After confirming that this was a secret room, the ten crime solving teams were surprised and excited.

I didn’t expect that the show had just begun, and I saw such a clever means.

Excited, they began to investigate the clues in the room.

It was found that the scarf that hanged the director was the director’s own, and there were no traces of anyone else on it, and if someone committed the murder, they might have worn gloves.

The scarf was hung from a ceiling fan hook, and a chair next to it looked like it was for the director to stand up and hang himself, but otherwise the surroundings were empty and there was nothing suspicious.

From the post-mortem report, there is no abnormality, the director’s only fatal injury is a strangulation mark on the neck, and there is no injury elsewhere, the same as the result of suicide hanging.

However, one piece of information is important and has attracted the attention of the crime solving team, that is, the time of death is within an hour, and such a short time is very beneficial to the investigation.

“Immediately investigate the surveillance to see who has contacted the director within an hour.”

The ten case-solving teams almost made the same judgment, since the secret room was formed here and there was no breakthrough for the time being, then look for a breakthrough from other aspects.

I have just checked the corridor monitoring once, but I saw the picture after the logistics lady came here to find the abnormality, and now I want to check the picture within an hour.

The hotel was very cooperative, quickly called out the monitoring, checked the picture within an hour and found that four people had come to the director’s door, two of whom were staff members and the other two were members of the crime team.

The two members of the crime team also entered the director’s room and stayed in it for ten minutes, and the crime solving team was a little surprised, but they did not expect that there were such obvious clues in the monitoring.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also a little stunned, so quickly solved the case?

“I’ll go, solve the case so easily?”

“It’s so stupid, these two people don’t know how to prevent surveillance.”

“Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, I was a little worried when I saw this pair before, so good-looking and eye-catching, don’t be eliminated too quickly, now it seems that my worries are not superfluous.”

“It won’t be them, they look harmless and can do murder directors?”

“I also think it’s not that simple, don’t forget that the problem of the secret room is still there.”

“You can’t see the crime team appear, suspect the crime team, don’t forget the rules mentioned before, the crime team does not have to do it yourself, these two staff members may also be murderers.”

The case-solving team has not forgotten this rule, and there must be evidence to solve the case. Even if they listed Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai as the first suspect, they still had to investigate according to the process.

The case-solving team immediately applied to call the four suspects over, and two of the program team staff soon came over, and after a while, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai were also recalled.

The audience and the crime solving team in the live broadcast room paid special attention to Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, and found that they looked innocent, and also found that they really looked good.

The crime solving team began to ask questions according to the time when the four suspects entered the director’s room, and the first to enter was a male staff member in his thirties.

He said: “I have some work things, I want to ask the director, I only stayed in the director’s room for less than two minutes, and then I left to do things. ”

His testimony is consistent with the surveillance, it is basically impossible to complete the murder in two minutes, and he also completed the murder in the secret room, and his suspicion can be said to be very small.

According to the time, it was Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai who entered next, and unlike the previous symbolic questioning, the ten crime solving teams all stared at them like wolves.

Chen Yi looked calm and said: “We don’t understand some of the rules very clearly, seeing that the staff are busy, I thought about whether to go directly to the director and ask him.” ”

“Ordinary people dare not ask the director directly, are you not afraid?”

Zhao Zimai said disapprovingly: “The director looks amiable, what is there to be afraid of?” ”

“So what questions did you ask, and how long did you stay?”

Chen Yi said: “We asked a lot of questions, all about the program, how long, we don’t know, rough estimates, it should be about ten minutes.” ”

“Tell me in detail what questions you all asked and how did the director answer them? Chen Yi please don’t speak, Zhao Zimai, you will answer. A cold beauty in the case-solving team, said lightly.

Her name is Jiang Yingxue, and she is quite famous in the reasoning circle because of her good reasoning ability and appearance.

She seemed to see that Chen Yi was dominating the two and wanted to find a breakthrough from Zhao Zimai.

Zhao Zimai was also unambiguous and said: “We asked the director, what if the masses who are simulated victims add drama to themselves and spoil the case, the director said…”

Zhao Zimai said without the slightest ambiguity.

Then I asked a number of questions, and there were no flaws.

It seems that they just came to discuss the problem with the director and left.

According to them, the director was fine when they left, and in order to verify their words, the crime solving team began to ask the fourth person, and the fourth person’s answer may be the key.

The fourth person is also a member of the program team, looking like he is in his early twenties.

From the monitoring point of view, he did not enter the director’s room, but only stayed at the door for a moment and left, the suspicion was very low, he said: “I didn’t enter the house, I only said a few words to the director and left.” ”

Jiang Yingxue’s eyes widened: “Wait, the director spoke?” ”

The clerk brother nodded: “Yes, I can’t have misheard the director’s voice, he also talked to me a little, but he was a little anxious, urging me to hurry up and do things.” ”

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