At this point, the case has been fully revealed.

Xu Yang, Liu Dong, Su Ruoxia, and Su Yilin were all shocked and could not calm down for a long time, and their minds filtered the entire crime process over and over again.

The whole case was clear, Zhang Bin first guided the three to this abandoned school, and then first killed Sun Qiang, then pretended to commit suicide, then killed Zhang Mei, and then really committed suicide.

A three-person serial murder case, but there is no murderer other than three.

They mistakenly thought that the first time Zhang Bin pretended to commit suicide, he was dead, and he got the wrong order, resulting in the whole case, completely clueless, and even let Zhao Jun carry the black pot.

The more they filtered, the more shocked they were at the exquisite design of Chenyi’s case, really every step, it was so exquisite, and when combined, it was even more amazing.

The comment area in the live broadcast room is still boiling.

“It’s finally declassified, it’s wonderful.”

“Every step is unexpected, but reasonable, three serial murder cases without murderers other than these three people, it is simply amazing.”

“It’s a feast of logical reasoning, I’ll look at it again when I look back.”

“It’s even more exciting than a suspense blockbuster.”

“I think the biggest breakthrough compared to the first two cases is the use of real relationships and motives for killing, which makes the case more real and more complex.”

“It’s also thought-provoking, bullies are really abominable.”

At this time, Chen Yi spoke: “Maybe some people are curious about what happened to that curse in Gusu Experimental Middle School. In fact, the three bullies, two of them are riding motorcycles and racing, I don’t know who posted the big avatars of the four people who were bullied and jumped off the building to commit suicide on the road, they were thieves, and they were so frightened that they overturned, resulting in one death and one serious injury. Another is afraid that this is someone taking revenge, in order to avoid disasters, deliberately pretending to be crazy and selling stupidity. ”

“As for the teacher who molested the student fell into the well, it was because the molested student saw that someone was not even afraid of death, and summoned up the courage to resist, and he was later sentenced to legitimate defense.”

“Here I say, everyone must not bully and do not molest, otherwise it will force people to be anxious, even honest people will resist, there may be no curse in this world, but there is retribution.”

Xu Yang, Liu Dong, Su Ruoxia, Su Yilin and the audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Xia Luo, Zhou Shuyu, Lin Hai, and Liu Qinyi, were all shocked in their hearts and suddenly realized.

“Oh my God, that’s how it is.”

“It turns out that this crime echoes the history of this school.”

“No wonder he chose this school not just for the atmosphere.”

“This simply sublimates the entire theme of the crime.”

The four members of the case-solving team were even more convinced now, and they realized that this crime was not only subtle, but also too meaningful, and would definitely become a social phenomenon discussed by the whole network.

Crimes of this level, they do not complain.

Su Yilin, Su Ruoxia, and Xu Yang all showed a convincing expression, only Liu Dong’s face suddenly changed, and said: “Muggle, if you deduct four more points, then we will lose nine points.” ”

He was not dissatisfied, but he felt too miserable and unlucky.

Xu Yang thought of the score, and his face suddenly darkened.

Su Yilin and Su Ruoxia were stunned, and asked with wide eyes: “Why do you lose so many points?” ”

They deducted three points for the first case, and then earned it back to zero points, even if they deduct four points now, it is only negative four points, how did they do it with negative nine points?

Liu Dongdu was about to cry: “Chenyi Zhao Zimai’s second crime, we also collided.” ”

Su Yilin and Su Ruoxia were stunned for a moment, and then couldn’t control their laughter, originally felt that they were quite unlucky, but now they are suddenly comfortable.

Seeing that Liu Dongdu was about to cry, Xu Yang’s face was as black as charcoal, and they realized that it was too impolite not to laugh now, but they couldn’t control it at all.

Liu Dong and Xu Yang didn’t want to stay here for another minute, and left in a hurry with black faces, they had to take advantage of the few remaining time to quickly solve other cases, otherwise it would be dangerous.

Su Yilin and Su Ruoxia thought that their situation was not optimistic, and the minus four points were also on the verge of elimination, so they suddenly couldn’t laugh, and they hurriedly went to take other cases.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but be happy.

“Hahaha, it’s so miserable to solve the five groups of cases.”

“When they took this case, I said whether they would regret it later, but I never expected that it was a four-point case, they were really miserable.”

“It’s not easy for ordinary people to achieve minus nine points.”

“Su Yilin and Su Ruoxia were originally quite unlucky, but they were calculated compared to the five groups of solving the case.”

The four commentators who were still shocked in their hearts couldn’t help but be surprised.

Liu Qinyi smiled and said, “Hahaha, they are so miserable.” ”

Lin Hai shook his head and smiled: “Chen Yi Zhao Zimai’s three cases were all hit by them, and this luck is also nobody.” There is no doubt that they are now significantly behind the end. ”

Charlotte sighed and smiled: “I can’t blame them for not being able to solve the case, I can only say that Chen Yi is too devilish, especially this cursed serial murder case, if it happens in reality, it can definitely be included in the world’s top ten suspenseful cases in history, and many professional detectives may not be able to solve it.” ”

Zhou Shuyu said: “His level of participating in variety shows is too bullying. ”

Xie Kui, the director of the headquarters, also watched the case of Chen Yi and Zhao Zimai at this time, and he felt amazing and helpless, thinking that you can really save some face for the case-solving team?


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