Let You Make A Promotional Video, You Make A Police Story?

Chapter 371 Passing The Assessment Perfectly, The Warship Photographed Is Here!

At this time, at the training site, the expressions on everyone's faces were somewhat uncontrollable.

Xiao Linhai's eyes widened.

After Ye Chen hit the stationary target just now, he originally wanted Ye Chen to hit the moving target, but he thought of Ye Chen's hit rate.

He desperately wanted Ye Chen to try the 1,000-meter target.

The effective range does not mean that it cannot be shot, but it only needs to consider the impact of bullet falling and wind speed.

Without systematic study, Xiao Linhai thought that Ye Chen could not hit.

But he didn't expect that Ye Chen would still hit the bullseye with one shot even if it exceeded the effective range.

And the non-commissioned officers who came to watch, exclaimed incessantly.

"Ye Chen is too talented! It doesn't matter if a stationary target hits a single shot. Even a moving target that exceeds the effective range can hit the bullseye. I really don't know where his limit is."

"If Ye Chen only has this talent, that's all, the problem is that he has many other identities.

In addition to being a director, he is also a singer, lyricist, composer, screenwriter... I can't count them all! "

"The key is how he is so good at marksmanship! Self-taught without a teacher?"

"Who knows that! Maybe people are born to be soldiers!"

"How about making a movie?"

"It's also a talent!"

"What about singing!"

"It's also a talent!"

"What about painting!"

"Are you one hundred thousand why? So many questions?"


After Ye Chen's shooting, the rest of the team also started training one after another.

At this time, the outside world, the major theaters once again announced the box office data.

In terms of box office data, the three foreign films are still strong.

Li Qixian's "Fate" was completely suppressed and beaten.

Even if some people preach on the Internet that foreign films cannot be made too arrogant, the box office of these films is still not good.

It doesn't seem to be affected at all.

In the following twenty days, the audience's interest in these films in Kyushu slowly declined.

During this time, Ye Chen has almost completed all the training.

Time flies to the end of July!

At around 8:00 in the morning, Ye Chen had already appeared at the assessment site!

At this time, outside the assessment venue, there were also many non-commissioned officers who came to watch.

"You said, can Ye Chen pass the test?"

"It's hard to say, but I've been hearing from people in their team that he performed very well personally, and he should be able to!"

"I heard that Ye Chen only passed the assessment before the military loaned him the warship to shoot the movie!"

"I rub it, warship! Is it true!"

"Of course it's true, that's what Captain Xiao said."


Just when everyone was talking in a low voice, Ye Chen's side had officially started the assessment.

The first thing to start is the routine training that Ye Chen broke the record before. It took 30 minutes to pass!

This is of course no problem for Ye Chen.

After all, the record of the entire army has been broken before. If this is all a problem, there are still a few people who can qualify.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Linhai pressed the stopwatch and said loudly, "15 minutes and 57 seconds!"

There was a sound of falling, and outside the assessment venue, there was a sound of gasping for air.

"Break the record again, Ye Chen is a monster! Why does it feel like a record is as simple as drinking water in his eyes!"

"I'm afraid no one can break this record in the future. After all, not everyone can jump more than two meters."

"It's only been over a month, and several records have been broken. This doesn't want us to live!"

"Don't you know, what our captain has said the most recently is: Look at Ye Chen, he has only been here for a few dozen days, and he has broken many records. You guys are too embarrassed to be complacent about your achievements?"

"I rub it! It's too real! My captain said the same, it's exactly the same."

"It smells like a neighbor's child!"


Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen started the next assessment project.

Shooting test!

It is divided into gun inspection assessment, shooting skill assessment, actual combat shooting assessment and so on!

This is basically no problem for Ye Chen.

Anyway, it is also the firearm proficiency given by the system, how can there be a possibility of mistakes!

Ten minutes later, Ye Chen put down the sniper rifle in his hand and came to Xiao Linhai.

And the people on the sidelines were already a little numb.

"Breaking the fastest record when assembling a pistol, shooting ten rings at a stationary target, shooting in actual combat, the shortest time and the shooting of criminals, I don't know what to say anymore!"

"Compared to Ye Chen, I really don't look like I came from the special forces. I'm at the level of a normal soldier!"

"Before Ye Chen came, the captain affectionately called me the Squadron Warrior. After Ye Chen came, he called me a son of a bitch!"

"I laughed so hard, did the squadron captain really say that?"

"That's not true, I'm just showing my emotions, do you understand!"

"I really have you! You are better at rendering, I think you seem to be very idle, go and carry ten kilometers!"

"You think you're funny, ah... team... captain!"

"Add ten kilometers!"

Sure enough, people are always responsible for what they say.

In the subsequent assessment, with the blessing of perfect physique and firearm proficiency, Ye Chen's performance was still amazing.

Everyone was amazed from the beginning, and it didn't matter to the end.

When Ye Chen's perfect assessment report was placed in front of everyone, many people waved their hands unconsciously.

"Damn, I thought there were too many cows, that's all?"

"It's no big deal, isn't it just every s+? But that's it!"

"Haha, Ye Chen's grade in our unit is just passing, don't be surprised!"

"Wuwuwu...why, I'm so sour!"


I don't know when, these people learned Ye Chen's yin and yang kung fu.

Maybe this is the person who is close to the vermilion is red and the person who is close to the ink is black!


Xiao Linhai handed the assessment results to Ye Chen, and said with a smile, "Ye Chen, congratulations, your results fully meet the requirements of our special forces."

Ye Chen took the score sheet and gave a military salute solemnly and solemnly!

Seeing this, Xiao Linhai also returned a salute to Ye Chen!

Ye Chen was very happy when he saw the results of passing the assessment.

Although he has only been in the army for a month, he is somewhat used to this kind of life since I don't know when.

After exhaling a long breath, he walked towards the residence with firm steps.

The training has ended, and the warships filmed in the movie are also available. The rest is to finish the customized drama in cooperation with the military as soon as possible.

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