Comment area in the live broadcast room, already fryer:

“I’ll go, it’s the Chamber of Secrets again.”

“And this secret room is more advanced, people outside can’t get in, and people inside can’t get out.”

“Chamber murder is not too enjoyable, and there is a double room murder.”

“I blamed Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai wrong, it turns out that this case is so not simple.”

“I just said, how could Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai make such a simple kidnapping case.”

“But the question is, how did Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai do it?”

“I only saw them stunned the three victims and dragged them into the warehouse, and then I don’t know, it stands to reason that the door of the warehouse is locked from the inside, and Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai can’t go in to kill people, is it the same as the director’s murder, what method was used to operate from the outside?”

“Upstairs, you confused a problem, in the director’s murder case, Chenyi and Zhao Zimai locked the door through the projector film after killing the director, but this time, it was personally locked by three people inside, and the case solving team just verified it, and it couldn’t be opened at all from the outside.”

“This old-fashioned wooden bolt door is very tight, unlike the hotel anti-theft buckle, which can be buttoned with a single button, even if there is a projector, it cannot be opened or even locked from the outside, not to mention that there is no projector this time.”

“So what’s going on, we know they are the perpetrators and we don’t even know.”

“Maybe this time Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai did not do it themselves, but assigned Tang or Zhao, and what the case solving team needs to do is to distinguish whether it is Tang or Zhao.”

The four commentators just watched quietly at first.

Seeing now, I couldn’t help but widen my eyes again.

Liu Qinyi exclaimed: “Double secret room? ”

Zhou Shuyu said: “People inside can’t get out, people outside can’t get in, this kind of secret room is more complicated.” ”

Lin Hai said; “This is the case of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, and they are alive again.”

Charlotte’s eyes lit up: “Interesting, will you come to the double secret room after the secret room, this time I want to see if their case can still stump me.” ”

At this time, Jiang Yingxue and others also felt that this case was probably done by Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, although the methods were different, but there was an inexplicable familiar feeling.

Ordinary crime teams cannot design such complex cases.

Jiang Yingxue and others also mentioned the twelve-point spirit, intending to get up from wherever they fell, and cracking the second murder case of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai would be able to revive themselves.

Of course, they can’t directly testify against Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai, but they still have to investigate from the case itself. And don’t forget that rule, they don’t have to do it themselves.

Jiang Yingxue and others listed Zhao and Tang as the first suspects according to the clues, after all, they all admitted that no one went in the lock, so from the current evidence, the murderer can only be one of them, maybe the crime team took one of them as the perpetrator.

Jiang Yingxue and others carefully observed the blood stains on the two and found that there was not much difference, and there was no phenomenon that there were many people in one person and not on one person.

But this does not mean anything, maybe the murderer took advantage of Duan Yongwei and the other person to sleep, smashed Duan Yongwei to death with a brick, the three were close, Duan Yongwei was resting against the wall, his head was facing up, and the blood stains were not directly sprayed on the murderer, so the blood stains of the two were difficult to distinguish.

Then Jiang Yingxue and others investigated the fingerprints on the brick of the murder weapon, but to their surprise, the fingerprints of Tang and Zhao were all on the brick.

In the face of questioning, both Tang and Zhao admitted that because of the dark environment at that time, in order to protect themselves, they did touch some bricks before going to bed to prevent the sudden attack of the kidnappers.

Obviously, all the evidence pointed to these two people, but the two were in exactly the same situation, and it was impossible to confirm who it was, which made the case directly deadlocked.

The crime solving team also investigated their identities to confirm whether they really did not intersect, and questioned their wives, all of whom said that they had not seen them come and go.

Check their correspondence and accounts, and there is no contact or economic exchange.

If you check their social circles, there is no intersection at all.

Although the three of them did not live far away, they were indeed unrelated people.

“I think the murderer is one of them, he was instructed by the crime team to deliberately cause this impasse, he could not escape suspicion but at the same time could not be convicted.”

“But let them kill, there must be a motive and evidence for killing, the three of them do not know each other and have no intersection, where does the motive for killing come from?” They woke up among them, if Tang or Zhao had a grudge with the deceased Duan, then the innocent one had no reason not to hear it, let alone hide it for the other party, after all, as long as he said it, he could basically get rid of the suspicion directly. ”

“Is there a possibility that Zhao and Tang murdered the victim together, and then accused each other, deliberately leading the case to a deadlock so that people could not solve it?”

Jiang Yingxue shook her head and denied this speculation: “If it is a joint murder, they don’t have to admit that they once tied the door inside, so that the murder can be pushed to the kidnappers outside the house, which is a more reasonable and risk-free answer.” This also shows from the side that the deadbolt must be tethered, otherwise if the deadbolt is not actually tethered, they don’t have to lie whether they are murderers or not. ”

“Is it possible that one of the two people, Zhao and Tang, is an accomplice of the kidnapper outside the house? He quietly opened the inner deadbolt and let the kidnappers outside the house in? ”

Another member of the crime solving team said: “This assumption is meaningless, if the accomplice in the house does this, then he is actually putting himself on suspicion of murder, what is the difference between it and doing it himself?” ”

They analyzed, hypothesized and reasoned from all aspects, but found that none of the assumptions could make sense, and all reasoning fell into a dead end.


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