster above his head, and fell to the ground in fright.

He stared at the huge muzzle in fear, and stammered: "This, what the hell is this!!".

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