Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 11 Please Pretend To Be Husband And Wife With Me

"Lu Nan, do you think the company's handling is right?"

Xiao Youwei wrote these words on paper and pen.

This Sanwu loli...is trying her best to guide Lu Nan, trying to make the man in front of her show some dislike for the company.

Even after listening to the description of the mission just now, Xiao Youwei herself didn't think there was anything wrong with the mission.

"It doesn't matter whether it's right or not. It's enough to be able to maintain order and prevent the federation from falling into chaos."

Lu Nan took a deep look at Xiao Youwei who didn't know how to hide her thoughts.

He shook his head and continued to speak.

"Maybe there is something wrong with the way I just said it... The company's behavior cannot be regarded as persecuting innocent people. At best, it can only be regarded as gangsters taking advantage of gangsters."

"Arms dealer, gang leader, this Xu Sheng has come this far. If you say he doesn't deserve to die, I don't believe it. There are no innocent good people in this world."

A distorted capital product like a company cannot be a good thing.

However... if you think about it from a diode perspective, you would think that those who are on the company's liquidation list are not worthy of death and are good people who are being persecuted.

That is obviously nonsense too.

In the distorted world view of the game "The Savior", probably only those who are weak and incapable of causing harm to others can be regarded as good people in the conventional sense.

As for other people, the higher they stand, the more innocent souls they have under their feet.

"Lu Nan is right... except you, everyone in the world deserves to die."

Xiao Youwei nodded in agreement after listening to Lu Nan's words.

Although, her induction just now was not successful.

But... after hearing Lu Nan say that there are no innocent people in this world, this Sanwu loli became inexplicably happy.

"Are they all going to die?"

Lu Nan had no choice but to hold his head.

He just wanted to tell the girl in front of him that the world was not black and white.

But... Isn't Xiao Youwei's reaction a bit extreme?

For normal children, after learning that the world is not as beautiful as they imagined, wouldn't the worst-case scenario be that their worldview collapses and they decide to join the evil party?

"Forget it, you will die if you die, Weapon, you choose a disguised identity."

"In order to prevent the church from accusing our company of acting overbearingly, it is best for us to act under a false identity that has nothing to do with the company before making a final decision."

Lu Nan shook his head, placed several fake ID cards on the table, and began to directly talk about his plan to Xiao Youwei.

The company does a good job in keeping identities confidential.

Lu Nan believed that even if he stood directly in front of the mission target without makeup, there was a high probability that the target would not be able to recognize him.

"This couple's ID card."

After Xiao Youwei glanced at it, he quickly wrote down his choice in the notebook.

"You choose this brother and sister's fake ID card...right?"

Lu Nan pretended not to see this Sanwu loli's choice. He took out two of the ID cards and placed them on the table.

"No, it's these two married couples."

Xiao Youwei took Lu Nan's hand.

She placed the notebook with her thoughts in front of Lu Nan again and shook it.

This Sanwu loli obviously has no intention of compromising like this.

"Still brother and sister, weapons, you can't control the role of wife."

Lu Nan held down his ID card.

He shook his head again and said to Xiao Youwei with a sure look.


Xiao Youwei tilted her head, she looked at Lu Nan and wrote down her doubts.

"It's not so easy to pretend to be a couple. Brothers and sisters act too unfamiliar, and they can explain it by saying that their relationship is not good, but it's too fake to be a couple."

Lu Nan shook his head again, and he planned to use words to persuade the girl in front of him to give up her bad idea.

However, before he finished speaking, Xiao Youwei suddenly "attacked" him.

"Now... are you still unfamiliar?"

Xiao Youwei's breathing sounded in Lu Nan's ears.

While the guardian was talking and relaxing his vigilance, this three-no loli did not hesitate to attack Lu Nan's cheek and left her own mark on his face.

After finishing, she did not forget to write down the "provocative" words and questioned Lu Nan.

"Haha, of course it's awkward. You don't think that we are a couple if we do a stiff action, do you?"

"But since this is our first mission, I will accommodate you once."

"Also, remember, You...Weapon, our next identities are not real...just disguised."

Lu Nan took out a tissue and wiped his face.

He put the fake ID card representing the couple on the table with an expressionless face and agreed to Xiao Youwei's proposal.

Of course, the reason why Lu Nan changed his mind temporarily was not because he was tempted by the superficial "benefits" Xiao Youwei had just given.

He just felt that...he should respect the girl's proposal appropriately.

After all, if Xiao Youwei didn't obey, the mission that was originally a sure thing might fail.

"On top of pretending to be ignorant of last week's events, he put on another disguise... You are such a liar~☆"

"Hehehe~, I really look forward to the day when you can't keep pretending and expose your evil deeds last week. The next mission may become an opportunity for this to happen!"

A strange voice seemed to come from the unknown void.


Most cities in the Federation are divided into three areas: upper, middle, and lower.

Companies, churches, and government officials of the city-state live in the upper level.

The middle level is for special citizens with higher social status and wealthy businessmen.

As for the lowest level, it belongs to civilians and the poor.

The legal arms company opened by Xu Sheng and himself are located in the middle level area.

And the gang under his command is the overlord of the lower city.

If you want to catch the other party's vest and deduct black material, the latter is naturally a better choice.

"Mr. Lu, welcome back to the Brotherhood."

Lu Nan took out the fake ID card given to him by the company and came to Xu Sheng's gang in the lower city almost unimpeded.


Xiao Youwei followed Lu Nan closely, looking around vigilantly.

This three-no Lolita had no sense of playing the role of a wife.

This look of fear that someone nearby would hurt Lu Nan... looked like a bodyguard.

However, no one would really regard her as an ordinary bodyguard.

Because Xiao Youwei's momentum is very strong now.

At this moment, she is wearing a black windbreaker with her hands in her pockets.

This cool look, and the cold murderous aura emanating from her body, is quite a bit like... the kind of cold-blooded female killer who will kill you if you don't agree with her.

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