.” If you don’t buy books , how will your son go to school ?”

.Ma Bangde was stunned : ” My son goes to school , why should he buy books ?”

.The owner of the boutique bookstore said with a smile :

.” Don’t you hear : The mountain of books has the road and money as the path , and the sea of learning has no end to the gold as the boat . ”

.” If you want to go to school , buy a book first . This is called the cultivation of a literate person !”

.” So it is ! Disrespect ! Disrespect !”

.When Ma Bangde heard the culture of a literate person , it must be something elegant, so he quickly put away his dissatisfaction and showed a kind smile .

.Then he took out a stack of banknotes and handed them to the shop owner :

.” Boss , I want to buy all the books you have here !”

.The boutique bookstore owner was stunned in return .

.what ?

.Is this fat guy going to buy all the books ?

.You bought the book so much , how can the students in the back get into the school ?

.As the backbone who was personally arranged by the city owner and the Minister of Education and Culture Kong Xiangtian to come here .

.The owner of the boutique bookstore couldn’t help taking a deep breath at the ruthlessness of the fat parent .

.This fat man is so bad , he’s going to cut it off. the path of his students .

.However , he likes it .

.” Okay , the books here total 3,000 city coins , I’ll ask you 2 city coins . Now the books here are all yours . ”

.” Sir , you can take your son to school by the back door !”

.The owner of the boutique bookstore said with a smile, and counted the money quickly .

.Count the money .

.I saw Ma Bunde said :

.” I hope these books can be shipped to my house . As a person who pursues elegance , how can there be no smell of books in the house !”

.The owner of the boutique bookstore nodded : ” No problem . ”

.It’s over here .

.Mabangde walked out of the back door of the bookstore with his son and companions .

.walk and walk .

.The school didn’t see it .

.Instead, I saw a boutique bookstore .

.Ma Bang De was stunned : ” Why is there another one ?”.

Chapter 98 _

.He took his younger brothers into the second boutique bookstore .

.In the end, the bookstore owner said the same thing : ” If you want to go to school , buy a book first !”

.Ma Bangde’s face turned dark : ” What’s there to say ?”

.The bookstore owner laughed and said :

.” You know that the book has its own golden house , and the book has its own Yan Ruyu . If you don’t buy books when you go to school , you will end up empty !”

.Mabangde chewed these words slowly .

.The book has its own golden house , and the book has its own Yan Ruyu !

.Golden House , Yan Ruyu !

.The more Mabangde thought about it, the brighter his eyes became .

.Is this telling him that the richer the richer , the higher the appearance , the higher the cultural accomplishment?

.The higher the cultural accomplishment , the more elegant the person is ?

.Ma Bunde carefully pondered the last sentence :

.If you go to school without buying books , you will end up empty .

.Does this mean that he ca n’t buy books , and the pursuit of elegance is just a futile ?

.Thinking of this , Mabangde immediately admired the owner of the boutique bookstore :

.” I bought all the books here ! ”


.When walking out of the second boutique bookstore .

.Mabangde saw a third boutique bookstore .

.There was a faint feeling in his heart .

.Sure enough , the owner of the third boutique bookstore still emphasized : ” If you want to go to school , buy books first !”

.Mabangde vomited blood .

.Is this really squeezing his wallet in disguise ?

.He bought all the books in the third boutique bookstore .

.Not because of brain pumping , but because of what the bookstore owner said :

.” Buy thousands of books , and you have the spirit of poetry and literature !”

.As a person who pursues elegance , Mabangde believes the nonsense of the bookstore owner .

.When I walked out of the third boutique bookstore , I saw the fourth boutique bookstore .

.Horse stick Germans are numb .

.One road , four bookstores , why is this still a school district ?

.This place is like a highway toll booth .

.special !

.When you come to the fourth boutique bookstore , Mabangde doesn’t need to ask .

.Directly pay for the books in the bookstore .

.Just because I saw a pair at the door of the bookstore .

.The first couplet is : ” Buy more books , the ancients have read more than ten thousand volumes !”

.The next link is : ” Stop beeping , you will definitely learn to be rich and build five cars in Japan !

.The first link is : ” Buy more books , less beeps , and it will be a great thing in the future !”


.Although the audience in the live broadcast room was worried that the rich would know that there was a problem with the water quality and fled the Jiucai Community ,

.But seeing this scene , I couldn’t help but almost burst out laughing .

.You don’t need to guess , you know that these poem pairs must be the ghosts of Fang Yuan :

.” This troll is too miserable , the school didn’t see it, and the wallet is half thinner !”

.”I feel sorry for the troublemaker for a minute !”

.” Hahaha , what a god who doesn’t buy books when he goes to school , it’s all empty in the end !”

.” Buy thousands of books , and you have the spirit of poetry and literature ! Hahaha , talent , what a talent !”

.” Fang Yuan : If you don’t buy books , you still want to have culture ?”

.” The funniest thing is the pair at the back .

.” Buy more books , the ancients even read thousands of books !

.” Stop beeping , you will definitely learn to build five cars in Japan !

.” Buy more books , less beeps , and become great in the future ”

.” This pair is absolutely perfect !”

.” It makes sense . I’m going to buy books quickly to benefit the country in the future ! / dog head /”

.” I’m just curious , what is the origin of Fang Yuan , why is this person so good at playing ?”

.” I understand , this is not ” City Construction 365 Days ” , this is ” Poems and Songs 365 ” , which specifically tells us how to recite poems and write them right !”

.” It ‘s so awesome , these few sentences will subtly cultivate the habit of buying books ! This method of squeezing unscrupulous people is simply too advanced ! Blow it up !”

.Not to mention that the audience was laughing back and forth , even Yuan Fang , who has always been serious , couldn’t help showing an ugly smile .

.backstage .

.The head of the station twitched at the corners of his mouth , in a very bad mood .

.What is this all about ?

.Buy books , buy books , you know how to oppress people !

.All the good poems are spoiled for you !

.The ethos of the entire show was completely skewed .

.He really wanted the other party to say something to Yuan Yuan :

.” Brother , we are Urban Construction 365, not a poetry party !”


.Mabangde walked out of the fourth boutique bookstore .

.When I saw the school district in front of me , I burst into tears .

.Finally got to school .

.He felt as if he was going through five hurdles and slaying six generals !

.The admission procedures went smoothly , and nothing happened .

.When Mabangde came home ……

.Seeing one boutique bookstore after another , people are numb ……

.And again … I paid the book fee four times !

.I paid it four times when I came , and four times when I went back .

.Ma Bangde’s face was full of grief and anger .

.You call this full of cultural atmosphere ?

.Thankfully he has money .

.Otherwise , this trip down , it will not be searched clean .


.In fact , it wasn’t just Ma Bunde who was angry .

.Other rich people were also outraged .

.Come to the academy and pay the book fee eight times !

.special !

.Are you playing a high-speed toll booth ?

.angry rich people Gathered together , one by one, filled with righteous indignation , expressed their own opinions and strongly condemned Bi Guiyuan :

.” What’s the matter , it’s not human . I took my child to school and paid the book fee eight times ! Fortunately, I usually brought more money and didn’t delay my child’s schooling !”

.” The precious dollars of the dog days are so black-hearted !

.” When I went back, I ran out of money in my pocket and was detained in the bookstore . Fortunately, the servant brought the money in time . Otherwise … I would have to work for the bookstore …”

.” Brother , I’m sorry . I’m worse than you . I forgot to take the money today , and people were blocked from the bookstore ! I was even mocked by the bookstore owner .

.” What the hell , I’m the boss of a listed company , worth hundreds of millions , you say I’m a poor man !!!”

.The rich people talked , and the more they talked, the more angry they became .

.” Let’s go and find Biguiyuan’s property to settle accounts !” Ma Bangde suggested .

.” Mr. Ma is right , if this dog is expensive, if he doesn’t tell the labor and capital , he will go bankrupt today !”

.The wealthy were outraged and planned to settle accounts with the owners .

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