Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 82 Super Tank! Directly Blow Up My Current Position!

Liu Shouguo stared at the three unfamiliar yet familiar maglev tanks with wide eyes.

Familiarity is because the magnetic levitation vehicle has not changed.

Strange because everything is different except for the vehicle!!

Originally, they only modified the vehicle, added two guns YBD-01 and YBZ-10, and replaced the armor with phase armor.

The main gun is still the 125mm smoothbore gun of 99A.

Originally, I wanted to change it to the cation cannon on the Yongyon anti-gravity fighter, but it consumed too much energy.

It can only be used normally if it is equipped with a controllable nuclear fusion energy device.

The cation cannon of the Ryongyeon prototype can only be fired three or four times, and the aviation fuel will be exhausted, and its power is not complete.

Now all three tanks have different muzzles!

Also canceled the guns they attached and replaced them with strange contraptions.

Shen Yi looked at the strangely shaped maglev tank in amazement: "Well, who modified this?"

Liu Shouguo came back to his senses and said: "It was modified by Academician Ye, and YBD-01 and YBZ-10 including the magnetic levitation were all developed by him.

"It's really a hero out of a boy!"

Shen Yi laments: "These tanks look more sci-fi now."

Originally, magnetic levitation and two avant-garde rifles looked very sci-fi.

It looks even less like a technology product of this era now.

"Let's drive to the shooting range and try it out."

Liu Shouguo and the others followed three maglev tanks to the tank shooting range.

"The most normal muzzle should be tested first.

Liu Shouguo pointed to a tank with a round muzzle, but the muzzle is a hundred million dots bigger, maybe 500mm!!

The barrel is very short, and it is normal because compared with the other two, it still looks like a cannon.

Although there is a crystal in the muzzle, it does not look ordinary.

The driver took a look, and the 830 easily found a way to aim and shoot.

Use electronic aiming directly, and the fire control will control the automatic adjustment of the muzzle.

The driver presses the launch button.


Suddenly, a beam of red high-energy concentrated laser shot out instantly and irradiated on the high-strength concrete target.

Liu Shouguo and the others immediately took out their binoculars and looked at the target.

The three exclaimed at the same time.

I saw a one-meter-thick concrete target melting at a speed visible to the naked eye!!

In the end, it was melted directly! A big hole was left in the center!

Still dripping molten stone magma and molten iron!!

Lou Chengkun couldn't help admiring: "Fuck, fuck? Fuck!!"

Liu Shouguo couldn't believe it and checked it several times with the telescope: "It just melted?!"

Shen Yi felt his scalp go numb: "This is a laser cannon? The energy is too great!!"

At present, the most powerful laser cannon equipped in the world is Yingjiang's, with a power of 300 kilowatts, which can shoot down drones in an instant, and is still in the experimental stage.

What is actually equipped is Yanhuang's 30-kilowatt laser weapon, which is still relatively usable for fighting small drones, but it cannot reach the level of a cannon.

It is also impossible to melt concrete and steel bars.

If you want to melt a one-meter-thick concrete, you may need to continue to irradiate for more than ten minutes. By then, the target may not be melted, and the machine will break down first!!

And the laser cannon on this tank only took about three seconds to do it!!

If this is used to fight tanks, you can wear one in a few seconds!!

And the laser is at the speed of light, how to dodge it?

As long as the fire control of this tank can continue to follow and lock the target for more than 3 seconds, (ccag) it can kill all the tanks in the world!

Liu Shouguo does not doubt Ye Bai's technology at all, let alone 3 seconds, even if he keeps locking the fire control system for 30 seconds, he believes it will be very easy for Ye Bai!

"We may have to open up the landscape now."

Liu Shouguo and the other two said: "These three tanks are no longer limited to attacking tanks and ground targets. This laser tank can completely complete the air-to-air mission!"

As the chief engineer of tanks, Shen Yi's research on tanks is almost unmatched.

This is also the reason why the Zijin Military Region was able to transform the maglev so quickly.

Their magnetic levitation tank modification level is quite high, saving Ye Bai a lot of value.

Ye Bai has never been involved in tank manufacturing before, but the magnetic levitation technology can be applied to it.

The completed projects are all confidential, never made public, and only a few people know.

Shen Yi also just found out that the weapons they modified and the magnetic levitation were developed by Ye Bai, but they didn't know how powerful Ye Bai's scientific research ability was.

Now seeing this first modified tank, I have recognized Ye Bai's ability.

He nodded and said: "That's right, as long as the fire control of this tank can keep up with it, it's no problem to hit air targets! It's said that a helicopter is a tank opener. Now with this tank, it's a helicopter killer!"

The weak armor of the helicopter can't stop the laser cannon for a second!

"Test the second one."

Liu = Look at the second tank. The muzzle of this tank is like an octopus, consisting of eight metal rods. It is the heavy electron cannon on the Luanfeng Aerospace Mothership!

Still a meter-thick concrete target.

The driver directly pressed the launch button, and suddenly a strong electric light condensed from the muzzle.

"This is, is this a plasma ball?"

Shen Yi stared wide-eyed at the white plasma at the muzzle of the gun, "It's definitely a plasma ball inside, and the outside is an electronic thunderstorm!"

He once studied the feasibility of the development of the magnetic storm tank, but because the scientific research was too difficult and did not meet the current technological development capabilities, it was finally shelved.

But he has done a lot of research on electronics, and saw that the tank on this tank is exactly the legendary plasma, which contains powerful energy!

But plasma is irritable and extremely difficult to control. Unexpectedly, Ye Bai not only knows how to control it, but also makes it into a weapon!

The heavy electron shells instantly shot towards distant targets with a fierce 'squeak' sound.

Immediately, the berserk plasma shot up into the sky with a strong electric sound. Although it was not as big as that on the Luanfeng Sky Mothership, it still covered a radius of 20 meters!

Things within 20 meters are like being baptized by fierce lightning.

The scorching white lightning furiously destroyed everything within the strike range.

The one-meter-thick high-strength concrete target was blown to pieces!

The three of Liu Shouguo felt a gust of hurricane blowing towards them, and the wind was mixed with a little static electricity!!

Lou Chengkun stammered: "Too, too strong!"

He originally came here for the mass production of maglev tanks, but he happened to meet the modified tanks sent by Ye Bai for testing.

Originally, he knew that Ye Bai's scientific research ability was very strong, but he only really saw two rifles. Now he saw the weapons developed by Ye Bai for the first time, "They are all so abnormal!

He saw the first laser cannon, and this electronic thunderstorm tank is even more exaggerated!

Everything within 20 meters was destroyed, smashed to pieces!!

Liu Shouguo touched his bristling hair: "I feel that this is probably a weapon on the Luanfeng Sky Mothership!"

Based on his understanding of Ye Bai, he would basically modify the existing equipment to other weapons.

In addition, the six warships of the Lanhai Neon Kingdom were all blown up, which was exactly the same as the concrete target, so it was associated with it.

Shen Yi clenched his fists, it is much stronger than the magnetic storm tank he wants to develop!

It is not a weapon of one dimension at all!!

His design concept is to launch a strong current to form an electronic thunderstorm, that is, the ten-kang grid around the heavy electron shell.

He couldn't even study this layer of power grid, which was extremely difficult.

Not to mention the real plasma ball inside!

That needs to compress the electric energy to the extreme!!

With the technology he understands, it is impossible to control the manic electric energy!!

"I really want to meet Academician Ye, what kind of person can create such a powerful weapon!"

Shen Yi's voice was very excited: "With these weapons, our army can definitely dominate the world!!"

Liu Shouguo said meaningfully: "We will see him soon, and the whole world will know him by then!!"

Lou Chengkun looked at the remaining third tank, the first two were already abnormal enough, so the third tank must not be far behind!

At this time, Liu Shouguo received a piece of information transmitted by Ye Bai, as well as a voice.

"This is the basic information of the three tanks. I added an intelligent system to it, so the operation is very simple, and one person can handle it. But you can understand the basic functions.

After listening, Liu Shouguo immediately projected the information in front of his eyes through the capsule phone, and then zoomed in, so that both Shen Yi and Lou Chengkun could see it.

They have already tested the previous two tanks.

"The last one turned out to be a defensive tank, and the tank can also be the main defense!"

Lou Chengkun looked at the gun barrel that looked like a signal tower. It was the first time he heard that the tank's cannon was not for attacking.

Shen Yi looked at the data and muttered to himself: "EMP electromagnetic field tank, the function is to deny all guided missiles within 20 kilometers, and destroy the enemy's electronic equipment within the field!"

After a while, he sighed.

The application of EMP has actually been studied in the world, but it is only at the theoretical stage.

And the direction of research is to paralyze other people's electronic equipment, but Ye Bai actually created it directly to destroy other people's electronic equipment.

The difference in this word, the difficulty of research and development can be imagined!

Liu Shouguo put away the projector and said excitedly: "With these two tanks, our infantry will no longer be afraid of the enemy's missile attack!"

A tank can protect a range of 20 kilometers, which is almost equivalent to covering the entire battlefield, and can protect all soldiers of one's own side!!

Shen Yi looked at the last EMP electromagnetic field tank and said: "I feel that these three tanks can directly destroy a battalion, or even an armored division!"

Liu Shouguo nodded approvingly: "Let's test it, just let the troops send a missile over and hit our current position!"

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