Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 93 Dark Dragon Squad! Dragon Group Plan!

Ye Bai looked at the fully armed soldiers in front of him in surprise!!

so handsome!!

One hundred Yanlong Special Forces members are all wearing dark dragon armor!

Wang Kemang stood at the front of the team.

The dark black armor looks like a black devil machine in the sun!!

The golden honeycomb vision mask shines with a powerful killer!

The whole team has a strong sense of oppression and visual impact!

Extremely mechanical and cold sharpness!!

Full of murderous spirit!!

Everyone moves in unison!

They all hold YBZ-10 smart assault rifles in their hands.

Carrying a YBD-01 electromagnetic sniper rifle on his back!

Plus a universal bullet bag!

The powerful momentum can make the enemies standing opposite them feel the pressure of suffocation, and it is difficult to even speak!!

"How about it, this is all the technology you developed, and it has now been put into large-scale production!"

Liu Shouguo looked at this invincible team with satisfaction!

He has seen the power of the dark dragon armor!

This is a special force of one hundred people.

Definitely able to easily fight against a regiment or even a division of enemies!!

"However, due to the difficulty of manufacturing and the high cost, we can only give priority to equipping three special forces at the moment! Our Yanlong special forces are the most fully equipped!"

Although the "zero zero zero" production line of the Dark Dragon Armor was built, the manufacturing speed was very slow.

Even so, as long as three special forces are equipped, they can completely sweep the army of any country!!

What's more, there is a lot of time.

Ye Bai couldn't help but praised: "It's really good."

One can imagine what kind of scene it will be if all the soldiers of Yanhuang Kingdom wear dark dragon armor in the future!!

I'm afraid even if it hits the universe, there is no need to be afraid!!

If these soldiers were given super soldier serum again!!

It's hard to imagine how powerful it can be!!!

Liu Shouguo pointed to the weapons in the hands of the soldiers and said: "Compared to the production progress of the dark dragon armor, the production of the YBZ-10 assault rifle is faster, and some elite divisions have already installed plans!

And the YBD-01 electromagnetic sniper rifle is basically equipped with all elite snipers!!"

Ye Bai nodded, the popularity of the two high-tech guns is already good.

The strength of the Yanhuang Army has been greatly improved!!

Wang Kemang stepped forward and gave a military salute to Ye Bai: "Academician Ye! Thank you for your invention, allowing Yanhuang to obtain such a powerful outfit!!

I also thank you personally! With these equipment, our brother's life will be safer!!"

Yanhuang has always been known as the strongest army, but in the past days, the ancestors fought with flesh and blood!!

It is the sacrifice of countless ancestors, in exchange for the strongest army!!

But now the dark dragon armor invented by Ye Bai has a terrifying defense!

Let their fighters have the greatest guarantee of life safety, and no longer need to use their lives to pile up the name of the strongest!

Thinking of this, Wang Kemang inside the armor felt slightly hot in his eyes!!

No one wants to see his brother fall down in front of him!!

"Thanks to Academician Ye for his invention, which makes the life of our Yanhuang soldiers safer!!

All members of the Yanlong Special Forces shouted loudly!

Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!!

Everyone's eyes are moist!!!

Ye Bai looked at the crowd with a smile, and he felt the true feelings of the soldiers.

He saluted a not-so-standard military salute: "It's all for the motherland!!"

He didn't serve as a soldier, so he could only repay the motherland with scientific research.

The soldiers immediately saluted with one hand and shouted: "For the motherland!!!"

Liu Shouguo felt the blood of the soldiers!

He patted Ye Bai's shoulder with relief: "Don't say anything extra, you are all doing well!!"

At this time, he suddenly remembered that Ye Bai said that he wanted to find him, so he asked Ye Bai, "You said you wanted to find me, what's the matter?"

Ye Bai glanced at Wang Kemang and said, "Well...I want to compare my running speed with Team Wang."

He thought about it, and it was more intuitive to fight directly.

Liu Shouguo was slightly surprised, and looked Ye Bai's figure up and down.

Because spring has just started and the air is still cold, Ye Bai is wearing a coat.

But you can see the body is good.

"Xiaoye, are you sure? Your figure is indeed good, but Wang Kemang is the captain of our Yanlong Special Forces. To put it bluntly, he is the master of the body!!"

The King of Soldiers, as the name suggests, is the King of Soldiers!!

Whether it is combat skills, physical fitness or command ability, they are all the strongest among soldiers!!

The members of the Yanlong Special Forces are all specially selected from the Zijin Military Region!

Everyone is a soldier king!!

And Wang Kemang is the strongest among this group of people!

Is the King of Soldiers!!

Ye Bai actually wanted to challenge Wang Kemang.

All the soldiers on the playground were stunned when they heard this.

They really appreciate and respect Ye Bai, because he invented a lot of super equipment!!

But rationally speaking from a physical point of view, he is a researcher after all!

If you want to compare your running speed with the captain of the special forces, you are asking for trouble!!

Ye Bai nodded vigorously, and smiled confidently: "I'm sure!"

Liu Shouguo nodded to Wang Kemang, who immediately understood.

Put a little water in the game later.

Although Liu Shouguo didn't understand why Ye Bai suddenly wanted to compete with Wang Kemang in speed, he believed that Ye Bai must have his intentions.

But you still have to take care of his face and emotions, and don't let him lose too embarrassingly.

"That's fine, let's compare."

Ye Bai said: "Find a place where no one is around."

Liu Shouguo looked at Ye Bai suspiciously: "There is no need to look for a place where there is no one else."

As he spoke, he looked at the members of the Yanlong Special Forces: "Everyone has it!!"


"Take off all the dark dragon armor, go down the mountain and run ten kilometers for me and come back!!"


All the team members immediately went to the special mecha warehouse, took off the dark dragon armor as quickly as possible, and then went down the mountain for a long-distance run in the form of a small team.

Although they are also very curious and want to see it, they only dare to wonder in their hearts, but they dare not discuss it.

Otherwise, some sufferings will be made for them.

After everyone left, Wang Kemang said: "I also took off the dark dragon armor."

Ye Bai stopped him immediately: "No, you can compete with me wearing the dark dragon armor.

"What did you say?!!"

Wang Kemang looked at Ye Bai in disbelief.

What are you kidding!

When he was wearing the dark dragon armor, his speed was 120 kilometers per hour!!

The acceleration of a supercar is not as fast as his, and he can only surpass him in tail speed!!

Ye Bai actually let him wear the dark dragon armor to compete with him in running speed!

Liu Shouguo frowned, and said with some hesitation: "Xiaoye, you developed the Dark Dragon Armor. You should be very clear about its performance. Are you sure you want Wang Kemang to compete with you in Dark Dragon Armor?"

Ye Bai nodded firmly: "I'm sure!!"

Liu Shouguo thought for a while, and he believed that Ye Bai would definitely not have to compete with Wang Kemang wearing the dark dragon armor for no reason...

"Then you can compete with Xiaoye wearing the Dark Dragon Armor and try your best!"

Liu Shouguo felt that Ye Bai must have full confidence, so he wanted to compare with Wang Kemang.

Although he really couldn't figure out how Ye Bai would win.

I also think he has absolutely no chance of winning.

But the opponent is Ye Bai!

He still decided to respect Ye Bai's terrifying talent.

Wang Kemang nodded, since Ye Bai is sure, let's compare.

Although he felt that it was absolutely impossible for humans to run past him wearing dark dragon armor.

But out of the unknown terror of seeing Ye Bai, he even took off all the equipment on his body, trying to run with the strongest state!

The two came to the playground. The playground here is not a football field, but a very long runway, which is used by soldiers for daily training.

There are also many training facilities in the playground.

As the referee, Liu Shouguo counted down the seconds for the two: "I said start, you run, get ready!"





For a moment, Liu Shouguo thought he had misread it!

"Hold the grass, hold the grass, what the fuck!!"

Even Liu Shouguo, who is as seasoned as a fox, couldn't help expressing such admiration!!

He thought he was wrong.

He rubbed his eyes hastily, but found that he was right!

Ye Bai's start was on par with Wang Kemang in the dark dragon armor!!!

"How did he do that?!"

Liu Shouguo stared blankly at the two figures running around the playground at high speed.

Wang Kemang was even more horrified!!

He really ran with all his might!

He noticed something wrong with Ye Bai when he started.

Can keep up with him!!

And now he feels even more terrifying!!!

Ye Bai surpassed him!!

He is wearing dark dragon armor!!

All attributes have been enhanced several times!!

He can be sure that his current speed is definitely over 120 kilometers per hour!

Can't beat Ye Bai?!


What kind of horror story is this!!!

While Wang Kemang was terrified, his whole body secretly exerted strength, and he devoted himself to jumping 2.6 runs.

Damn, if he still loses while wearing the dark dragon armor, then he will be ashamed!

What's more, the other party is a researcher, or an ordinary person who does not wear the dark dragon armor!!

Liu Shouguo watched Ye Bai's tail speed completely surpass Wang Kemang, no matter how hard Wang Kemang tried, he couldn't catch up with him.

And gradually began to surpass Wang Kemang by one lap!!

Then one and a half, then two!!!

"Okay! Stop it, I know what you're going to show me.

Liu Shouguo shouted.

It doesn't even look like he's an idiot!!

Strengthen the body!

Absolutely strong body!!

And it is a very substantial body strengthening!!!

They have studied it in the Yanhuang Kingdom, and he has heard of it.

Eagle Sauce is also being researched all the time!

Unexpectedly, Ye Bai has already used it, and it has been strengthened so abnormally!!

The two ran back to Liu Shouguo's side, Ye Bai's face was relaxed and full of smiles.

Wang Kemang couldn't see it with his helmet on, but it is certain that his expression is absolutely disbelieving and terrified.

Liu Shouguo asked with serious eyes: "You want to show me the enhancement of the human body, right?"

Ye Bai nodded: "That's right, I want to build the world's strongest team! It's called the Dragon Team Project!!".

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