The two crime-solving teams investigated for a while, but there was still no progress.

The twin sisters still have doubts, not sure whether suicide or homicide, Liu Dong and Xu Yang are sure that it is suicide, but they cannot find the motive for each other’s suicide.

And you have to think about the content of the report, you have to find out the strange sound here, whether the deceased committed suicide or homicide, it may be related to this sound.

At this time, Su Yilin suddenly thought of something, approached Su Ruoxia’s ear and whispered, Su Ruoxia’s eyes lit up, and then the two quietly left the classroom.

“The two of them, what are you doing sneaky?” Liu Dong was puzzled.

“I don’t know, did they find any clues?” Xu Yang said, suddenly thought of something, slapped his thigh, and said, “By the way, there is also a missing person.” ”

In the beginning, two people disappeared.

However, in the process of looking for someone, one of them committed suicide by jumping off the building, causing all their thoughts to be here, and they forgot that there was another person who was not found.

Another missing person is closely related to the deceased.

Maybe finding that person can explain everything.

Liu Dong and Xu Yang also ran out to search for another missing person.

The audience in the live broadcast room also reacted.

“I’ll go, I also forgot that there is another missing person.”

“Everyone jumped off the building here, who cares about another missing person.”

“But that person may also be in danger, maybe it is the key to solving the case.”

After a rough search by the two crime solving teams, no one was found.

This school is not very big, but it is definitely not small, there are more than three teaching buildings, several dormitory buildings, and a canteen, if a person hides, it is really difficult to find.

Just when they thought it would take a lot of time to find someone.

Suddenly, a row of footprints on the ground leading to the cafeteria caught their attention, and the building where Sun Qiang jumped off the building, there were many footprints in the corridor, and nothing could be seen.

But on this road, only a row of footprints was left, it was obvious, they immediately followed this footprint, followed, in order not to destroy the footprints, deliberately walked to the side, and let the cameramen, all follow their footprints, so that the row of footprints, perfectly preserved.

They followed their footprints all the way to the cafeteria.

Footprints were found in the cafeteria, but the door of the cafeteria was closed.

They pushed open the door of the cafeteria hard, and saw that the footprints extended to the center of the cafeteria, and then, they disappeared out of thin air, and the surrounding area was empty, and they couldn’t jump so far according to reason.

“What’s going on, people?”

“How could his shoe prints disappear out of thin air?”

They felt a little weird and looked around.

At this time, it was Liu Dong again, and the ghost looked up at it, and then he was suddenly frightened, and almost sat on the ground again, exclaiming: “Look at it quickly.” ”

Xu Yang, Su Yilin, Su Ruoxia, and the cameramen all looked up. I saw a person strangled by a rope and hung in the air by his neck, his feet dangling gently in the air.

This canteen is also a modern building, but it seems that in order to build a classical style, the roof has some beams, and this body is suspended from the measurement.

“Oh my God, what a dead man?”

“Isn’t it a simulated crime, how can you really hang yourself?”

“Could it be that a murderer entered indiscriminately and really killed people while the program group was simulating?”

“, it won’t be so scary.”

The girl and the tall boy turned pale with fright. One of the girls muttered something in her mouth while retreating, and the cameraman was far away and could not hear clearly.

Everyone was frightened, which was different from the director’s mock scene of the murder, where the director’s feet were tiptoed on the ground, and upon closer inspection, it was clear that the hangings were fake.

But in front of him, his feet were suspended two or three meters in the air, and a rope was strangled around his neck, hanging in the air, and his face was pale and hanging to the side, which was really hanged no matter how he looked at it.

Fortunately, at this time, Su Yilin found an abnormality, and she shone it with a flashlight and said: “Look, there is a steel wire that hangs Weiya as an auxiliary rope.” ”

Everyone took a closer look and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I saw a steel wire, tied around the armpit of the body, and at the top of the wire, there was also a piece of paper with a few big words written on it: “Analog auxiliary steel wire, the actual situation is not.” ”

Xu Yang said: “In fact, there is no steel wire, that means that he is also dead, this is the scene of the crime, everyone be careful not to destroy the scene.” ”

“I go, the simulation of the program group is really more and more real, scared to death, but can it be so real, just mean it casually.” Liu Dong complained.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but complain, this simulation hanging, really almost to the point of fake real, this seriousness is worthy of praise, but it’s really scary.

“Just simulate the meaning of the meaning, can it be so real?”

“At first, I still thought that the director stood on tiptoe, which meant that he was hanged, a bit of a joke, but now I think it’s okay, it’s too scary to be too true.”

“In the beginning, I really thought it was dead.”

“But in this way, this simulated crime killed two people.”

“There are only footprints of the deceased nearby, and this person also looks like he committed suicide.”

“Isn’t it too strange that both of them suddenly disappeared and then suddenly committed suicide.”

“This case, it’s really not that simple, right?”


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