Tang and Zhao subconsciously took two steps away from Chenyi.

Although Chen Yi looked handsome, he couldn’t help but feel a pang of fear when he thought that in the darkness before, he had impersonated Duan Yongwei to stay by his side without noticing it.

Jiang Yingxue, Song Ru and the five groups of solving the case, turning the river and the sea in their hearts, Chen Yi’s operation, overturned all their previous inferences, Chen Yi was mixed in it at the beginning, what secret room was he talking about?

They never expected that they could still play like this.

The audience in the live broadcast room was still numb in their scalps.

“Look at the expressions of Tang and Zhao, they are really scared.”

“I was also scared when I changed it, although it was a simulated crime, but everything else was real except that death was fake, they really didn’t know that Chen Yi was pretending to be Duan Yongwei and mixed in with it.”

“This kind of thing, it’s really scary to think about.”

“I’ve never seen it play like this, and it just refreshed my cognition.”

“Chen Yi was mixed between the two at the beginning, then all the inferences before were to be overturned, then the so-called secret room, didn’t it exist from the beginning?”

“But there is a new question, didn’t Tang and Zhao determine that the wooden door cannot be opened from the inside, and if the door is locked from the outside, then how did Chen Yi get out later?”

Jiang Yingxue also found this problem and understood it deeper: “If you mix in it at the beginning, then there should be no lock outside the door, otherwise you can’t get out, Zhao Zimai made an alibi in the café during that time, and there is no way to meet you outside, and if the door is not locked, then don’t worry about Tang and Zhao opening from the inside?” Even if you resist the door by pretending to open the door, one person is not as strong as two people, right? They will definitely use brute force to open the door when they are trapped in this way, and ordinary snapping techniques are absolutely useless. If you lock it completely with nails or other methods, it is impossible not to leave a trace. ”

The audience in the live broadcast room felt that they had learned that they could still snap the trick and pretend to open the door with their hands against the door, but even so, it was not rigorous.

Tang and Zhao simulated very hard, normal situation is closed, will desperately open the door, at this time Chen Yi wants to use a little trick to block the door, basically impossible. If you want to do it, I am afraid that there is a lot of luck in it, and it is impossible for Chenyi to block the key step on luck.

And nailed with nails, it will definitely leave marks.

Chen Yi nodded: “If the door is not locked, I really can’t stop them when they open the door with brute force.” Please give us a moment to rearrange this warehouse, which was not the way it was in the first place. ”

Saying that, Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai moved in a door from outside.

This door is similar in size and shape to the warehouse door, but the color is different.

Then they moved the shelves under the wall opposite the door to the warehouse door.

Then lean the door that moved in against the wall behind the original shelf, and then use nails to nail the door to the wall, and the previous nail holes were left in this way.

When Jiang Yingxue saw this, her brain boomed.

Xia Luo and Zhou Shuyu stood up again with excitement.

Song Ru and the five groups that solved the case were still wondering what Chenyi was doing.

I saw that Chen Yi had already begun to continue to demonstrate, he groped in the dark and touched the fake door nailed to the wall: “Come and see, there is a door here.” ”

Song Ru and the five groups that solved the case suddenly understood, and their expressions instantly seemed like they had seen a ghost. The audience in the live broadcast room also woke up and were stunned.

Turning around, the real warehouse door is only closed and completely unlocked at the moment, whether it is opened from the outside or from the inside, it is unimpeded. It’s just that the real door is blocked by the object rack, and it is difficult to touch it in the dark, and Tang and Zhao were led to the fake door by Chen Yi, and they naturally thought that it was the door.

And that false door naturally can’t be pushed open, no matter how much brute force you can’t push open, after all, it’s not a door at all, but a hard wall.

In the comment area of the live broadcast room, the frying pan was suddenly up.

“Lying groove, it turns out that Chen Yi not only dropped the bag but also dropped the door.”

“It turns out that the nail holes in the walls are left like this.”

“Teacher Xia said to pay attention to those nail holes, and it was really right.”

“Before Jiang Yingxue was still guessing, using those nails to pull the rope to pull the wooden bolt apart, how could I not have imagined that there was originally a fake door nailed here.”

“It’s not clear at all in the dark, and I’m afraid that if you are guided by Chen Yi, you will indeed mistakenly think that it is the door, not to mention that the real door is blocked by the object shelf, it is difficult to touch, the color is not right, and you can’t see it naturally.”

Tang and Zhao also understood at this time, and their backs felt cold again. It turns out that not only people are fake, but even the door touches are fake. They looked at Chen Yi’s eyes, and they felt more and more terrifying.

They even have serious doubts about their own cognition, people are fake, doors are fake, what else is true?


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