Chapter 0096 – One Punch Superman Shiomi Jun!!

Undoubtedly, the current Tsuki Xian Zuoemon feels that the Far Moon is a pool of stagnant water, so he wants to let Kohei Sojin stimulate the vitality of the Far Moon, so that these young people can grow up better.

But he didn’t want this pool to be drained directly, so he didn’t want other forces to stir it in.

If the results of this game are publicized now, then those people are estimated to take out chips that even Xue Chexian Zuoemon cannot refuse to send their geniuses in.

“Hey, hey, if you want to die, don’t drag us down!”

The other Shijie looked at Ruiyama Edatsuya with a crazy expression, how did he not find this mercenary guy so crazy before, he really dared to do anything for money.

“What is your expression? I said yes if, if I don’t really want to do this, even if I give me ten more dares, I don’t dare! ”

Eizan Edatsu also looked at these people with a twitching face, didn’t he just make a hypothesis? He didn’t dare to really do it, otherwise the power he was operating now would collapse directly 19 in an instant, and there would be nothing left.

“Even so, I admire you, I found that this guy of yours is a dangerous person, it is better to stay away from you in the future, in case you suddenly do such a thing one day with your brain pumping, I don’t want to be affected.”

Even Kobayashi Gentian has always been very difficult, and decided to stay away from this guy in the future, God knows if this guy will really convulsion and make trouble, and it will not be good if he is accidentally dragged into the water at that time.

Although this probability is infinitely close to zero, it must be guarded against.

“No matter how messy I am, I can’t surpass Senior Sister Gentian you, you are the most dangerous of the Ten Masters.”

Ruiyama Zhijin also heard this and several crosses appeared in the brain, what is this called, the craziest and most unruly one of the ten masters actually said that he was dangerous, this is a little too much.

“Okay, okay, let’s skip this topic directly.”

At this time, Si Yingshi stood up as a peacemaker, after all, there is no point in arguing about this now.

“I almost forgot about you guy, if you go crazy, no one can compare with you.”

Xiao Lin Gentian looked at Si Yingshi, don’t look at this guy’s usual look of being very weak, but the real psychological problem is that this guy is right.

Si Yingshi is actually easy to drill because of his special ability, and his personality does not belong to the type of mixed society.

Although he will appear to be a snake with others, he will change his face after leaving the crowd.

It is precisely because of this that this guy will be targeted by the beak thistle and successfully countered, so in this group of people, the biggest momentum of psychological problems is Si Yingshi.

The Ten Masters were arguing here, and on the other side, Erina, and the others had already eaten the roasted wheat made by Guan Lin.

It is also a burst of envy that makes others look at it, after all, they can’t eat it.

Guan Lin’s dishes will not be prepared for them, and Joichiro’s will not be, and even if Joichiro prepares them for them, they dare not eat it, look at these judges, and they dare not touch it after eating a bite.

In this case, they are not going to touch the mold, and they are not blessed with such a dish.

“Joichiro, do you want to go back to Polar Star Liao?”

When the scene ended, Dojima Silver opened his mouth to ask his friend, although he had not seen each other for a long time, but the relationship would not fade much.

“Polestar Liao? Forget it this time, I plan to wait until Chuangzhen and they come to live at the school for a while. ”

Joichiro opened his mouth and said, although he also missed the polar star liao, but think about it, and then he will go back.

“You really are, you have already arrived at the school and don’t go back to take a look, if Mrs. Wen Xu knows, I am afraid that I will not teach you a good lesson.”

Dojima Silver said a little speechlessly.

“Hahahaha, then don’t let Mrs. Wen Xu know.”

Joichiro couldn’t help but laugh.

“Joichiro senior!”

However, just as he was laughing, a voice like a demon suddenly came from behind him.

And a malice rushed straight from the vertebrae to the brain, this feeling, Joichiro felt that this was simply more terrifying than his Asura Chef heart.

And who made this voice, he has already heard it.

But the moment he turned around, a fist that seemed to be portrayed with dead words slammed in.

At this time, Joichiro seemed to be Genos facing Saitama-sensei’s fist, as if he sensed the concept of death from this fist.


After a dull sound, even Joichiro, who had been exercising all along, flew out directly upside down, and then smashed to the ground, and his face swelled up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Dojima Gin, who was watching this scene, was also stunned for a moment, and then his expression turned to gloating.

At the same time, everyone else saw this scene.

“Being… Got beaten? Senior Joichiro was actually beaten by Jun-sensei Shiomi?! ”

The ten masters looked confused, the course that Shiomi Jun was responsible for was in the second grade, although some of the ten masters were only in the second grade, but as the ten masters, they naturally knew Shiomirun better.

And the aura on Shiomi Jun’s body is also incredible, and they have more or less asked Shiomi Jun some questions.

In their eyes, 383, the senior Shiomi Jun, should be a weak and gentle girl, but now he actually punched such a punch directly.

This is simply a scene that can only be seen in hot-blooded comics.

“Finally, I have been waiting for this punch for a long time, and the fist that I have been training hard for a long time is finally used.”

Shiomi Jun looked at the fallen Joichiro and let out a long breath, this punch, she had practiced for many years, just to deliver this punch when she saw Joichiro again in the future.

To be honest, such a setting is placed in a fantasy novel, which is definitely an Avenger setting that is practicing hard for revenge.

Of course, Shiomi Jun’s punch was also to take revenge on Joichiro’s behavior of experimenting with various dark dishes with her.

And Guan Lin feels that this punch is not just revenge on this, it is estimated that Shiomi Jun back then is similar to Tashoe in the original work, and likes Ichiro Koshiro.

Megumi Tasho in the original work undoubtedly liked Kohei Sojin, but unfortunately the Halberd Spirit is not a harem anime, although in terms of drawing style, it is more excessive than harem manga, but in the end it is a match for one.

In Kohei Sojin’s original book, he is destined to come together with Erina.

So this punch is estimated to have this aspect of resentment, it can only be said that Joichiro ate this punch without the slightest problem, it should be…

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