Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 108 The False Proposition Of Love

"...The people in the company are still unable to understand the greatness of the Lord as always."

Saint Joseph took a deep look at Lu Nan, with obvious disappointment on his cheeks.

Then, without waiting for Lu Nan to refute, the devout believer asked again.

"Since we can't agree on the same opinion, I would like to ask you as a pair, what do you think of this taboo thing [true love]."

"I think it should be destroyed."

Xiao Youwei took the hint from Lu Nan and wrote down the answer first.

From the perspective of this Sanwu loli, the relationship between Lu Nan and her developed quite smoothly.

[True love] is of no use to her.

If he kept this dangerous prop, it... meant that Lu Nan was at risk of being forced by others and falling in love with someone else.

In this case, what would she do with this so-called [true love] to cause trouble for herself and increase her love rivals?

"Should it be destroyed?"


From the beginning to the end, Xiao Youwei never doubted whether she would lose her current feelings because of that bottle of taboo.

In the eyes of this Sanwu loli, her feelings for Lu Nan were far beyond the favorability that so-called "true love" could create.

"That's a good answer. Well, as a guardian, what do you think, Mr. Legal Person?"

After Saint Joseph patiently read the handwriting on Xiao Youwei's notebook, he turned his attention to Lu Nan.

There was scrutiny in his eyes.

"Speaking of this, I thought of a very classic debate question. If a person has a superpower that makes others fall in love with him, should he use it?"

Lu Nan did not answer directly, but put his hand on his chin, thinking deeply as he spoke.

"Oh, the superpower of this argument is somewhat similar to the effect of [True Love]."

Saint Joseph nodded imperceptibly and motioned for Lu Nan to continue.

"The debater who believes that it should be used, believes that people who do not use this super power to create love may appear to love rationally and restrainedly, but in reality they are very cowardly."

"Love is a noble lie. There is no most suitable word in the vast sea of ​​people. Therefore, the process of making others fall in love with you is to deceive the other person and make the other person mistakenly think that you are the most suitable person for her, and to carefully Maintain that lie.”

"Therefore, in Zhengfang's view, it is feasible to use superpowers to make girls fall in love with him, and falling in love is not a big deal. It is great to continue to fall in love."

While Lu Nan was thinking, he tried his best to use as brief words as possible to express the positive views of the debate in his memory.

This debate is quite classic and is something that many people agree with.

However, in Lu Nan's view, the conclusion in this passage... that only if you continue to love can you be great, is the conclusion that he can agree with.

However, everything else was inconsistent with his values.

That so-called noble lie is even more ridiculous.

True love is not about being deceived and mistakenly thinking that you are the most suitable person to be with you.

But it is quite unreasonable to choose to be with you because of the throbbing in my heart even though I know that you are not the best choice.

It’s just that...this feeling is too precious and too rare in reality.

So that in the eyes of most people, this beautiful thing like a fairy tale is a dream that does not exist at all.

"It sounds a little bit reasonable. So, does your Excellency, the legal person, think that [true love] should be used or exploited to obtain a 'noble' lie?"

St. Joseph answered, stroking his beard.

Although this pious letter contains no harsh words.

But from his cold eyes and sarcastic expression, it could be seen that he did not support the point of view Lu Nan just put forward at all.

"Everyone will have different opinions on the same point of view due to their own three views. At least...I don't agree with this kind of thing which is tantamount to sophistry in my eyes."

"Anything based on depriving others of their free will cannot be considered love no matter how you look at it, so I agree with Youwei's view that [true love] should be destroyed."

Lu Nan shook his head and expressed his opinion.

While saying this, the former gamer couldn't help but think of the dark views that flashed through his mind.

[True love] is indeed a very useful taboo.

As long as he uses it properly, there is a high probability that Lu Nan can solve his urgent need and lock in his good feelings so that Youwei and the others will not do anything to him after knowing the truth.

However, he still couldn't agree with this approach.

"What if I said that my superpower of making others fall in love with me is part of my strength?"

"Just as a girl may fall in love with me because of my appearance, my wealth, and my power, why can't she fall in love with me because of my superpowers or forbidden things?"

Saint Joseph seemed to be a little more interested, and he told Lu Nan another hypothesis.

"The first three can still be seen as the result of the free will choice of the person you love, while the latter will trample on the other person's thoughts and make them have no choice."

"If you really agree that [true love] can be used to obtain love, then you should also agree with rape, tarnishing a girl's innocence, taking ugly photos of her, and forcing her to choose your approach."

Lu Nan spread his hands and gave a very vulgar analogy.

"I think Zhengfang should have another point of view. For example, that kind of superpower is just a step for both parties to try together. How can you be sure that real feelings will not arise after trying to be together?"

"Well, for the same reason, the rape mentioned by Your Excellency the legal person is the same. How can you be sure that two people who are together in this way will not have true love?"

Saint Joseph hit the ground with his staff and continued to ask with a difficult look.

"This must also be based on the perpetrator being adequately punished."

Lu Nan subconsciously gave the answer.

However, after taking a look at Xiao Youwei and remembering what happened in last week's episode, the former gamer suddenly fell into embarrassment.

He didn't seem qualified to say such a thing.

"Okay, this topic ends here. Your Excellency, I already know what kind of person you are through the conversation just now."

"Let's go back to the original topic. Well, in my opinion, the existence of [true love] is also a mistake. So, Lu Nan, please remember my advice...don't alarm the one I love. Let him do it himself.”

St. Joseph looked at Lu Nan's embarrassed look and sighed in understanding. He didn't say anything difficult, but instead slowly expressed his own opinion.

"This is the doctrine established by the Lord, and it is also the code that our believers have always followed."

"Don't disturb the one I love. Do you want to make him willing?"

Lu Nan silently recited the teachings of the church and fell into deep thought.

To some extent, Salisi does practice this view of love.

Otherwise, her ability could completely brainwash Lu Nan into the shape she wanted without even realizing it.

“I’m excited to meet like-minded people in the company.”

Saint Joseph's tone was much softer than before. He looked at Lu Nan and said pointedly.

"However... I still can't trust the company behind you. Your Excellency, you should also know that none of us can fully represent the forces behind us."

Lu Nan patted his face and replied with a polite smile: "However, we can reach a consensus."

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