.You know , in order to invest in Jiucai Community , he spent nearly million .

.And selling the land is back to blood million .

.It’s as if he’s already paid for it now .

.These 100,000 city coins are the net income .

.” This is just the income of a school district !”

.If you add ” Post Office Tobacco Purchase Program ” and ” Sewage Sick Burial One-stop Program ” .

.How much will the monthly income of Jiucai Community reach !

.Fang Yuan’s eyes lit up and he felt very much looking forward to it .

.With more money , he can expand new districts , expand the size of the city , and make more money .

.Next to it , general secretary Nangong Xiaoya dragged her pretty face with her arms and watched the city lord for a long time .

.Then write in his notebook :

[ The great black-hearted city lord , after learning of the amazing income of the bookstore , was still calm and expressionless , as if everything was under control .

[ 100,000 city coins , shocking wealth , just like Er , is it insignificant ? ?

[ Perhaps , this is the attitude of the strong , QAQ ]

[ –Nangong Xiaoya records every day of the city lord ]

? –Date xxxxx ? _


.Live room .

.” Eight bookstores , 100,000 per month !” The host Xu Qiuqiu was surprised .

.” This is equivalent to two years of other players’ total financial income !” Yuan Fang couldn’t help but marvel .

.” Although Fang Yuan’s real purpose is still unclear , there is no doubt that this bookstore alone will be able to look down on the other four players !”

.Sun Liancheng nodded , a hint of admiration flashing in his eyes .

.” Hahaha , Fang Yuan is going further and further on the road of not being a human being , I’m looking forward to it !” Sister Fairy smiled happily and expressed her opinion .

.Most of the audience can’t deny this , and they are still full of concerns :

.” Now , the key is whether this rate of money can be sustained . If the rich knew there was a problem with the water , would they still live here ?”


.Jiucai District .

.After a month of settlement , the rich have a full understanding of Jiucai Community .

.Here , the academy strictly enforced militarized management .

.Let every child who enters school can enjoy a full range of ” management ” .

.The bear children who are trying to be mischievous and want to escape from the school ,

.Every time I go to the fourth boutique bookstore ,

.Will be forced to get back to the classroom because the pocket money runs out .

.And more reassuring for the rich .

.The boutique bookstore not only blocked the truancy behavior of the bear children , but also blocked some out-of-school gangsters .

.By isolating gangsters , the occurrence of off-campus extortion incidents has been reduced .

.The rich are moved tears :

.” I never thought about it , I can still do this ! Thank you for the property in Jiucai Community , thank you for your precious dollars !”

.” Since then, the children have finally stayed away from those social people ! I can finally relax and pursue my third spring !”

.” It’s worth the money !”

.It turned out .

.Those scumbags were blocked from the academy because they couldn’t afford books .

.The bastards vomit blood :

.” Why do you set up four boutique bookstores , so how can we enter the school to bully elementary school students and collect protection fees ?”

.They also wanted to rob at first .

.As a result , in the next second , 20 soldiers with live ammunition poured out of the bookstore .

.The bastards are all numb .

.I just want to grab a book ! Not murder .

.Do we need to send twenty soldiers to stop it ?

.In the end , the gangsters were kicked out of the academy .

.The bastards are not happy .

.The students here are either rich or expensive , and all of them are little sheep .

.As long as they extort a few a day , they can eat and drink for a month .

.As a result , the gangsters began to come to the academy in an organized way , trying to blackmail the students who came and went outside the boutique bookstore .

.they thought .

.If you eat meat in a boutique bookstore , let’s drink some soup !

.face this situation .

.City Lord Fang Da was extremely angry .

.what ?

.How dare someone rob the city lord’s business ?

.bah bah bah !

.” How dare you to extort those underage children !! ”

.Fangda City Lord clearly emphasized at the City Lord’s Mansion meeting :

.” When dealing with gangsters , you must never be soft-hearted .

.” Any suspect who dares to obstruct community order ,

.”The police department has to teach them harshly .

.” Be sure to let these bastards recognize the situation and be a good person !”

.Police Minister Duan Debiao quickly stated ,

.” Resolutely implement the principles and policies of the Lord of the City and unswervingly . For some unscrupulous people who disturb campus security , our police department will definitely punish them so that they can understand the situation and be good people !”

.soon .

.A large number of police officers cleaned up the gangsters in Jiucai Community .

.A large number of gangsters were caught in the newly established ” Teaching Training Section ” of the Police Department .

.The Gakuyu Training Section is a place specialized in technical training for social idlers .

.during the training process .

.The gangsters shed bitter tears in desperation .

.” Go to the garbage transfer station and clean up the septic tank . Are you saying that this is teaching me [ recognize the situation ] ?”

.” This Nima is teaching them the skill of digging dung !”

.” I don’t want to be a manure digger !”

.The bastards are desperate .

.There has never been a moment when they have a strong interest in being a good person .

.They finally understood what Lord City Lord taught Yu :

.Recognize the situation and be a good person !

.It turned out that only after ” recognizing the situation “, would they be eager to be a good person .


Chapter 101 _

.It has been more than a month since Mabangde settled in Jiucai Community .

.These days , he has been coughing all the time and can’t keep his spirits up !

.To this end , he asked the servants to buy some cigars .

.As a result, not long after the maid left , a phone call ~ called :

.” Mr. Ma , I’m out of money ! People – I’m still in a boutique bookstore !”

.” What ?”

.Ma Bangde was shocked when he heard it .

.After asking, I found out that the tobacco company in Taoyuan City is actually far away from Temple Mountain in the old city .

.According to the policy here ,

.want to buy cigarettes ,

.You have to go to the post office to pay for incense and cigarettes .

.The cigarettes are then delivered to the home by the post office .

.But the problem came again .

.The post office of Jiucai Community is in the school district .

.To go to the school district , you need to pass through eight boutique bookstores back and forth .

.” I’m so special !”

.The muscles on Mabangde’s face kept twitching , which was so angry .

.Buying a cigarette is such a complicated process .

.Which genius designed this ?

.You are crazy ! ! !

.Mabangde had another servant and brought money to buy it .

.Wait a while .

.People didn’t wait .

.Waiting for the maid’s call :

.” Boss , I’m running out of money , I’m in the fourth boutique bookstore on the way back !”

.Ma Bang De was shocked again , no , it was anger , and he slapped the table in anger :

.” How can you not get back the book fees from eight boutique bookstores ?”

.The servant cried :

.” Mr. Ma , the property is crazy . There are 4 boutique bookstores set up on the road from the post office ! I only took the book fee eight times in my hand .

.” Now come back and give it four more times . ”

.After listening .

.Ma Bangde’s face turned black , and he was speechless for a while .

.Four boutique bookstores are built in front of the post office ! ! !

.Your uncle’s !

.( Actually , the city owner Fangda forgot to build a bookstore in front of the post office before , so some unscrupulous people only paid the book fee eight times .

.( For this reason , he was very unhappy , and deliberately built four more post offices in front of the post office , euphemistically , to prevent children from getting the bad habit of smoking . )

.Ma Bangde did a careful calculation .

.In order to buy three packs of cigarettes , one has to pay for books 12 times , then pay for incense , and then pay for cigarettes .

.Is this what people came up with ?

.Hematemesis is hematemesis .

.To refresh myself with a cigarette , no ,

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