Let You Support Your Wife, Not Your Boss

Chapter 112: Darkening Three Times Stronger

"Is the persecution too severe?"

"So, Your Highness is worried that Xiao Zi will imprison you like a yandere and do something particularly terrible?"

Sallys' eyes lit up when she heard Lu Nan's words, and the speed of her calf shaking also increased a lot.

Then... the princess acted as if she had discovered something interesting, and asked the former game player in a slightly anxious tone.

"Well, so I think it would be better to bring a bodyguard." Lu Nan nodded and admitted with a headache, "But this approach has no other effect except to ensure my safety."

"It seems that I am not wrong. By the way, speaking of it... you have already met the first two of the three families, and they didn't do anything to you. Why are you still worried about Xiao Zi?"

Sallys seemed to have some questions. She looked at Lu Nan, who looked like he was facing a great enemy in front of the communication equipment, and her face was full of confusion.

"It's different." Lu Nan shook his head without hesitation and denied it with a strange tone.

"Then can you tell me why you trust Youwei and Anna but not Xiaozi?"

Sally stopped shaking her feet, and her tone became more and more teasing.

"How should I put it? First of all, Youwei is a bit dull...slow. She didn't think she could play like this when she didn't feel much crisis."

Lu Nan put his hands together, supported his chin, and said with a slightly helpless tone.

"And Anna's words...that child is indeed a bit too gentle. Before she is really desperate to a certain extent, no matter what she says, she will not be so evil that she will hurt the people she loves."

"In short, one of the two girls is dull and the other is a tortoise. Ahem, can they withstand pressure?"

Sally clapped her hands and made a simple summary of Lu Nan's words.

In response, Lu Nan was a little speechless.

Although Sally...what she said was not euphemistic at all, and even very aggressive.

But her summary was really correct.

"Almost the same, but Fengjian is different from them, she is very strange."

Lu Nan shook his head, expelled the strange thoughts, and continued to explain the topic just now.

"On the surface, Fengjian Zi is a game god who is very powerful on the Internet and can open other people's boxes at will...cough cough cough, a network master."

"But in fact, she is quite timid and seriously lacks a sense of security in reality. When such girls encounter a major crisis, they often behave extremely extreme."

Lu Nan thought about the image of the winged hacker loli in his memory, and a sense of uneasiness came to his heart.

Although it is said that blackening is three times stronger and whitening is three points weaker.

But strictly speaking...this statement is actually inaccurate.

Just like the "blackening" rich people as capitalists may not exploit ordinary people as much as some "whitening" entrepreneurs.

Blackening is three times stronger...This sentence is not aimed at bad children, but at those good children who look honest and obedient.

Although she is timid in nature, Feng Jianzi, who has ideals and tries her best to change the Federation, looks like a person who will become a big boss after turning evil.

"If you think it's dangerous, why do you want to meet Xiao Zi? Hiding from her is also an option."

Sally asked another obvious question in a low voice.

"... Just like Youwei and the others, I made the child look like this now, so I must take some responsibility."

Lu Nan shook his head gently.

"So... Your Highness, the purpose of your meeting this time is to give the child a glimmer of hope while ensuring safety?"

Salis nodded her little head like a bird and asked with doubt.

"That's right, only I can do this kind of thing, phew... It's all my fault, Shalis, you made [The Savior] too ML. The female character in it is without me as [Player] After that, they no longer have a life of their own.”

"There is really no other way. Even if I am not very willing to have close contact with beautiful girls, I can only reluctantly use this method to save them."

Lu Nan coughed, adjusted his mood, and said something in a joking tone that sounded very low-key and self-centered, but was indeed the truth.

"There is no way. Since the audience is a male player, His Highness, I will definitely set up a trap for charming men to make you fall for it!"

Shalisi looked at Lu Nan with a sweet smile.

As that tired-looking face came into view, the princess' thoughts couldn't help but go back to the time when she had just "stolen" Lu Nan into this world.

At that time...his attitude towards cheating the heroine in last week's episode was [I did something bad in the game ≠ I have to bear it in reality]

Now, Lu Nan has equated himself last week with his real self, and is trying to take the initiative to take on that sin.

From this point of view, Anna and Youwei still have a great influence on him.

However, this change is not what I expected.

"By the way, speaking of hope, Your Highness, do you think I have transformed you into what I want...hope? If not, then I am so beautiful and have all the good qualities. Your Highness, the princess who is one body, is about to turn dark~♥”

Shalis climbed up from the bed and ran into Lu Nan's arms. She said with a playful expression.

"Generally speaking, the final BOSS will not completely overturn before the finale."

Lu Nan spread his hands and looked directly at Shalisi's cheek with a very calm expression.


When Lu Nan walked out of the room, Anna had already prepared lunch.

This white-haired Saintess is very good at cooking. The dishes she makes taste great, and the rich aroma is also tempting.

However... Xiao Youwei didn't seem to be in a very good mood.

Because that damn Anna made a lot of vegetables that she didn't like.

Looking at the dazzling array of green foods that almost rivaled meat dishes in quantity, Xiao Youwei felt like her face was turning green.

But today is still a little different from the fried rice last night... She can only eat the meat and not eat the vegetables next to it.

"Be good, Youwei, eat some vegetables, it's good for your health."

Xiao Youwei had just made such a "bold" decision in her heart.

A bright, eye-catching piece of roasted potato appeared in her bowl.


Xiao Youwei's blue pupils were instantly covered with the gray color of despair.

She turned her head and looked at Lu Nan, with a wolfish expression on her face, showing a rather aggrieved look.

"Oh! Youwei, why are you so happy? It seems you like eating potatoes very much."

Looking at Xiao Youwei, it was rare to see such a rich emotional expression.

Lu Nan couldn't help but want to tease this girl a little bit.

While he was talking, he had already used the serving chopsticks specially prepared by Anna to pick up several portions of potatoes and stuffed them into the bowl of this Sanwu loli.

...How can a breeder not play with his own wolf cubs?

"Lu Nan, are you going to betray me too?"

Xiao Youwei looked at Lu Nan with "shocked" eyes, and wrote down a pitiful accusation.

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